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Registered on:7/21/2021
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re: Biden’s mind is gone

Posted by nonu121 on 7/31/21 at 11:54 pm
[quote] So, using this rationale, it’s not misinformation if Biden says, “if you’re under 70 and healthy, you’re not going to die from COVID.”? [/quote] No, that's not misinformation. That's fairly accurate. Coronavirus clearly doesn't affect young healthy people. I'm not sure what you...
[quote] The fact they believe it’s necessary to convince the public that he’s actually doing something is a bit concerning [/quote] This is the exact kind of thing Trump did (although the guy sure did golf a lot). Every president in the social media age will do this kind of thing. ...

re: Biden’s mind is gone

Posted by nonu121 on 7/31/21 at 11:28 pm
This guy seems to stretch things so much just to make his content. Biden saying 'you're not going to get covid if you have the vaccine' and this guy then says it's misinformation. Statistically, it's very much true that for the vast majority of vaccinated people, they won't get COVID. Vaccin...

re: Most votes ever

Posted by nonu121 on 7/31/21 at 10:55 pm
My point was that facebook likes are meaningless. I don't follow Biden nor do I worship Biden like you guys do for Trump. Most Biden voters voted for Biden because he was against Trump. I'd vote for him again in a heart beat if Trump was running in 2024. That doesn't mean I'd attend a Bid...
Aren't a lot of you by definition saying 'no' so it's not like it's just minorities? And yes, minority uptake is pretty abysmal and the news needs to point this out. But among white voters, there's a partisan divide in vaccine uptake. ...

re: Most votes ever

Posted by nonu121 on 7/31/21 at 9:08 pm
[quote]Yes they do. Much like you're doing right here and now, and at a fairly decent clip since your registration date of 7/21/21. [/quote] Yes, but some of us have to work you know. Cities don't subsidize rural areas for no reason. Someone has to pay taxes to subsidize you guys. We may post...

re: Most votes ever

Posted by nonu121 on 7/31/21 at 7:31 pm
That's because Biden voters vote in real life, we don't spend all our time on the internet like you guys :lol: ...
[quote]Nonu is a China shill who is very happy to have cheap shite made for him by slave labor. [/quote] We've been over this. It's not slave labor. Those workers willingly work for low costs because the cost of living is much lower in China. Those workers would be grateful for the econom...
I'm a suburban college-educated voter. If Romney had been running, I would have voted for him without a doubt. It's Trump and Trump-style politics that I can't stand. I just want pro-business pro-growth policies without any of the social conservatism. Give me a free-market pro-free-trad...
[quote] Right. Surely, the food supplies integral to survival in urban areas will just start being grown in inner city gardens that will be ample enough for these densely populated areas. You are a moron if you think “economy” matters when supplies are non-existent. [/quote] It's why import-expor...
That's why vaccines work. :lol: The whole point is so that old people don't clog up the hospitals. Without vaccinations, hospitals would be clogged up which was the problem. Nobody rational thinks that covid is a danger for young, healthy people. People should get vaccinated so that it stops...
Like we would need to visit those red counties. Most economic activity happens in the blue areas. :lol:...
[quote]I travel all over the US and have literally met less than 10 people who voted for Biden.[/quote] I guess you could say Biden voters are just the silent majority. I vote, I don't go around vocally in real life saying that I voted for Biden nor do I go around putting flags everywhere like Tr...
[quote] Where did all these new clueless inbreds come from? They’re saturating this board [/quote] Says the inbred who doesn't realize the film isn't playing in China so it doesn't matter what China thinks about LeBron James. It's about the rest of the world excluding China. LeBron isn't rea...
Your lack of awareness that the film isn't playing in China makes me laugh. Plus, I really don't think LeBron James is as big as you guys think he is. He has a Chinese fan base but that doesn't mean he's universally known in China. ...
That doesn't mean he's that popular at all. He doesn't have same strength of support that Michael Jordan did in the 1990s. Nobody I know goes crazy over LeBron James as a young person myself. Plus, not that many people watch Basketball outside of the US. Basketball and American football view...
It has nothing to do with 'wokeism' or a lack of it. Some of you guys are slightly delusional. It was a bad film with a basketball player who nobody outside of America really goes crazy for. Nobody wanted to see it because a) the people who it would have appealed to as kids are too old for i...
China really isn't communist anymore. Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in the 1980s and 1990s led to a period of economic liberalization, much more akin to a free market these days. They got rid of their fixed pricing system under those reforms and companies have a pricing system based on de...
You guys can't decide whether Hispanics voted for Trump or not. Half the time, you guys say that Trump did well among Hispanics. Can those Hispanic voters not getting jabbed be Republican-leaning Hispanic voters? ...
[quote]Here you go. Here's how most Americans feel about your "insurrection". Daily Wire LINK[/quote] It's a Rasmussen poll (and I called it before I even clicked the link). They're notoriously bad at polling because they massage their data to suit their narrative. It's so predictable at...