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re: Trump haters...

Posted by Patriot2023 on 9/2/23 at 8:59 am
Mail in voting made it to where more people could vote. The end result is that Biden received over 81 million actual votes, with 306 electoral votes, compared to Trump’s 74 million actual and 232 electoral. It was a trouncing. ...

re: Trump haters...

Posted by Patriot2023 on 9/2/23 at 8:54 am
The country overall despises Trump. That’s why he lost miserably. This isn’t hard to grasp. ...
The top 3-4 Republicans candidates who had the courage to debate could actually win. The issue is that Trump’s fanboys are weighing the party down and forcing losses. It’s time to move on. ...
So are you arguing that the vaccines and/or shutting the country down were the right moves?...
[quote]Lol who is your preferred candidate in 24?[/quote] People who actually have a shot at energizing the republican base while convincing independents. It isn’t Trump. ...
[quote]The problem of course being asymptomatic transmission, by exactly the folks you allude to in your opening sentence. [/quote] If the correct people who were at elevated risk stayed at home, and took enhanced precautions, then why does it matter if the rest got asymptomatic infections? Come on...
His leadership was horrid. Most people knew it at the time. Give me a break. ...
You’re being played by Dems here. Trump will get trounced in 2024 if you trot that old losing fossil out there again. As previously stated, Trump energizes Democrats, independents despise him, and Republicans overall aren’t overly enthusiastic about him. Trump is also very old and takes away one...

re: Trump haters...

Posted by Patriot2023 on 9/2/23 at 8:29 am
It’s time to just accept that Trump lost because he’s a bad candidate. Even if you give those 2 states to him, he still loses the election. ...
[quote]And if he did you be here now bitching about the negative consequences that resulted from him not taking action. [/quote] Nope. I’m not giving this dude a pass for poor leadership....

re: Trump haters...

Posted by Patriot2023 on 9/2/23 at 8:22 am
[quote]BS! The media, as they do everything left, makes it appear that way. How did he get so many votes. Why are they using government agencies to illegally harass his campaign, yet ignore the illegal activities of Hillary and all the other democrats.[/quote] The honest truth is that in 2016 he r...
So are you arguing that Covid was super dangerous to everyone? If so, you’re 100% wrong. Trump could have recommended that the sick, obese, and elderly (like himself) be more careful and socially distance, while others went about their normal lives, while trying to minimize exposure to the others...

re: Trump haters...

Posted by Patriot2023 on 9/2/23 at 7:40 am
The vast majority of this country despises Trump. You just need to understand this. ...
[quote]The post was not addressed to you, alter. But since you chose to insert yourself, how about laying out the epidemiology and socio-economic consequences as you'd imagine them, sans OWS.[/quote] He could have easily recommend that older people, like himself, socially distance, while letting ...
[quote]The only thing Trump could have done directly would have been removing him from the task force. Fauci didn't have typical civil servant protections as a "Title 42" employee & he's not a presidential appointee. The process to terminate him has to be done in writing, with cause, and goes throu...
Primary votes haven’t even started. Republicans don’t need to trot out a fossil who energizes democrats, moderates despise, and republicans overall aren’t excited about. It’s a recipe for failure. So no, you’re wrong. It’s time to move on to someone with an actual chance at winning the general elect...
[quote]In that regard, you may not know what you think you know[/quote] This guy? Oof. [quote]Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening told his supporters to get the COVID-19 vaccine, saying it is a safe shot that works. "I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people t...
[quote]The only way Biden "destroys" anyone in an election is if the system is rigged again. That would, in part, require something akin to the pandemic. [/quote] Trump is Biden’s dream matchup for 2024. You’re getting played worse than Trump got played in 2020. He fires up the democrats to vote, m...
[quote]Personally I like the “he didn’t have a choice other than to print $7,4000,000,000,000 and throw it at people” excuse.[/quote] This also. I have no idea why he is getting a pass. Presidents face crises all the time. When the lights were on, Trump failed spectacularly. Why are we supposed to ...
I mean, maybe. It seems very likely he will win the nomination, but even more likely he will get destroyed by Biden if so. Maybe it’s time to consider changing course before the primaries start? Do we really want democrats to sweep the presidency and congress, then use that power to pack the SC, and...