Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:33
Registered on:4/18/2018
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re: Awkward moments in real life

Posted by CaCestBon on 2/5/21 at 9:03 pm
Delivering pizzas for Dominos. First time delivering alone. South Harrell’s Ferry-nice neighborhood. Was fretting about making change on the spot-lol. I’m not always an idiot, but often do stupid shite when I’m nervous. Guy gives me plenty of money to cover the pizza—with maybe 7-12 bucks left o...
Of course I was scared. I was shaking in my ballet flats, Walt....
Anyone heard and news on this? Was driving to pick up my kid from school around 3. I was driving on Highland (near intersection of Highland & Airline) toward I10 when I got passed by a police SUV. It zipped between some vehicles near the Racetrack and stopped just past that. Traffic was stopped at t...

re: EBR schools will start all virtual

Posted by CaCestBon on 7/20/20 at 10:27 pm
[quote]99% have a waiting list. The catholic ones have a tiered system for their waiting lists[/quote] Crap, in that case, I’m screwed. Well, since I’ll have to quit my job, I guess I’ll open my own little in-home elementary school. Anybody interested? ...

re: EBR schools will start all virtual

Posted by CaCestBon on 7/20/20 at 9:31 pm
Anyone know of any secular private schools in Baton Rouge that will be returning? I know Runnels shut down. I’ll pay if it means they will be in the classroom. ...
I’ve been taking mine to the BMX park on Perkins to ride bikes. Had a nice picnic in the grass there too. I think the playground is still closed, though. ...

re: Who here is divorced with kids?

Posted by CaCestBon on 4/24/20 at 10:06 am
[quote]Very few men initiate divorce because they fell out of love.[/quote] My husband is currently trying to decide if he wants to divorce me because, although he says he still loves me, is not “in love” with me anymore. It sucks even more since we have a kid. I believe part of being “in love” i...
I went to LSU with her. We had honors courses together. I remember that she was actually a very nice and smart girl. ...
He “didn’t know” the needle was in his sock....
Haha, I guess they haven’t heard the remix featuring Billy Ray Cyrus....
And somehow the Talk 107.3 app mysteriously stopped allowing people to post comments. Apparently their IT department is “working on it,” yet it has been down since immediately after the firings. So mysterious, since it was working fine that morning....
Miss Louisiana 2000 Judge Faith [img]https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/150248decbbbaa623b56c452843e368f/5CCCEBDD/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/36481237_410606869421394_7167958846864883712_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com[/img]...

re: No cameras/cell phones in plants

Posted by CaCestBon on 5/28/18 at 3:02 pm
That is a good point-probably don’t want people knowing which safety codes are being violated and stuff. I did think about the proprietary information thing, but then I thought that pretty much every company has stuff they want to keep under locks, but many don’t have the “no phones” rule. Th...

No cameras/cell phones in plants

Posted by CaCestBon on 5/28/18 at 2:49 pm
Why do the plants prohibit cameras and cell phones (that have picture/video capabilities)? I tried Googling, but couldn’t find much information....
My dream home is a tiny apartment in busy NYC, so probably 500-550 sq. ft....
The houses are probably a few hundred feet back from the road, and the posts are at least 50 feet apart from each other....
Why do rich people put those? We drove down Highland earlier and saw several houses with just brick columns lining the property along the road, but no fencing between the posts. What is the purpose? Just curious. ...
Apparently lost around 600K. [link=(https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2018/05/02/armored-brinks-truck-sends-money-flying-70/572547002/)]LINK[/link]...