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Registered on:1/31/2018
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re: Does a girl's body count matter

Posted by Admiral_Dawg on 11/13/20 at 1:30 pm
Really? I've been out of the game awhile and I know things have changed in the tinder age but I find it hard to believe there aren't a lot of girls out there in that early 20s range you mentioned with less than 5 partners. Most wife quality girls who are good looking tend to be in a series of lo...

re: Does a girl's body count matter

Posted by Admiral_Dawg on 11/13/20 at 1:06 pm
It matters, but shouldn't be a game breaker if the person is someone you are completely compatible with otherwise. Assuming you're talking a serious relationship with someone 25ish or under, I'd put the ideal target at less than 5, increasing slightly for each year above that. Also, I don't know ...
Ate a whole box of knock off Mexican brand viagras at a friends family's house party on New years eve one time as a kid after drinking like a pirate. Ran down the street in the middle of their quaint suburban neighborhood butt arse naked with a sheet as a cape flapping my arms and screaming CACAW ...
Good question, I usually lurk to binge read all the oddball shite I see on this board and for some reason decided to enter the retard arena today. Just like I mentioned with highways, its about where refineries were built historically and the lasting impacts of those planning decisions. The shite w...
Maybe I should put it in bigger font or bold it for you?? [quote]Having said that, as I mentioned above, there is absolutely an element of urban black popular culture that glorifies crime and violence.[/quote] Also, easy there little Goebbels, yikes... [quote]other physiological issues that ...
Its not about where they are putting major highways today but where they were originally placed to directly impact black communities, and how that legacy shapes the landscape of our cities today. Think 110 in Baton rouge and cancer alley of refineries through the neighborhoods there. This also impac...
Crime is also a function of poverty and where you live. Go out to any rural parish and you're much more likely to be robbed by some white meth head trailer trash than you are rural black folks, also speaking from experience. Having said that, as I mentioned above, there is absolutely an element ...
17 pages and we continue to talk past each other...just like in society at large today. Both pro and anti BLM are unwilling to cede any inconvenient truths. There is absolutely still systemic racism (primarily the legacies of Jim Crow era) that can't be denied. A short list: Placing major high...
Looks like the mustached lunch lady who would always make fire rice and gravy when we were kids in Laffy....
Sounds like researchers looking for an easy sabbatical to crank out publications and not have to teach. Kids spend 95% of their time awake on the internet in front of screens, don't tell me they can't figure out a way for effective online teaching of lecture and seminar courses aside from labs. T...
I'm a bleeding heart liberal but the oppression Olympics, demonization of white males, cancel culture, riots, general SJW soy clown world social engineering,and new paternalism of minorities has worn me down to my wits end. I find Trump to be the human embodiment of a post tailgate natty light be...

re: Never Go Full Drew Brees!

Posted by Admiral_Dawg on 8/7/20 at 1:51 pm
Welp, better start guilting anyone who's gone on vacation to the Roman Coliseum, Tower of London, or pretty much any other historical monuments in any way related to past human suffering and burn them to the ground too. This is unfathomably dumb....
He should absolutely participate in debates. As for the second question, the same reason that you'd still vote for Trump even if he didn't debate. Politics has sadly become an ideological team sport where we pull for our own regardless of how shitty or inept the product is....

re: Best discontinued food items

Posted by Admiral_Dawg on 7/13/20 at 2:53 pm
[img]https://imgur.com/I4PJ60B[/img] Bengal Punch was a sports drink created in 1958 for the Louisiana State University football team.[1][2] It is believed to be the first sports drink ever created, pre-dating Gatorade by seven years.[3][4] It was created by Dr. Martin J. Broussard, the long-time...
Exactly. I don't get not being a supporter of wilderness as public land, in this way it belongs to all of us. Keep the wild west wild. I get that the federal gov is the big bad boogeyman, but keeping these lands federal means we all have access to them, and have a say in how they are managed. Th...