Favorite team:Ole Miss 
Location:Gulf Coast
Number of Posts:46
Registered on:8/28/2019
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Something about her voice literally hurts my ears....
Yet another reason I won't fly anymore. If I can't drive it, I ain't going....

re: More FBI Arrests in Puerto Rico

Posted by John T Ford on 11/6/19 at 12:20 pm
[quote]There are corruption issues there that seem to be a part of the culture. [/quote] Just like Louisiana . . . He may be a crook, but dammit, he's OUR crook....
[quote]Do explain what the international court would do to force the US Government to do anything. [/quote] Why, cut off our funding, of course....
What middle-eastern folks do to middle-eastern folks in the middle east should not concern the United States. That includes Israel. Whatever happens, I hope we stay out of it. We've fought enough wars for Israel in the past 25 years....
[quote]They will get a pet instead of having kids.[/quote] Sad, but likely true....
[quote]If only an old Russian satellite would fall outta the sky[/quote] I'm not sure I follow you there. What would a satellite falling accomplish?...


Posted by John T Ford on 11/6/19 at 11:51 am
[quote]A once great Southern state now is lost to Satanic democrats. [/quote] Soon to be followed by Texas....
[quote]Swamp Libs will kill him in order to false flag the right. [/quote] I wouldn't predict that, but I certainly wouldn't put it past them either....
No thinking person has believed that for quite some time....
[quote]And the “news” here is...?[/quote] The news here is that after a year of Hood trying to convince people that he is not a liberal, Hood is endorsed by the most liberal one of them all. ...

re: Trump "This means WAR"

Posted by John T Ford on 11/5/19 at 10:06 am
[quote]That turns Texas blue forever in a couple of years.[/quote] That turns everything west of the Mississippi blue overnight....
[quote]Obama is still hero to tons of Jacksonians and Delta residents. [/quote] Yep, free sail foams, free rent, free gas, free utilities, free healthcare etc. tends to have that effect in Jackson and the delta....
It's the yankee oppression that causes the violence. All we need to do to end this is let them come here. Then they wouldn't be violent anymore....
Nancy Pelosi still hasn't endorsed Hood. But make no mistake about it, if he wins she'll jump on her broom and fly circles around the capitol, cackling the whole time....
Robocalls started going out this morning. Obama urging Mississippians to Vote For Hood!! https://yallpolitics.com/2019/11/04/last-minute-hail-mary-robocall-by-barack-obama-for-jim-hood/...
[quote]On a related note, what are the chances that RBG makes it to the election?[/quote] She's proven pretty resilient. She's beat cancer 3 times. I wouldn't count her out. And, I should add, I don't wish death on her (or anyone). I wish her a long and healthy life as a RETIRED Supreme Cou...
[quote]I’ll bet a dollar to a doughnut hole that if the dems were briefed before the operation, Baghdadi would’ve been tipped off and been long gone when the teams arrived [/quote] Absolutely. They would have wrecked the mission and put the lives of soldiers at risk out of pure spite....
[quote]Peak TDS is Kavanaugh and nothing will come close[/quote] Think so? Wait 'till he gets to appoint RBG's replacement....