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Registered on:4/8/2022
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No we don’t. And how could we. We have no say in how this is run. This is of course one of the many glaring and inherent problems with capitalism. Upper management is never one to mingle with the employees. They have no accountability. They refuse to listen to the most important people in the compan...
Another win for the Biden administration against Russia. Although I’m sure no one will acknowledge how well he’s doing. Biden and his generals are doing a great job defending the Ukraine and beating back Putin, aka Trump’s best friend. Biden showing you can accomplish what you promise without being ...

re: Price of diesel

Posted by RamblingNonsense on 4/25/22 at 7:15 pm
Trump was artificially keeping prices low at the expense of American businesses to keep his poll numbers high using tariffs and lining is buddy’s pockets. Thankfully him and his fascist administration are gone. Biden is building back better putting America first. He even released some of our strateg...
Glad he got what he deserved. This is why young people are having trouble finding jobs and making a living. Have you ever considered letting your employees act differently than you would run your own household? These aren’t little kids they’re adult employees. I’m sorry if they didn’t conform to you...

re: When do y’all shave

Posted by RamblingNonsense on 4/24/22 at 6:02 am
Usually at daybreak ...
This is actually a brilliant TokTok and I absolutely love it. By continually pushing boundaries and degrading awful parenting we can set children free. After all: discipline, manners, and gender are just systemic control of the white patriarchy to keep down the minorities and those of us on the spe...
I have been once so much however I didn’t know if far was enough after the decision so I sat down to ponder the meaning of further and after years of making some or one other meaningful thoughts I came to the conclusion that even being really so far such as isn’t quite the decision it’s cracked up t...
Anyone else angry you have to wait until January?...
Scariest probably Salem’s Lot Most Disturbing- Gulag Archipelago ...
[quote]He's right, there's been a lot of really good work on the permutational output statistics. The dichotomy of the results from the variance shows no bias and all bias. Meanwhile the coefficient correlation has some weird causation making people talk about it more agitating younger populace[/quo...

re: Last day to file your taxes

Posted by RamblingNonsense on 4/18/22 at 9:16 pm
[quote]Lets hear all the sad stories. [/quote] Abraham Lincoln instituted the Federal Income Tax after wiping his arse with the constitution. ...
7+0+5=12 12+1+2+7=20 20+7+1+2=31 31+12+2+0=45 Answer is 45 You see 5, 7, 12, 20, 31, _____ You take the number and you add it to the number two numbers back and then add the middle Number broken into singular integers. So to get to 12 it’s 7+0 because there is no second number bac...
[quote]The U.S. will send an additional $800 million[/quote] I’m glad the United States cares more about global humanitarianism without strings or oversight more than they do the value of money and effects of over spending. There is no greater calling or cause than to put others ahead of yourself...
[quote]o many great lines in that film .. but that isnt one of them .[/quote] One of the best monologues ever delivered in a movie. Ever. [quote]Hello. I'm looking for my wife. If this is where it has to happen, then this is where it has to happen. I'm not letting you get rid of me...
[quote]I did?[/quote] [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?sp=102101751&s=2&p=102101710#102101751)]Seems a bit harsh, but policy is policy I guess [/link]...
I wonder if the trailer park supervisor will give a speech on his last day. Something like this: This is probably going to be the last time I get a chance to say anything to ya, Ricky. I wanna get something off my chest. It's not an apology. I'm not saying I'm sorry or anything, bud. I mean the t...
The punishment is quite appropriate here. Educators and administrators cannot be held accountable due to their students behavior. Therefore any time a student acts up they must be punished severely so as to set an example for others. The educators and admin cannot be punished for the actions of the ...
Elons next press conference: [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/0ryMncrVCZbN2FQN03CT1LoZhpqbh8deYpPofYG3UO8/rs:fit:500:208:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pMi53/cC5jb20vaTEzNTku/cGhvdG9idWNrZXQu/Y29tL2FsYnVtcy9x/Nzk4L2RqZGF2aXM1/MTYvZmxvcmlkYS1t/YW4taXJvbi1tYW4t/cm9iZXJ0LWRvd25l/eS1qci0xYV96cHNm/MDY0MTExNy5naW...

re: lets celebrate Monty Python

Posted by RamblingNonsense on 4/13/22 at 8:16 pm
ETA: Why is this post downvoted for one of the best Monty Python monologues? [link=(https://youtu.be/to22rRnK7gE)]Month Python live at Drury Lane[/link] Why-why, what's the point of going abroad, if your just going to be treated like a sheep? Carted around in buses surrounded by sweaty mind...