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Location:Baton Rouge, LA
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Registered on:10/1/2014
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Not melting, just speaking truth and looking forward to the epic melt in 2020 on this board when scum like you will be crying and bitching about Trump's loss. Oh, will I have fun with POS like you, then.
The blithering idiot himself, who couldn't have won without his butt-buddy Putin's help. And actually, he STILL lost by 3 million votes. :lol:
Trump: "I think I'd take it"

Yeah, we know you would, you lying, corrupt piece of shite. After all, you accepted help from a foreign government during the previous election.

And Mr. "Fiscal Conservative" arse-clown Trump is trying to buy the farmers' votes with billions in subsidies that are financed by increasing the national debt. Note that Trump's federal budget deficits are running close to a trillion dollars a year. Oh, but we hear nothing but silence from the hypoc
You laugh because that's all you can do. You SURE AS HELL can't dispute with a straight face what I posted above.
Nope. It ain't the liberal voters who are whining and bitching about the "nanny" state requiring children to be vaccinated. It's the con ilk such as Jenny McCarthy promoting not getting your kids vaccinated. Libertarians and cons bitch and complain all the time about the "nanny" state doing things f
That man-made climate change isn't happening, and that it's a "myth invented by the Chinese." Again, not mainstream, but believed by a lot of the Trumpies.

Trump - global warming invented by the Chinese

That windmills cause cancer. Not mainstream, but a lot of the Trumpies seem to believe everything their idiot President says.

Trump: Windmills cause can

Vaccines cause autism

Yeah, thanks to the libertarian/and or rightwing kooks who believe that bullshite, diseases that had been well-nigh eradicated have made a big comeback.

That Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.

They didn't have enough to "prove" collusion, but Mueller damn sure proved that the Russians interfered in the election on Trump's behalf. There is no doubt (except among the mindless Trump lemmings) that Putin wanted Trump to

re: Lawyer ads on NOLA TV are OOC

Posted by TigersFan64 on 6/6/19 at 10:30 pm
I can vaguely remember the good old days when lawyers were barred from advertising by the legal profession. It was considered "unethical." I wish they'd go back to those days.

= :wah:

You "I wish the South would have won" people are getting tiresome with your tears over monuments put up during the racist Jim Crow era by white supremacists.

re: Red light cameras

Posted by TigersFan64 on 6/3/19 at 10:38 pm
I got burned by the camera at the exit off the interstate at College Drive back in 2014, while turning left onto College Drive. They had a video of my car entering the intersection as the light turned red. I just paid the ticket, as I realized from the video that they had me. I've been extra carefu
I could source many other news outlets, but you'd just dismiss those too. Fox (Faux) News was about the only one that didn't have an article about it, since it was critical of Trump.

Nice try, Trump lemming. LOL!

re: Texas property tax

Posted by TigersFan64 on 5/31/19 at 1:15 pm
Oh well. I suppose you could always move if it's too much of a burden. Or support a state income tax.

re: Texas property tax

Posted by TigersFan64 on 5/31/19 at 3:46 am

With no state income tax, got to get it from somewhere.

Exactly. It's laughable how some people seem to think that roads and infrastructure can be paid for out of the ether.
Read the article, if you are able. It speaks for itself.

The notion that "Trump did nothing wrong" exists only in brainwashed minds such as yourself, Trump's laughable claims of "total exoneration" not withstanding. :lol:
Can you come up with anything besides attacking a source to show the woman didn't say that? It's on video, moron.

Fox (Faux) News = Trump propaganda network.
So, as usual, you can't even come up with anything intelligent to counter my post, just childish name-calling. That's par for the course for you brainwashed Trump lemmings.