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Registered on:1/19/2007
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I was told protesting an election is a threat to democracy ...

re: CNN did some fact checking!

Posted by jmitc22 on 6/29/24 at 10:00 pm
They’re doing with Covid too. “How could we have ever known masks were ineffective and it leaked from a lab!?!”...

re: CNN did some fact checking!

Posted by jmitc22 on 6/29/24 at 9:50 pm
This is called being honest only when it’s convenient. They’ve ignored this for 4 years, but will now attempt to make themselves look credible to anyone willing to forget their willful ignorance. It’s just a sophisticated form of gaslighting. “We’re not just a DNC puppet, we called Biden out...
OR…. Just hear me out… We all use the money being spent on a needless war in Ukraine to build desalination and water purification plants throughout the globe. We have the money and technology to prevent this from being a problem. But we invest it in special interest groups and do nothing N...

re: New Lithium source found in U.S.

Posted by jmitc22 on 5/19/24 at 4:40 pm
We’ve always had access to domestic lithium, but environmental, land rights, and water rights concerns have prevented development. Apparently those concerns only matter to electric vehicle drivers if they affect the U.S., not if they affect other countries. ...
Jarvis Landry isn’t on the Mount Rushmore, but he owns the top ten best catches list. ...
I hope someone already said this, but the winner is Kaylee Frye from Firefly...
[quote]Ghost of Colby[/quote] Insightful post of the year...
They aren’t saying there is fraud. They are baking in an excuse as to why counting isn’t timely in November ...
Clark is ridiculously good. That said, has anyone figured out how she consistently gets away with throwing arm bars into defenders to create space? Also, I wanted her to be a better sport. Her flops and complaints were over the top. ...
Misleading article since it didn’t mention the vp of sales calling their own customer base “fratty, out of touch” people...

Those Who Can’t

Posted by jmitc22 on 2/24/24 at 7:56 pm
Anyone ever seen Those Who Can’t? It’s brilliantly funny, but I’ve never met another person who’s seen it. It’s a streaming comedy about dysfunctional teachers at a high school, and I need at least one person to nerd out with me about it. Bonus points if you dislike Firefly....

re: Car wreck/insurance question

Posted by jmitc22 on 2/24/24 at 7:46 pm
[quote]Good. F'ing ambulance chasers are causing us all to pay higher insurance rates. [/quote] Remember several years ago when the legislature overhauled the rules for lawsuits because the insurance companies said our rates would go down, and then all the insurers raised rates instead? I member....
This is like drawing a bad picture of a woman with the words “Heil Hitler” scribbled across it, then calling people who don’t like it bigots because a woman is depicted in the picture. Remove the “message” and it’s still a bad picture that no one wants to look at regardless of who is in it. ...
Studies have been done on this. In terms of positions and bipartisanship, we are demonstrably further left and right with a much greater divide and less common ground than 20 years ago. ...

re: Anyone else miss Anthony Bourdain?

Posted by jmitc22 on 1/23/24 at 10:33 pm
Boudain’s greatness was how deep he went. He didn’t show you the travel guide version of a place and talk about the things in it; he showed you the reality of a place and revealed its soul. It was really a show about geopolitics and culture. Food just happened to be the anchor point around whi...
His last 3-4 throws were not good. Weird playcalling too...
You’re asking the wrong question. The right question is multiple choice, and it’s : will the defense make Wisconsin’s QB look like A) All Big 10 B) All American or C) Next year’s Heisman front runner?...
[quote]They are just setting the stage for a federal bailout funded by everyone else.[/quote] Just like when the Democrats’ Covid “relief” spending bailed out blue states which destroyed their own economies, there will be some package that shifts the burden of this from California to all of us. ...