Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Lake Claiborne
Number of Posts:4602
Registered on:12/1/2007
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[quote]I started looking around in May and listened to a podcast with the 4 hour body author and read the book. Started in June and have lost 70 pounds since. [/quote] That’s fantastic!! Keep it up. Nothing like reclaiming some swagger!...
I’m low carb and have lost 20 lbs in 3 months. I eat meat, Greek yogurt, eggs, green leafy vegetables in abundance. I eat some cheese, keto flour tortillas in moderation. Still drink whiskey and vodka regularly too. I feel good on it and plan on sticking to it in some form even when the weight I...
The MSM can say what they want without impunity. So they toss bombs trying to trap anyone that’s conservative or in opposition to their dogma. Until we get equal representation in the media, they will continue to do this over and over. ...
[quote] I wish Vance had gone after her even harder. She deserved to be humiliated.[/quote] I do too, but then the talking point from the interview would be ‘Vance continues to mansplain’...
They still treat him as a hillbilly. With a crackhead mom that makes him white trash. ...
Why do they? Hubris. They feel Vance is a dumb hick hillbilly and no match for their elite progressive highly educated, mindset. It’s great to see him tear them down. ...
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.fragrancex.com%2Fimages%2Fproducts%2Fsku%2Flarge%2F675M.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ca808a5a64b76d308f5178844a57cd8bdc70c38a69b7b944e16846e7b9888531&ipo=images[/img] ...
Too many get hung up on age. My future wife was 31 and I was 24. It took some courting, pitching woo, etc. but we eventually became best friends. That was 36 years ago. But she would have dumped me in a heartbeat if she didn’t respect me. ...
Just don’t put the pussy on a pedestal. She will respect you if you respect yourself. All women will friend zone you if they don’t respect you. I had dated a LOT of women that bitched and moaned about everything. That was their schtick. I liked my wife better than that and wasn’t going to l...
The first time me I took my future wife went to meet my parents, she bitched about my driving the entire first 5 miles. I pulled over on the side of the road , reached over, and opened her door. I told her I was going to the lake and meet my parents and if she would be quiet she could go with me. Sh...
I was 24 and my future wife was 31. I talked to her for almost a year before she finally talked back. We married about 3 months after our first date. Now, we’ve been married for 36 years so perseverance is more important than age! We’ve got the best marriage of any I know. ...
Ron is incredible. Can’t wait to cast my vote for him when he’s the nominee. ...
No it’s not how it’s supposed to work, you Marxist scum!...
Bogus calls got you out of a bind. ...
All of them except 1. John King usually keeps his opinions of the candidates to himself. ...
[quote]ewilliams Also come in plastic 1/2 gallons[/quote] Evan Williams I buy is in glass. 1.75L...
It’s not about what they feel. Facts be damned!...