ESPN's Stephen A. Smith believes it's time to crown a new conference as the king of college football...
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Filed Under: SEC Football
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homemadeshine21 days
Like it or not, he's spot on! I can't stand that DA, but the Big 10 has shown on the field it's the best conference and it's hard to argue when they have won the last two national championships!
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Da #1 Stunna21 days
Stephen A doesn't know anything about the game of football. He is lazy and does zero show prep, and this was before he started with the wandering eye to become a political analyst. Shannon Sharpe has soured on him because he knows how little he actually prepares for his job. He has been given the ESPN crown as the Most Valuable Talent at the network. He has been mailing it in ever since.......and now he is pouting until he gets his new overpriced contract. He is horrible at his job.
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3down1021 days
I can't believe people listen to these fools.
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CDawson22 days
in the last 25 years, Ohio State and Michighetto have won titles from the Big 10. In that same time, Alabama, LSU, Florida, Auburn, Georgia. Texas, OU and Tennessee have won titles. It's not about who wins the title, its about how many in the league have the capability to win the title. It's not close from top to bottom.
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OStateBuck21 days
Obviously he’s not talking about the last 25 years genius.
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CDawson21 days
I didn't know we had Butteye fans on this board. Well smart guy, you can't base it on one year. Depth makes a conference not one or two good teams. Even a dumbass like you should know this.
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Tiger9722 days
So, a good Ohio State plus an annually overrated Penn State and a "did not even deserve to be considered for the playoff" Indiana make a conference the best??? Keep on thinking there Stephen A. You need more practice.
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OStateBuck21 days
Salty SEC fan ??
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Rantrambler22 days
The NFL factory that is the SEC has no comparison
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Revorising22 days
Thanks brah…. Now let me get back to caring about my life ….
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Timeoday22 days
Want to meet a professional troll? Watch Stephen A. Smith.
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jlbasm22 days
He’s just stirring shite. Apparently that gets you paid over at espn
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idlewatcher22 days
Thanks Bama for ruining it for everyone
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LSUbacchus8122 days
Should we tally up the titles of these 2 conferences over the last say 20 years ?
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VoxDawg22 days
Nobody gives a flying frick what that overrated hack thinks about the SEC.
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