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re: Are you a turtle?

Posted by LtColBeauregardBib on 1/26/24 at 3:41 am
[quote]but he is my generations (30years old) Hunter S. Thompson.[/quote] Hunter S. Thompson chronicled the dying gasps of an entire counter culture movement that reverberated around the world. Anthony Bourdain wrote pretentious a$$ pieces about food, which he then tried to tie into some inane...
Tried several times to exchange case information to delay the ride. At some point someone with some balls decided the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze when he kept playing games. ...
Holy balls. There it is! They used to tell us years ago, that there would be approx 75 active unidentified serial cases in the US which involved killing. BTR had THREE. At the same time. Imma dig into that. That has blown my mind. And I can imagine it was bad in Gainesville what with the ...
Also did not know that. Tht that fricker was from Wash. or something. One of the comments on this video POTUS recommended says that there were actually 3 active serials in BTR in close time frames. Guillery? I will look it up after I finish watching but that CAN’T be right? Three? What’s the pop the...
Thanks! I shall check it out. Some interesting times on this board when some of the other active LA based crime shite was going down. ...
I have seen some one off episodes on some crime shows here and there. But does anyone know if there is a specific dedicated documentary that looks into the timeframe that McGillis and Lee were both active in BTR? I get that it has been a spiraling crime issue there for awhile, but to have two activ...
[quote]Creating alters makes me feel dangerous. Like Jason Bourne with multiple fake passports. Gives me wood.[/quote] This is fricking fantastic...
[quote]STFU, Alter[/quote] Sonic. Now. Knuckle check time....
[quote]Most "I have been lurking for years" new posts are alters. The "lurking" is a feeble attempt to explain why the poster seems to know so much about the board.[/quote] Seen this happen, my favorite is when the more active posters decide whose alter you are. Some of the comparisons are hil...
Approx 18-19 yrs. Seen a crap ton of changes in personalities and boards etc. Been damn interesting. ...
Top of the list was Bob The Terrible, holy shite he was fantastic. Some of the ones over the years I have enjoyed (for different reasons) Yellowfin HugoStiglitz PeeJ Mr. Clean Sao RogerTheShrubber Paige Madamesquirrell Obtuse1 Eitek1 MeridianDog TulaneLsu Theantiquetiger SpicyStacy L...
Swear I’m not. Just one of the things I remember. When he started posting it was interesting because he had all these tidbits of knowledge, or perceived knowledge, about a lot of the active posters. Was fascinating. I remember when the FARK Board was super active, LSUFreek, NolaMan and whatnot. ...
You whippersnappers wouldn’t be so inclined to talk to me in such a way if Bob the Terrible was still around. I promise you he’d erect check ALL of you downvoting punkola’s. Probably make you a pie after… but you’d have to eat it in shame...
Ya’ll memba that? I think the thread title was “What do the lurkers think of you” or something like that. I’ve lurked this fricking place so long I feel like I know some of you. Couldn’t think of a better place to come out of the shadows and tell you all to STFU.. than the OT night crew. Also H...