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Registered on:3/16/2006
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“bunch of people keep voting for Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi”

We’re gonna find out in fact that they were rigging hundreds of elections across the US.

re: Thank you Harrison Ford and Jeep

Posted by Folsom on 2/10/25 at 5:14 am
“Remember that during pride month. “

Hollywood actors/actresses are bankrupt with their wokeness posing. Completely bankrupt!
“No just some DEI crap”

Which is satanic.
Remember after 2 terms of Mike Foster )Republican), the LA State budget almost doubled? We could cut the LA budget in half given the graft that’s been going on.
Dana kinda reminds me of the episcopal woman “priest “ at the inauguration.
Schiff and most of Congress have a default mechanism in their souls that goes straight to deceit. They are masters of deceit and they are not stupid people. They’re brilliant at lying and convincing the populace of their narratives.
I’m skeptical.
Texas, Georgia, Ohio State, Penn State, and Notre Dame aren’t in the top ten.

re: Joe Burrow and Patrick Queen

Posted by Folsom on 1/5/25 at 7:53 am
Scooter Hobbs used to call Jamarcus Russell “Jamarculus”. Funny
LSU is so far behind each of these teams with creativity. It’s not even close.
So why didn’t Bret Hume have the guts to announce that this was nothing but a witch hunt and show trial before?

re: Jimmy Carter was NOT a Christian

Posted by Folsom on 1/1/25 at 6:41 am
[img]Jimmy Carter was NOT a Christian[/img]

Finally, someone has the guts to say who Carter really was!
Carter also never met a tyrant/dictator who he didn’t support.
Spot on.
The End Time Defeatist Doctrine only came into existence in the 1850’s. The early church never believed this.
We are headed for great rival and prosperity! “The Glory of the Lord shall cover the earth! “
Stop waiting for your rapture rug to take you out of this time.
Gingrich is and always has been a rhino. He was a member of the counsel on foreign relations. All republicans have to do is get rid of the dominion voting machines and go to paper ballots because Democrats are stealing elections everywhere. The game is over then.
[img]I genuinely think he is a decent guy. I have gone to church[/img]

Somebody define good in the context of Mike Johnson . What is good about a person who habitually lies? What is good about a lie that helps facilitate the deaths of 650,000 Ukrainian boys and protects Ukraine biolabs and billio
Rand Paul endorsed McConnell’s reelection bid. Kennedy is a rino’s dream. Both frauds!
[img]I’m pissed that they threw together a CR and tried to vot[/img]

They NEVER threw this CR together in a few days. They plotted and strategized this bill for months. They knew they had Johnson in the bag to once again fool us.