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Registered on:11/13/2020
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The prospect of Fetterman in the Senate should terrify every Americans and there are countless reasons to rip into him.... but this one is just stupid (not that I would expect anything less from Jjdoc and the other members of his little “book club” of kooks)...
[quote]Possibly the land there still holds onto some rediofrequencies from what may have been put in the landfill long ago.[/quote] [img]https://gapimpletonblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/not-working.jpg[/img]...
[quote]The latest polls show: Dems ahead in Arizona (2 points), Pennsylvania (4) and New Hampshire (8) GOP ahead in NC (3 points), Nevada (4), and Wisconsin (4) and a statistical tie in Georgia. This thing is going to come down to whether Kemp can bring Walker across the finish line in Geo...
Luke Mixon? That's a negative, ghostrider........

re: is Faubourg struggling?

Posted by Original Corn Pop on 9/22/22 at 1:58 pm
[quote]Dixie Beer was shite a long time ago and is still shite. [/quote] It was shite beer with history, a cool name and cool logo. All that's left now is the shite part (but at least its not racist)...
[quote]He says some things I like and he says some things I don’t like. [/quote]. I agreed with him this day: Graham: If you wanted an FBI investigation, you could have come to us. What you [Democrats] want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open and hope you win in 2020. You’ve...
"Maybe Americans should open a book before the open their mouth" Ouch... as in the truth hurts....

re: Any CPAP users in here?

Posted by Original Corn Pop on 9/22/22 at 12:15 pm
[quote][quote]Yep, it’s pretty awesome, new leash on life…. [/quote]Lease[/quote] You're clearly not a CPAP user.... ...
I'm curious- is Kenworth more racist than Peterbuilt or is it the other way around? I'm not asking about White-Freightliner because, well, you know.......
Talk about the repeatability of the "Florida model" actually raises a good question: what is the secret to Florida's success???...
jjdoc, you've always come across as a total crackpot but urging people to not vote for Kemp in a runoff with Stacy Abrams is kookier than normal ... even for you....
[quote]Also talks about how there are two Baton Rouges, one above Gov't St. and the other below it. [/quote] Florida Blvd. used to be the dividing line so it’s creeping south...
Math teacher: "what's the difference between $949.99 and $950.00? The OT: about 350..... ...
Please, please, PLEASE let this happen........
[quote]It not about being consensual, it's about a school employee having relations with a student. Funny how most of ya'll on here don't get that.[/quote] [img]https://c.tenor.com/FpmmrItU7b4AAAAM/stripes-francis-francis.gif[/img]...
[quote]In the summer of 2010, just before the minor’s senior year of high school, Queen and the claimed victim allegedly “[b]engaged in deviant sexual activity[/b]” in Queen’s office or office bathroom.[/quote] Wait, wait, wait... I think we need more information before passing judgment...
[quote]They went back and subtracted the non-murder homicides.[/quote] What is a non-murder homicide?...
[link=(https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/arkansas-pe-teacher-allegedly-befriended-teen-at-basketball-game-then-sexually-assaulted-him-in-her-office/ar-AA120g27?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=3aa774841ece4f638b3e2b35371fd251)]LINK[/link] [img]https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/...
[quote]Colorado Springs [/quote] Sure, except for the meth and biker gangs........