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Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Location:New York
Number of Posts:57
Registered on:3/22/2020
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America is in a crisis and needs good sound leadership to see us through this. Trumpf is not of sound mind, he's unqualified, and ridiculously incapable of total quality leadership....
He dodged the draft. Is anyone here stupid enough to believe he wouldn't dodge responsibility for the mishandling of the pandemic in the US??...
Geezus h christ do you stupid republican oafs read and cite anything other than wikipedia and faux news???...
I'll push to stop that when you agree to stop the ringing of those damn church bells allover the place....
Ask yourself the same question, just switch it up a bit: was it worth destroying americ to try and get rid of Obama?...
Most of the people who benefit from this chaos come from poorly run red states....

re: Top 5 Dangers to America

Posted by mintberrycrunchdawg on 4/27/20 at 11:20 am
1. Christian extremists 2. Poor cybersecurity 3. Local law enforcement engaging in TTPs that are designated to military and intelligence communities 4. Republican/conservatives subversion of the constitution 5. Undue corporate influence on law makers....
Why didn't these 2 thugs just obey the law? Obey the law and no arrest made....
[link=(]LINK[/link] [quote]From Business Insider quoted by The Atlantic: As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's righ...
The problem schools are facing is that qualities like racism, bigotry, homophobia, zenophobia are taught in homes, and innocent children bring those qualities to schools. Instead of bitchslapping the parents, Schools are left with the task of unteaching those qualities. It's not easy....
Nah. Had he played for awburnt instead of allah bamah he'd have gone first....
Finger babbling is not making a statement, refutable or irrefutable....

re: Has Glen Beck changed?

Posted by mintberrycrunchdawg on 4/24/20 at 12:34 pm
[quote]So I use to watch him when he was on Fox [/quote] That pretty much sums up any of your responses. ...
you stupid oaf, geez your short term memory is as reliable as a freaking wet napkin as a prophylactic. clearly, you've forgotten how many southern leaders were threatening secession, or what about this, a seat on the supreme court was left open because brain dead republicans like you wouldn't work w...
you left off #14. completely inept, incapable of leadership, and unfit to serve....
anybody who supports the jackwagon in chief has no business asking anyone else if they are embarrassed by a candidate. any candidate....
I remember the media asking bobby bowden about jcjc in the late 80s and responded something like " how the hell did you find out about jcjc?"...
Do your family members know that the trump has tertiary syphilis?? ...