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Registered on:11/28/2007
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re: My buddy that’s NOLA PD and SWAT

Posted by AngelBaby on 7/14/24 at 6:55 pm
But if Level 2 was responsibility of the state... Isn't that "Scranton Joe's" state, not that it absolves DS ...

re: GA folks and Soros org

Posted by AngelBaby on 5/17/24 at 8:41 pm
So is former Congressman Adam Kinzigner (R-Ill)??? Kemp ran the most open state in the union through Covid. Leave him alone. He's the reason Ga is a hell of a lot better than my (old) home state and your thug leadership - both governor and mayors....
The fact of the matter is we’re absolutely watching reverse discrimination. They want NO white Greeks whereas black Greeks are welcome to follow their old traditions. Our U and State sadden me...
[quote]I recall reach across the aisle Cuck Graves had one of the biggest returns on his stock purchases/returns based on legislative activity. frick this guy![/quote] You’re talking out of your other end. You have no idea. Let’s see some proof, or are you another Bud drinking bone smoker? ...
I heard Scalise asked about Obama’s disregard for the Constitution-among other transgressions over TEN years ago, and he cited the racism excuse for his silence. How are our leader so thin-skinned, or are they not “leaders”?...
[quote]This is similar to what China does. They loan money to "developing" nations and then sell them substandard infrastructure products, then lean on those nations when they can't repay. Not sure how you can repay when the infrastructure doesn't work to bring in the revenue to pay it back[/quote] ...
[/quote]He’s a fckg POS who not only is funded by the CCP but also Bill Gates. You call this honest? Post your name big talker. Let the world know who this intellectual giant is....
What a coward, spewing lies behind a faceless keyboard. You reap what you sow. ...
You are disparaging a hard-working dedicated, honest, successful public servant, and you wonder why the more intelligent Louisiana natives, including me, have left the state to make a decent life elsewhere. You morons deserve SWB, Latoya and Landry. You’ll be looking up to Mississippi soon...

re: Langlois and Ibieta?

Posted by AngelBaby on 11/27/23 at 10:19 pm
Um no. Quit trying to start a fight ...
General Randy George and Gilland...

re: Gaetz just torched Graves.

Posted by AngelBaby on 10/3/23 at 5:05 pm
Primary Graves?! Idiotic! He won with almost 80% ...
And your suggestion for reaching a majority in the House while managing spending? You sound like some LSU PoliSci prof...
Bobby, You do realize it’s the Cheetos that turn it orange ??...
Hey Bobby OG, Thanks for the enlightening, thought-provoking response to facts. AngelBaby P.S. Enjoy your days as a servant of Gov Landry...
Let's think about this: Gaetz BFF in jail for his "sexcapades" but DOJ decides not to pursue Gaetz despite same evidence. Now Gaetz can't get enough of attempting to destroy already-fragile Rep majority. Hmmm...

re: Gov race in louisiana

Posted by AngelBaby on 9/4/23 at 8:20 pm
So sad that La is burdened with dishonest, mob boss governor after moronic governor. Keep hoping State can elect someone DECENT so I can at least visit. Pray for my beloved state....
The man needs something Light. He is a giant human....