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Registered on:8/20/2021
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[quote]Especially the women [b]with melanin[/b] who love any excuse to exercise authority[/quote] This is more correct....
Thank you for the correction and you’re right....
You should look in your heart and realize that your sense of “humor” is darkness and not necessary. Obviously the darkness of this world is prevalent. Lord have mercy on you and your silent fans....
Thanks brother; definitely putting myself out there in hope to meet brother in Christ...
Ha, I was like you once. May the Lord of Light have mercy on you....
My email is: sbr 1 8 6 1 at proton mail com. No spaces in email...
No sir, just at a point in my life that I hope to be as good a friend to another brother who loves being in His Creation as I do and wants a buddy who puts GOD first. God bless you...
God bless you brother and may His peace be upon you, I was raised in south Louisiana as a Catholic and then later attended a Pentecostal assembly. Was basically agnostic AKA self absorbed / self serving majority of my adulthood. I have no ill will towards my Catholic nor Protestant brethr...
North of Baton Rouge area but travel to hunt all over. Just find at this point of my life I hope to share these adventures with someone who loves GOD / is seeking HIM first....
Whoever downvoted this, GOD bless you and I pray peace for your heart....
I recently retired from nearly 30 years in military / law enforcement and love to travel in GOD’s creation and truly enjoy the challenges and rewards of public land hunting. Only have 15 acres of my own, but thankful to have that much! Definitely don’t deserve any of the blessings GOD has provided t...

re: .

Posted by RED DAWN REDUX on 1/6/24 at 3:34 pm
Pro Choice means Pro Homicide of an Innocent so any organization that is for that is by its very nature of the Evil One and in no form or means of Christ....
All or nothing mantras don’t lead to reasonable nor rational lives. One…just one LEO fired his pistol that day, the same LEO with a prior disciplinary history. We all know he’s being protected to protect the narrative, not because Dems or Repubs suddenly embrace LEOs nor any other basically good cor...
I’ll stick to the books written by the likes of St. Peter and St. Paul and St. Luke as well as St. Iraneus, St. Augustine, St. Polycarp, St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory of Palamas, St. Paiasios, etc. The wisdom of the Fathers surpasses the inklings from someone championing a shrinking and dying tr...
[link=(https://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/hopko/keys_to_the_kingdom_st_peter)]Orthodox View on St. Peter & Keys[/link] ...
[quote] Why is the sack of Constantinople such a sticking point for the Orthodox in their view of Rome?[/quote] It’s a subject of the history of the bitter divorce that followed after 1054…it showed the base and darkness of the Crusader armies to invade the most beautiful city of Christendom and ...
[quote]Your chart is published by an Orthodox Church publishing company. [/quote] Okay, then please provide a different one showing something different. [quote]The truth is that one did not branch off from the other, but, rather, there was one "tree trunk" which split off into a fork of two b...
This is the chart I think you’re asking for. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/ydZPK2x3/IMG-4868.jpg[/img] I’m also in the Orthodox Church and will try and answer any questions you may have or at least direct you to wiser and better resources....

re: Non-Resident Texas hunt

Posted by RED DAWN REDUX on 1/3/24 at 8:50 am
[link=(https://tpwd.texas.gov/regulations/outdoor-annual/licenses/combination-hunting-fishing/disabled-veteran-super-combo-hunting-and-all-water-fishing-package)]TX DV LICENSE[/link] Just a heads up, Texas gives a free Sportsman’s Hunting/Fishing license to anyone, resident or not, if a vet with...