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Registered on:5/25/2020
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Why the hell not! If you burn the LGBT flag you'll probably go to jail anyway...
JoshNorris, amen brother. There is nothing more loyal than holding Trump's feet to the fire. He has to fulfill his promises. We didn't vote for Jared Kushner...

re: I’m proud to be an American

Posted by CajunBro on 6/20/20 at 7:08 pm
[quote]proud to be an American[/quote] Careful, don't get fired from your job...
Trump just needs to watch Tucker Carlson every night and do exactly what Tucker says...
Adopting left-wing tactics (e.g. denouncing racism) accomplishes nothing but ensuring that you remain firmly entrenched in progressive morality. Conservatives delude themselves into believing they can out-progressive the progressives in a ploy to win minorities, but it won't work....
Tucker is right where we need him - redpilling the boomers on Fox News...
[quote]if someone destroyed mlk statues[/quote] Within 10 minutes everyone involved would be done up on federal conspiracy and civil rights charges. Seal Team Six would drop out of the sky and arrest them all...
The "unpersoning" will ultimately end with anyone who dissents being unable to have a bank account, payment processor, and website....
Yeah he saved the union, but he’s white. [img]https://media.breitbart.com/media/2020/06/Ulysses-S-Grant-statue-ground-twitter-640x480.jpg[/img]...
It's brainwashing. Why are they teaching kids about the holocaust in 3rd grade? I never heard a peep about the Soviet genocides until I was like 20...

re: Tucker at it again

Posted by CajunBro on 6/19/20 at 7:12 pm
[quote]I'm as big a Trump supporter as the rest of you, but God damn him for castigating fellow conservatives [/quote] Tucker is right. His fellow conservatives haven't conserved anything. They are liberals, complicit in the cultural revolution and disposession of historial America. Just beca...
[quote]Who GAF? Slavery is bad, ending slavery is good[/quote] Juneteenth is less about celebrating the end of slavery and more about furthering white guilt by reminding white people of the real or perceived sins of their ancestors. It’s an astroturfed holiday brought to you by the same forces ende...
Also, Oceania has always been at war with East Asia. If you disagree you need to be put in a re-education camp...
Every society in the world practiced slavery until white people ended it. Now it's returning in parts of Africa....
[link=(https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1273969935497084930)]LINK[/link] Remember this next time someone tries to tell you "socialism" is the biggest threat to America...
Are they teaching that Martin Luther King founded the United States yet?...
[link=(https://vdare.com/posts/breaking-network-solutions-driving-vdare-com-to-the-dark-web)]LINK[/link] VDARE is a very buttoned-up, paleoconservative website that has advocated against mass immigration for 25 years. Today they were notified that their Domain Registrar will no longer provide...
Sounds exactly like what Jussie Smollett claimed happened to him in Chicago. Except white people don't have to hire people to beat them up in an interracial attack. It happens dozens of times a day like clockwork....
Disproportionate violent crime by black people is a real problem, systemic racism by white people is not....