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Ricky Tidwells Mama

Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:8
Registered on:12/29/2013
Online Status:Not Online

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Thank you! Neither of them are her. Good luck finding their owners. You're doing a good thing ...
Do you have a picture of the other one? ...
If you chase her, she runs. Thinks it's a game. She got out while I was at school, not much I could've done. ...
One of them might be mine. She got out earlier in that neighborhood. She's not the one in the picture tho...
No shower at all. And no doctors appointment for whatever that cough is and his eye problem. Not bad for strengths tho. Took dynamics fall of senior year with a job in hand once I graduated, didn't care at all so didn't pay attention. Got a c somehow, pretty sure I failed the final tho...
Johnny Manziel and Joe Flacco, Manziel for obvious reasons. I just don't like something about Flacco ...
Haha keep it classy Bortles. Is there a chance this is another one of the Mante Teo situations with comments like that? Haha...
I had a great great uncle lose his plantation and all the land in a riverboat poker game. Never met him though. ...