Favorite team:Washington 
Location:Washington Coast
Number of Posts:222
Registered on:3/20/2020
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This just got more interesting. The perp was a Navy doctor that served at Guantanamo during the Bush and Obama Administrations. This isn't getting much media attention, but there's some stuff popping up on Reddit about it (which I won't link) but hopefully the link to the Seattle Times that I di...

re: Eclipse travel?

Posted by Scott68 on 3/12/24 at 10:47 pm
I'll just add that this is the last total solar eclipse to hit the continental United States until 2044, so if you're of a certain age, you might not get another shot at seeing one without leaving the U.S. ...

re: Eclipse travel?

Posted by Scott68 on 3/12/24 at 3:21 am
I live in Washington and my family traveled to the middle of a farmer's field in Oregon in 2017 to see the solar eclipse that passed close to us. We were in the path of totality. It was the most amazing natural event I've ever seen/experienced in my life. Best Advice: BE IN THE PATH OF TOTALIT...
I'm friends with Andrew's family. Andrew's dad wrestled in the NCAA championships for LSU in 1984, so he probably has more connections to the LSU community than people on this website realize. Andrew had a solid upbringing and his mom and dad hold strong conservative beliefs. Andrew's grandfath...
Pretty strong rumors out there that DeBoer has re-upped with UW for a big payday (well deserved). As for recruiting/NIL, DeBoer's strategy has been to focus on the portal more than recruiting rankings. Wants to pay for guys with a proven productive history. Time will tell if that strategy is go...

re: RIP Bob Knight

Posted by Scott68 on 11/2/23 at 2:30 am
Had a chance to see him/meet him at a coaching clinic right around 2001. He spoke for about 3 hours and then just sorta' hung around and talked for another hour or so. He was a wonderful storyteller. He talked about is wife, his family, and the toll that his coaching career took on all of them, as w...
[link=(https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/uj0AAOSwNJpbfaFq/s-l640.jpg)]Baseball Card Referenced in my Post Above[/link]...
Here's another one, again, Mariners related: Friends and I (4 of us) were standing next to the Brewers dugout as they finished BP, and Cecil Cooper walked by. We offered our gloves for him to sign (and we were polite, it was always "Mr. So-and-So", never rude or demanding). He dead-eyed all of ...
Way more good stories than bad stories, but here's a bad one: My friends and I used to go to the Mariner's games at the Kingdome after we got our driver's licenses in the mid-80s. The crowds were so small that you could stand by the player's gate and have all kinds of interactions with visiting ...
I watched the NECN video 3 times. First 2 times to admire the rack on the studio reporter, and the 3rd time to remind myself what I clicked on the video for in the first place....
I drove to the 2017 in central Oregon, which was an easy drive. Found a farmer's field where he had porta potties set up and a couple of food trucks, paid $20, and slept in the back of my truck with the family. Totally low budget and it was a great experience. We drove away and immediately star...
Some sites for coverage: [link=(https://twitter.com/IntelCrab?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1123209882579218432&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftheconservativetreehouse.com%2F2019%2F04%2F30%2Fpresident-trump-threatens-full-and-complete-embargo-of-cuba-over-their-support-for-maduro-re...

re: Did Fox News hire CNN's chyron guy?

Posted by Scott68 on 6/13/23 at 9:29 pm
That is 100% real. I assume someone on the production staff typed it as a joke and then hit the wrong button. It was on the screen for at least a minute. I was shocked that it stayed on for that long....
Saw him on tour in about 1989. Was 2 hours of the best stand up comedy I've ever seen. Saw him in Vegas about 10 years later and it was a train wreck. He worked from notebooks throughout the 1 hour set. He was blatantly contemptuous of the audience and closed by telling the crowd (which was ...

re: Billy Joel at MSG

Posted by Scott68 on 3/19/23 at 12:30 am
Here's an article that I saw today, that describes exactly the same experience that I described above. Good to know he is STILL giving away the best seats in the house! [link=(https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/billy-joel-loses-over-20-000-every-concert-because-he-refuses-to-sell-this-kind-o...

re: Billy Joel at MSG

Posted by Scott68 on 2/21/23 at 3:27 am
My girlfriend (and eventual wife, no pics) saw him in the Tacoma Dome in 1989. We had nose-bleed level seats. I always get to stuff really early and when we got to our seats, we were literally the only people in our entire section. Soon, a guy walked up to us and asked if we wanted better seats...
Biden indicated that when he was briefed "on Wednesday" he ordered the balloon shot down by the Pentagon advised against it. Obviously, that statement is intended to shift blame from himself to the Pentagon for why it wasn't shot down. The bigger question: Is he saying he wasn't briefed on th...
As to his appointment of counsel at public expense. The decision to appoint counsel is based solely on the financial means of the defendant. His family's financial means, or lack thereof, is not a consideration by the court. His parents could be insanely rich, and he may still qualify for cou...
The State will absolutely put Dylan on the stand. They can't afford not to. The jury is going to know through the testimony of other witness (the investigating officers) and the 911 tape that an eyewitness exists and has been interviewed by law enforcement. If you're the prosecutor and you do...
Cell phone pings put him in the neighborhood on August 21, 2022. School started on August 22, 2022. That doesn't seem coincidental. Was he roaming around the Idaho campus/housing area watching people move in? Scouting? ...