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Registered on:10/11/2021
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Stoops is able to recruit at Kentucky. Why couldn’t he have top classes here if he already is able to get top 25 classes at Kentucky. He has stolen several high profile recruits from Bama and other schools. His name isn’t one that brings excitement but I think he is very underrated and could surpris...
If stoops can recruits top 25 classes at Kentucky what would he do here?...
I think it was 50 50 on coach O. Even the ones that wanted him gone still gotta admit they got love for him...
just curious what are fans expecting the next hire to come in and do? What are the expectations? Obviously winning is the goal but how quick do people expect the wins to come or championships? Will we be screaming fire the coach if hes not there in two or three years and restart again...
Well seems to me he has went about it professionally. I think he really loves LSU football and knew his time was up. Time to rebuild and not lose everyone to transfer ...
Idk why that is being said. Kentucky beat two SEC teams by more than 20 last year. Kentucky is a good team. They have been patient with their coach....
That’s the point. Coach O just had probably the greatest season ever in college football and the fans have turned so fast. I remember how he was just the perfect fit. Just have a feeling rushing another coach in for O will truly make LSU see the grass isn’t greener on the other side...
They are probably thinking more like forget that shite Coach O just won a national championship and they are ready to fire him after a few bad losses while he rebuilds. Championship or bust is to much pressure for any coach not named Saban ...
https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ctaBr-T_MTi9iZ3aT9oAs5EA4Mk=/1400x1400/filters:format(png)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19864344/Screen_Shot_2020_04_01_at_10.29.03_AM.png... this is the best fit idk why y’all aren’t mentioning him ...