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Registered on:12/6/2022
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ATF on Monday: "It's pronounced po-ta-tow." ATF on Tuesday: "It's pronounced po-tah-tow." ATF on Wednesday: "Potatoes are considered machine guns." ATF on Thursday: "Just kidding - Potatoes are only machine guns if you serve them Au Gratin." ATF on Friday: "Actually, the mere possession ...
[link=(https://www.theolympian.com/news/politics-government/article274683771.html)]WA becomes 10th state in the U.S. to ban assault weapons after Inslee signs bill into law[/link] [quote]An emergency clause in the assault weapons bill means that the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale, o...
when the only place you can see a live progressive is in the zoo...
it's NOT because of kamalamadingdong, it's because they have too much lead in their seat and no steel in their spines...
[quote] It’s time to start the [b]purge[/b][/quote] FIFY...

re: Equalizer 3 Trailer

Posted by Beardlington on 4/25/23 at 1:19 pm
oh hell yes, I'm in...
if the DNC isn't going to have them, then why should the RNC?...
[img]https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/2GEIRTUT3AI6VEOXZ5CCHVDWQM.jpg[/img] ...
[link=(https://twitter.com/waltermasterson/status/1650863211380633601)]https://twitter.com/waltermasterson/status/1650863211380633601[/link] :angry:...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Beardlington on 4/25/23 at 10:27 am
[quote]Because they KNOW they cannot beat him @ the ballot box[/quote] why not? they "beat" him in 2020 ...they had to cheat heavily to do it, but there's not a damn thing stopping them from doing that again...
because hannity is a cuck to the deep state, always has been...
good it's about time we dropped the pretense that Fox was conservative...
Fox has been pure dogshit since Ruport Murdoch took over and Tucker was the last sane voice there. Now they might as well merge with CNN, but they won't because they'll pump the anti-Trump message while the rest of the "media" says "see? even conservative fox news hates Trump"...
schumer, I've hated his guts for decades...
worse: we've become too accepting of communists who are using our freedoms against us to destroy our country...

re: Restless Leg Syndrome

Posted by Beardlington on 4/23/23 at 9:14 am
[img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1533/0491/products/D05_R001_HRES_T50_Bottle_A_002_750x.jpg?v=1645467899[/img] ~$6/bottle at walmart...