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Registered on:3/14/2022
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Isn’t this an easy question to figure out? You can literally just look at the crime statistics and delete the numbers contributed from the cities you mentioned. What’s your next interesting question: how many states would America have if it weren’t for Utah and Kansas?...
[quote]So many people have social anxiety now. They know how to text better than speak out loud. The masks allow them to hide even more.[/quote] This is a bigger factor than ppl think IMO. Anecdotal for sure, but there’s a common thread among everyone I know who is still mask-obsessed and it’s no...
Big game hunting is tacky IMO...
OMLandshark: “this will start world war 3!!!!!” Also OMLandshark: “it’s inappropriate to look at how the other two world wars started; this isn’t one the same.”...
[quote]How many know which is the stand on and which boat is the give way when two boats appear on a collision course?[/quote] It’s not that hard. The more beta captain must give way to the more alpha one....
[img]https://i.imgur.com/WoolYre_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] [img]https://c.tenor.com/tA6Z2QdWsQYAAAAM/baby-ohh.gif[/img]...
[quote]I can't be friends with people who excuse baby murder and grooming children for trans crap.[/quote] I suppose you never stopped to wonder if it’s actually true that half the country supports baby murder and sexually assaulting children or if that framing is what you’ve adopted in order to...
[quote]It used to be impolite to talk about such things. Now people won't leave it alone. [/quote] And so many people don’t realize how we’ve normalized making your political views part of your identity. It’s absolutely batshit and in no other country do people run around all day getting stressed...
People have figured out how to make money off of your tribalism and outrage. If you are one of those who thinks the other “side” is “just a bunch of ______”, then congratulations, you’re a mark. Fortunately, there’s an easy remedy for you: go outside and interact with your fellow Americans. The ...

re: Laws don't make no sense

Posted by Baw Vivant on 7/3/22 at 11:03 am
Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway...
Actually OP those bottom 2 wines could be legit. The Moraga is prob worth triple digits as long as the storage situation isn’t a disaster. Don’t know about the one on the left but I don’t recognize it from grocery stores. ...
[quote]The douche factor is of the charts in this thread.[/quote] Just to be clear, you’re referring to the people who took time out of their evening to answer the specific question OP was asking?...
[quote]For the price, there are many other better choices imo[/quote] People who say this about anything but don’t name names get an auto-downvote from me. Enjoy it.[img]https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/252-2523331_transparent-downvote-png-red-arrow-down-png-png.png[/img]...
I’d probably put them in my pantry to use for cooking...
This is the platonic ideal of what a collection suburban home wines looks like. Not judging, just know that these are the kinds of wines that are made to be simple, drinkable, inoffensive, extremely affordable, and most certainly do not benefit from aging. ...
Will run like garbage, have next to 0 battery life, and on the off chance you still somehow enjoy anything out of the experience you’re going to shell out the $$$ for a brand new one anyway. Don’t waste your $100...
[quote]I have to say I like that they are making this ride. Not to take anything away from Splash Mountain, as I dont believe it should have been re-imagined, but I have a good feeling this will be tastefully done, and we will be impressed with its representation of Louisiana. They should have bui...
You’re either a binary thinker or you’re not...
I think woke stuff is as dumb as the next person, but I kinda like the change. It’ll be Louisiana-themed and should have some cool music. Splash Mountain is my favorite ride there but it’s certainly due for a little refurbish. Their motivation may be dumb but doesn’t mean they didn’t accidentally ma...
That I’m going to have to go to the ER again because I slipped and fell a-hole first on a cucumber ...