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re: Who here is a Democrat

Posted by magalodon on 1/23/24 at 3:06 am
[quote]Anyone but Trump. They dgaf about what Biden does[/quote] Call them useful idiots with a narrow agenda. ...
[quote]Think of all that wasted fricked money[/quote] Good thing is that these RiNO and Dem globohomo donors just spread that wealth around. Trump also had to spend money but he spent 1/10 of what the rest have spent. He's had a very efficient campaign. I believe he'll lock it up tomorrow...
[quote]roadGator MAGA![/quote] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/94d99d399fe8ccf8a65af58b695a9521/tumblr_pwm8b8WB6M1s7xfipo1_500.gifv[/img] ...
[quote]I don’t what’s worse, if it was a misspelling or intentional.[/quote] How will I weather teen nerd spelling burn for using speaker function. ...
[quote]MAGA![/quote] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/1ca11d3917db7f27fbd1d2af4dfd8245/tumblr_pwm8b8WB6M1s7xfipo4_500.gifv[/img]...
[quote]The border issue is one thing he definitely has in his favor. He should have been capitalizing on it.[/quote] He's the main spokesperson and leader on this issue who's done the most to address it from every facet. ...
[quote]Weak people lose the White House to a dementia patient and like turncoats, hand the Senate over to the Democrats.[/quote] Leftist talking point. ...
[quote]roadGator MAGA! [/quote] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/1ca11d3917db7f27fbd1d2af4dfd8245/tumblr_pwm8b8WB6M1s7xfipo4_500.gifv[/img] ...
[quote]roadGator MAGA![/quote] MAGA ) M ake A nother G OPe A ntiquaited [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwCo_vNWwAQyPXh?format=jpg&name=large[/img]...
[quote]The funny part is you have no idea why I typed MAGA! This is awesome. MAGA! [/quote] I know you can't be that stupid to think that. MAGA. ) [img]https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/authoring/authoring-images/2023/08/07/PDEM/70540171007-230806-bbq-bash-002.JPG?crop=5471,3091,x0,y278...
[quote]cajunangelle[/quote] roadGator and LoiPai are into some serious mental gymanstics neither is capable of after this humiliating several months of stanning for Ron. Like watching two fat kids who can't do a cartwheel trying to practictice a 360 doublebackflip lol. I've had some epic laugh...
[quote]MAGA![/quote] Oh, indeed. [img]https://www.news-journalonline.com/gcdn/authoring/2017/12/22/NDNJ/ghows-LK-60eface6-ac1a-6de1-e053-0100007f9ff7-d5ea9bb7.jpeg[/img]...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by magalodon on 1/22/24 at 9:51 pm
[quote]roadGator[/quote] Says a bitter keyboard man who screamed at the sky for a year that Ron will be the nominee. You look stupid, be honest with yourself, you don't know much about politics....
[quote]Maybe, but you are too stupid to know that he could [b]run for a Senate seat in Florida again.[/b][/quote] He's going to have to beg extra hard this time for Trump endorsement. Or has that ship sailed? ) [img]https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/08/trump-smirk.jpg?qualit...
[quote]There’s the new crew of cultists that are almost more rabid than the entirety of the rest of them. Are they getting paid by the post?[/quote] Gonna have a watch party tomorrow seeing Trump rip Nimrate a bigger hole. MAGA [img]https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/2141b4b/21...
[quote]roadGator[/quote] He's not worried, cause he's not running again for anything in FL. [img]https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/9Bzkzr8I2vz-EflWR1cn2Pu-7hZ0c4ypHN_Um1tRMsZVdw_3CAZpsd7rA4uyRY3gAKhd=w240-h480-rw[/img]...
[quote] will be on primetime CNN with Anderson Cooper [/quote] A Trey Gowdy.Chris Christie/ replacement...