Favorite team:Oklahoma State 
Number of Posts:5
Registered on:11/30/2018
Online Status:Not Online

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Indeed. But what should I do if I'm driving a motorcycle or ATV? As far as I know, I'm supposed to wear a mask if I have open-face helmet. I got myself a couple of anti-pollution filters and think I'm might wear these even when this quarantine ends because, you know, smog and stuff....

re: Roomba vs traditional vacuum

Posted by JayJane on 5/12/20 at 6:42 am
I have old IRobot 690 (a Roomba brand) like this https://robotsnavigator.com/best-roomba-for-pet-hair/ which I got specifically for pet hair (I have two fluffy cats). Well, all I can say that now I see definitely less dust and fur in my house, but still I use a traditional vacuum sometimes. ...
That's true about shampoos. Try to wash your scalp every 4 days. Also always look for sulfate free ones. Or there is an alternative for real "no poo" goers with homemade hair masks. You may mix coconut, argan, almond and baobab oils, as well as mentioned above tee tree and avocado ones. Personally,...

re: Organ Donation

Posted by JayJane on 12/3/18 at 3:03 am
Agree here. You won't need them after you die, but still could help someone. ...