Peruvian Skateboarder Angelo Caro Narvaez Takes Rail Right To The Crotch
John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports
Never thought the Olympics would look like this...
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Filed Under: Summer Olympics
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FaCubeItches42 months
I thought the Olympics were in Tokyo, not Bangkok. - Zombie Rodney Dangerfield
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GeauxsomeMeaux42 months
Now a soprano!
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Clark1442 months
I told my wife last night that no one will ever know or remember any of these guys unless they straddle the handrail...haha
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Robber DeNiro42 months
This was the most interesting thing in the Olympics so far by far!!!!
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TigerCoon42 months
that was more gooch than crotch
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Degas42 months
The only skate park in the world with no graffiti.
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Left cheek, not the nuts.
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prplhze200042 months
Nah, he missed the vital spot. Got up too soon
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