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On the other hand, Liberals would burn the Country to the ground if ANYTHING goes against them. (Like Trump election, etc.)...
There is NOTHING that will incite any Conservative to do ANYTHING. Their protest is voting. And they will accept fraudulent elections and wait for the next fraudulent election. Trump can be jailed, Biden or Newsom elected, Border continues open forever, etc. and there would not even be a parking lot...
I have noticed there is not even parking lot rallies to show opposition to any of the many anti American, Anti God things happening. There are no million person marches on DC. There are no boycotts of Mass Media Sponsors, there are no crowds contesting anything liberal politicians are lying about...
This has nothing to do with Trump or organization, Ballot Harvesting, etc. 55% of voters like things just the way they are. They like killing babies and changing children's sex. Absolute free for all ala Caligula/Rome. The Deep State will stop Trump period. We will not do shite because we ar...
Everyone forgets that 55% or more of the Country is for Abortion, Against Trump no matter what and against MAGA anything. Nothing matters. Come NOVEMBER, 2024 it will be Dem (Biden or Newsom) vs a Republican. Dem is pro-abortion, NOT Trump and not MAGA. GOT IT. And the DEMS have all the B...
Maybe Fox can now receive additional subsidy "STATE MEDIA" Federal Dollars close to what CNN, Google, etc. receive. They need more money than "My Pillow" pays to advertise. Doesn't everyone who wanted a pillow have one by now. We are all being played now. Fox promised to avoid Ukraine War Cr...
We really should abandon all political forums. No matter any discussion, etc. a "dead" Biden would get 85 million votes no matter what. ...
1. Trillions still available from Government 2. Companies still living off of Trillions from COVID relief 3. War machine and suppliers in overdrive 4. Energy always needed 5. Consumer Zombies function as always 6. Pension Fund and Wall Street Brokers must buy to keep making "THEMSELVES" Billion...
Doesn't matter. Tucker could show video of FBI meeting ahead of insurrection and following each agent and we would still not do anything but whine. They could shoot Trump and we would not even hold a parking lot protest. And they know it. Bah Bah Bah ...

re: Now Bank Bailouts - What is Next

Posted by Sail33or on 3/14/23 at 11:04 am
Here is a link for you. Money pulled out of bank before collapse. https://slaynews.com/news/israeli-bankers-transferred-1-billion-out-silicon-valley-bank-right-before-collapse/...

Now Bank Bailouts - What is Next

Posted by Sail33or on 3/14/23 at 8:37 am
I am amazed that the Federal Government can do anything they want despite laws and regulations. Deposits are only protected to $250,000. Yet the Government is using FDIC Money (which is fake money as the Government doesn't have any actual surplus money) to pay hundreds of millions to SVB deposito...


Posted by Sail33or on 3/6/23 at 1:29 pm
I know most have no concerns. You wore your paper masks and believed you were protected from COVID. You believe what you are supposed to believe. You stood 6 feet away from people in lines. You just can't believe your lying eyes. I am not a conspiracy person. I am reporting that I saw at ...


Posted by Sail33or on 3/6/23 at 9:41 am
Posting here because I believe these things are political in some way. (Global Warming, Global Control, etc.) I am retired and live in Florida. I see normal vapor trails all the time. They are thin and dissipate quickly. They are lone trails. However, yesterday I saw 30 (CHEMTRAILS) directly o...


Posted by Sail33or on 2/20/23 at 1:57 pm
The trails cross over each other at the same time. The jets making the trails can't be seen as they are too high. I can see the Orlando Jets at 30,000 feet and their lights are clearly visible at night. They never cross over each other. These Vapor trails are 20 to 30 trails at the same time cros...


Posted by Sail33or on 2/20/23 at 10:28 am
The trails are not water vapor (Dihydrogen oxide) I see how all this goes unnoticed by everyone now. What would be purpose of Cloud Seeding? It rains here a lot. ...


Posted by Sail33or on 2/20/23 at 10:13 am
I live in Central Florida and see CHEMTRAILS in the sky every day. Usually about 20 to 30 that cross over each other. Definitely not commercial flight patterns. They last for hours. I heard the pilots who spray this believe they are doing so for environmental reasons, cooling the earth, etc. ...
Trump would win the people's vote, but Congress is only about themselves....
Trump's Power is with the PEOPLE. Congress does not understand this. Congress is in this for themselves. That has always been the problem. ...

re: My unsolicited take on Trump 2024

Posted by Sail33or on 11/16/22 at 12:50 pm
I believe he knows he would not win "NOW". He knows he really won in 2020 and the same swing states still ballot stuff, etc. He knows Washington including Republicans are corrupt. He feels slighted by establishment just like in 2016. Maybe Black Swan event happens like Covid kicking in...
A 2-year campaign is going to be brutal. This guarantees CNN an audience. Everyone will get Trump fatigue. Talking heads will make money and write books. We are all idiots, and everything is staged and controlled. It is all a Professional Wrestling match. ...