Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:Being badass in general, yet remaining a gentleman
Number of Posts:1866
Registered on:9/13/2006
Online Status:Not Online

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I totally agree w you that most teams are in our same situation. But it’s one of the reasons why I am not getting so bent over stuff that almost every team is battling. In no reasonable universe did I think we would be elite coming into this season. I just want us to show improvement on the...
I am going to say that this team is going to have to battle it out with every team left on the schedule in the SEC. We have a decent team but not good enough to coast to any wins. We may show up one week and be firing on all cylinders and dominate someone, but it will be an outlier game. It’...

re: Season is over

Posted by 0jersey on 10/14/24 at 2:56 pm
[quote]Honestly I suffer from depression[/quote] Which begs the question- How bad was your depression prior to becoming an Ole Miss die hard fan? I would suspect non-existent. Seems that you need to set a course for correction and follow another program or give up football fandom. That,...
So my buddy loved the first one and asked me to check it out with him last Sunday. I went into the movie blind. Going into movies blind can be fun, but also risky. I cannot think of a worse movie I have seen in my life in the theater. It was flat out stupid, boring, and as all the other pos...
Life can truly be brutal. I don’t know you but my heart goes out to you and your family. No one should have to go through this scenario. Prayers for you and family. No words can help in this moment. That being said I do like these words for times such as this. When we lose someone we lov...

re: Who was better Booger or Marcus?

Posted by 0jersey on 9/30/24 at 4:38 pm
Booger is more articulate without a doubt. Love them both. ...
When I was a kid I thought Mt Rushmore somehow was a natural formation. I thought it was the most amazing coincidence ever. Because really, how in the world could anyone actually carve out a mountain to look like four president's heads? I could not conceive of any humanly way to create it. I j...
So it sounds like what you were trying to describe is called foreshadowing. This is where there is a specific thing that is shown or discussed that will return at a later point. A set-up is usually more like what people are using for examples here where a whole storyline/plot builds to a rev...
You will not regret doing this. I am jealous. ...
If UF would just let him hire all the staff he wants they could be successful. LOL...

re: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Posted by 0jersey on 7/10/24 at 11:10 am
I found the audiobook to be way more digestible. Seemed like every sentence in the book had something “important” to understand so I couldn’t read through it with any normal speed. Lots of good practical and applicable concepts that you can use in daily life. I can see how it’s not for every...
This is the approach to repair the health care system. Rid the gigantic administrative bloat of idiots that have no idea what patient care and experience entails, yet somehow in positions to make decisions and get paid for making everything worse. ...
When specifically are you encountering these negative thoughts? What are some of these thoughts? Based on your answers to these it will be easier to give you some tips. ...

re: New slang that you hate

Posted by 0jersey on 6/17/24 at 3:49 pm
So my understanding was Rizz is charisma. Is it not? I hear some say it’s “game” or how you talk to the opposite sex. What is it? I would assume it’s a compliment if someone says they like your rizz, correct? Personally, I like fire but have said it for well over a decade at this point....

re: Rob Noel - AimPoint

Posted by 0jersey on 6/13/24 at 9:16 pm
You learn it much better via an instructor. It has made a massive difference in my putting over the past 2 years. If you struggle reading greens you won’t regret the class (if you make the commitment to stick with it for the golf season). I learned from a level 4. I also recommend buying...
I will only add-bring a pair of binoculars. Game changer for seeing where balls land or up close swings etc. ...

re: Favorite mystery/suspense film?

Posted by 0jersey on 5/30/24 at 9:14 am
I can never remember the name of that Paul Walker movie so I am glad you guys mentioned it. Running Scared is amazing. Also, how has The Game not been mentioned yet?...

re: Count of Monte Cristo - 2024

Posted by 0jersey on 5/29/24 at 8:53 pm
I know I will watch bc I love the book. I saw the most recent movie before reading the book. I loved the book and the ending in the book more. As I read the book I thought this would be an absolute masterpiece of a 3/4 season 10 episode series if done with high production value like GOT- AS LONG...
This is mostly due to their implementation of strong DEI initiatives many years ago. ...
The best plan is to hit your 5i and 6i on trackman device to see what your avg distances are and do the same for the hybrids and your 3w/5w. You want to try and get gaps 10yds apart as you move to the next club. Figure out what distance you need covered and/or which clubs you prefer that are tha...