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re: The Vatican is Evil and it’s part

Posted on 12/21/22 at 12:08 pm to
Posted by Zarkinletch416
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Member since Jan 2020
8421 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 12:08 pm to

Protestant churches take communion too.

Okay, so maybe this is an oppertunity for me to understand your ritual. So what do you do with the bread and the grape juice after you consume it? I assume the communion is in the form of unleavened bread and wine? It is wine, right? The unleavened bread being a carryover from the Jewish Feast of the Passover. Remember Jesus was a Jew. The Passover Feast being when the Jews ate unleavened bread and bitter herbs as the Angel of Death passed over the homes of the Jews. At least those Jews with the blood of an unblemished lamb painted on their doorpost.

So Jesus is often referred to as the 'Lamb of God'. So can we begin to connect the dots between the Jewish Feast of the Passover to the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God on the Altar? So by the Blood of the Lamb, the Jews were saved from the Pharaoh's terrible edict, and we Catholics are saved by the Body (concecrated bread) and Blood (concecrated wine) of the Lamb. I love repeating this powerful proclamation - I am washed in the Blood of the Lamb. The Blood that flowed from His side as He died on the Cross. This Jesus is a swell guy.

So does the preacher say any words of consecration (or prayers) over the bread before the congregation consumes it. And if so, by what 'authority' does the preacher perform this ritual. I mean no disrespect. Just curious. I'm just asking for clarification.

Jesus, I trust in you.
This post was edited on 12/21/22 at 2:43 pm
Posted by Stitches
Member since Oct 2019
909 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 12:11 pm to

Also, logically:

1) We need a final authority,

2) Scripture, because of its unique attributes, is the best candidate,

3) Therefore, Scripture is the final authority.

So you're saying that scripture is the pillar and foundation of true teaching?
Posted by mtntiger
Asheville, NC
Member since Oct 2003
26672 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 12:16 pm to

I see the Protestant television preachers teaching the Prosperity Gospel as they ask for more money so that they can fly around on fast jet planes to bring the Word of Faith to the world.

I then ponder the Bible message of poverty and humility and my mind tells me that the Protestant preacher is on the wrong path.

Those charlatans represent most protestants about as much as pedo priests represent most Catholics.

You probably think those clowns at Westboro are typical protestant Christians. They aren't even Christian.
Posted by texridder
The Woodlands, TX
Member since Oct 2017
14237 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 12:22 pm to

the reformers were attempting to remove the man-made error from Catholicism to get back to what the scriptures taught,

Which man-made error?
Posted by texridder
The Woodlands, TX
Member since Oct 2017
14237 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 12:26 pm to

the reformers were attempting to remove the man-made error from Catholicism to get back to what the scriptures taught,

Which man-made error?
Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:11
Member since Jul 2020
8803 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 12:51 pm to

The Vatican is Evil and it’s part..Of the criminal enterprise actively working against the people.

3 for 3 on the TRUTH. (which is overwhelming were even 1% of the total "burden of truth" demanded.)

No one can prove otherwise: Evil. Criminal. Actively working against (saving the souls of) the people.

*(The following brief critique is NOT a condemnation of those who consider themselves "Roman Catholic")

All who consider themselves "Christian" need to re-examine and apply critical thinking and logic to the true identity of who and what "Pope" Francis AND the Vatican are -- and their respective MO.

Francis, the designated Vatican overlord, is an avowed Communist /anti-Capitalist. He is anti-Sovereignty. Francis is a Jesuit (which is a deceptive identity and NOT "Jesus Christ-Gospel" centered or directed.)

Francis (as well as is the entire Vatican MO) is one that is actively working in cahoots with the tyrannical, anti-Freedom, anti-Christian agenda of the UN of a ONE WORLD System of CONTROL. The Vatican / Francis are open about actively promoting the UN vision for a One World RELIGION, One World CURRENCY, and Pagan-Secular worldview.

Francis and the Vatican aggressively man a giant observational telescope name "Lucifer" (odd name, no? And for WHAT logical reason?)

Francis has promised to baptize "Aliens." (why even mention that?); He and the Vatican are prioritizing & promoting "Chrislam" (something Jesus Christ would *never* do), NOR would Jesus Christ ever share HIS House with Pagan, Gnostic religions and cults.

Great Mystery: Why doesn't Francis and the Vatican ever share and promote the soul-saving message Gospel of Jesus Christ (in His name) first & foremost in their respective position of influence and seat of vast power?

Of ALL art and settings by which Francis seats himself, does this disturbing nightmarish Vatican "art" and imagery inspire Divine beauty and glory? OR, does it connotate spiritual rebellion?

What's your immediate honest instinct and sense?

Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:11
Member since Jul 2020
8803 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 12:56 pm to

I can't help but ask them [Johnny-come-lately religions]: Do you follow Martin Luther or Jesus Christ?

Posted by CatholicLSUDude
Member since Aug 2018
760 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:06 pm to



I'm going to try to respond to both of your responses to my initial questions at the same time.

I'm also going to stay fairly conceptual, especially with my response to all the scripture posted by Leotiger. This isn't because I'm not responding to your different versus, rather because your fundamental assumptions about how to read scripture are different from mine. Thus, I think quoting scripture as an argument is fruitless. My responses aim to be beneath that--they deal with the question of how one should approach scripture in the first place. That's one way I can approach why you need something like the Catholic Church rather than just the Bible.

Finally, I'm just going to pick out certain parts of your response that feed into my initial charge (arguing for the Catholic Church). If you think I should address some specific piece of your post that I did not address, please point that out directly. I can't respond to all the points each of you make in both of your posts. It's just too much and a lot of it is tangental to what I was asked to do by Leotiger725.

First Up: Leotiger

1. None of what you cite indicates Sola Scriptura without passing it through the opinion of the reformers or modern protestant pastors. It's just not there. It requires one to adopt a particular opinion about what those writings mean--and that particular opinion is born of other men rather than the scripture you claim is the only authority. I'd argue that if Christ meant for written scripture to be the only form of authority for thousands of years, he definitely would have stated that plainly. He did not do so. Instead, he spent his time teaching men how to pray and giving them authority to run his church when he died.

2. Your response to the second question doesn't ring true to me. Christ taught all kinds of things that were not explicitly stated in the OT. So why didn't he make it clear if that was the means by which future generations would understand his teaching?


1. My response to Leotiger is just about sufficient to respond to your response to question one. You're admitting Sola Scriptura is not explicitly stated. I agree. But I think that makes it's true origin very obvious: it was a doctrine invented by the reformers. I'd argue that you only believe it because very fallible men have told you that it is so. Scripture has been passed through their opinion and interpreted a particular way and you have accepted their interpretation as fact. This is exactly what protestants dislike about Catholics.

The truth is there is no escaping this. There is no getting out of trusting someone to help you understand the Bible. It's just a matter of who you trust.

2. Like Leotiger's response, I don't really understand how yours answers my question. We aren't talking about OT prophets, we are talking about God himself coming down to earth. He could have easily written instructions for years before leaving, but he didn't. Why?

I suppose it's not a question many people ask themselves, and I've honestly never heard a protestant offer a response to it. The Catholic response is pretty simple: He was establishing a church of men and preparing them for the authority he would give them, and there's something about such a church of men that's necessary for his Church to endure through the ages. Is there not a comparably comprehensive answer from the protestant side of the aisle?

Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:11
Member since Jul 2020
8803 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:13 pm to

(To Foo)

Tell me you’re clueless without saying you’re clueless..

...we are STILL doing the same thing the Pharisees did that led to that same savior being nailed to a tree.

Jesus Christ. Crucified with SPIKES. NOT to a "tree". It was a wooden CROSS.

Who is this "we"?

And wait a minute -- by citing the Pharisees actions against Jesus Christ, did you actually just compare the righteous criticism and condemnation of Pope Francis and Vatican TO...Criticism & condemnation of Jesus Christ?

Absolutely stunning.

(also another stunning / absurd position to believe -- poster Foo is a target to be taken to task on Gospel truth?)

Exactly who is "clueless" again??
Posted by alpinetiger
Salt Lake City
Member since Apr 2017
5864 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:16 pm to

Okay, so maybe this is an oppertunity for me to understand your ritual. So what do you do with the bread and the grape juice after you consume it? I assume the communion is in the form of unleavened bread and wine? It is wine, right? The unleavened bread being a carryover from the Jewish Feast of the Passover. Remember Jesus was a Jew. The Passover Feast being when the Jews ate unleavened bread and bitter herbs as the Angel of Death passed over the homes of the Jews. At least those Jews with the blood of an unblemished lamb painted on their doorpost.

So Jesus is often referred to as the 'Lamb of God'. So can we begin to connect the dots between the Jewish Feast of the Passover to the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God on the Altar? So by the Blood of the Lamb, the Jews were saved from the Pharaoh's terrible edict, and we Catholics are saved by the Body (concecrated bread) and Blood (concecrated wine) of the Lamb.

So does the preacher say any words of consecration (or prayers) over the bread before the congregation consumes it. And if so, by what 'authority' does the preacher perform this ritual.

Just curious. I'm just asking for clarification.
I'd like to invite you into my golf foursome. May I call you Zark? I thought I understood my own faith. I do not.

Posted by Leotiger725
Member since Jan 2021
812 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:17 pm to
We eat unleavened bread and some sort of grape juice. The congregation stands together, and a prayer is said that is essentially the words Jesus said at the Lord's Supper.

We do it in remembrance of the sacrifice made at Cavalry, as prescribed by the words of Jesus.
Posted by Leotiger725
Member since Jan 2021
812 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:19 pm to

So you're saying that scripture is the pillar and foundation of true teaching?

No, I am saying that scripture is final authority. Anything not derived from it is tradition at best and heresy at worst.
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
41824 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:30 pm to
Before I respond, I want to thank you for your courteous and well-written response. I have fundamental disagreements with what you said and what you believe, but I appreciate you expressing yourself well.

I will have to break this up into two posts, since I decided to quote all of your words as to not miss context.


I disagree and I'll tell you why. Before the Bible, there was 'the authority'. That authority is God (revealed to us in the person of the second person of the Blessed Trinity - Jesus Christ). We're all on the same page up to this point, right?
Yes, we're in agreement that the authority has always been God. The point of sola scriptura is to recognize that God (through His word) is the final authority on faith and life.


In 1910 the protestant denominations took on the task of attempting to determine which books of the Bible were divinely inspired. After much research and effort, they concluded there was no 'authority' on earth (there's that word again) who could do that. Their effort took them to the door of the Catholic Church (the authority), where they stopped. So you see the Bible is a child of the Catholic Church. Given to humanity for its edification and holiness. Plus, it's a record of a peoples in search of God. Don't believe me? Do your own research. But please be open minded and honest.
I disagree with your conclusion about the Bible being the product of the Catholic Church.

First, the Catholic Church was initially called catholic (universal) to distinguish itself from other heretical or heterodoxical sects and splinters that were forming early on. It was a designation of the orthodox and apostolic Church. Even Protestants can agree with that designation as the early Church looked very little like the modern (Roman) Catholic Church. Because the early Church looked so little like the modern Catholic Church, it's unfair to say that what they produced was the product of our modern view of the Church of Rome.

Second, the word 'canon' simply means "a rule". It's essentially a standard. When we speak of the canon of scripture, we're talking about the standard of that which is God's revelation given to us. The canon, technically, wasn't created by the Church, but created by God and received by the Church. The canon was complete as soon as God completed His revelation through the writings of the apostles, not a few hundred years later when an official list was certified. Therefore, the Church didn't create the Bible, but merely accepted it for what it was. Not every individual congregation had all of the Bible at one time initially, and therefore there were disputes as to what constituted scripture, which is why the proposed writings had to be examined for the marks of scripture.

Lastly (but related to the first point), the acceptance of the scriptures as the scriptures was done well, but it was God's work of providence working through fallible men who gave us the scriptures, so we really do need to recognize that it wasn't the work of the Roman Catholic Church as it exists today, but the Church Catholic (universal) that recognized what God had already provided.


It wasn't until Johannes Gutenburg invented the movable-type printing press (the Gutenburg Printing Press) in 1440 did the capability exist to mass produce copies of the Bible. Prior to that the job of generating copies of the Bible fell upon the shoulders of Catholic Monks who went about the painstaking labor intensive task of transcribing and binding the Books of the Bible. So instead of cursing the Catholic Church you should thank her for bringing you the Bible.
The monks played their part, but they were just copying what came before them. The early Church copied what they could get their hands on and did so as much as they could under the shadow of persecution. It wasn't until after Constantine and his toleration of the Church that it began to get organized so that there was enough peace to have monks be left alone in scriptoriums to hand copy the texts over and over again. This was another providence of God that allowed His word to be preserved.


Are all the clergy in the Catholic Church perfect? Some (a few) are deeply flawed. Many many more are following in the footsteps of their Master as they tend to Our Lord's Flock. They act Personna Christi (in the person of Christ) and they receive their power when they are ordained by their Bishop. The Bishop conveys the power which Jesus himself conveyed upon the Apostle Peter which is passed on to the Bishops (in effect they help the local Bishop in the call to evangelize). So what we have here is a continuous uninterrupted conveyance of divine authority across millenia.
The authority is from Christ, for sure, but it isn't a special, uninterrupted conveyance from Peter alone. The earliest Church didn't have regional bishops that eventually developed into the Papal See. There were elders (presbuteros, and episcopos in the Greek, which were used interchangeably in the Bible) who, with the Apostles, shepherded the churches. After about a century, bishops began to have regional control over groups of churches/elders, and the bishop of Rome didn't have a separate or greater authority at the time. It wasn't until a few hundred years after Christ that the Papacy as we know it today emerged.

With that said, I have no doubt there there are many priests who are faithful to what they believe to be true. My condemnation of them isn't necessarily moral, but doctrinal. However I believe the difference in salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone and salvation by faith and man's works is a different gospel. The entire world believes that whatever salvation that exists is attained by our good works. What makes Christianity unique is that we are not saved by our own good works. We are saved by the work of God alone, and that makes a big difference in our doctrine.


Having said all this, I regret Martin Luther felt compelled to nail his 95 thesis on the door at the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany. That action launched the Protestant Reformation. A Reformation that haunts us to this day. Remember God did not intend for us to be separated like this. Did some clergy and laity stain the Catholic Church? Absolutely. But God did send reformers - Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Avila, among many others. If only Martin Luther had been patient.
I should remind you that Luther did not nail the 95 theses to the door in order to separate from Rome. He was a monk and a doctor of theology within the Catholic Church who wanted to reform it from the abuses he saw. It wasn't until his concerns were rejected and he was called to repent of his criticisms (and was excommunicated) that the division happened. Catholics these days seem to think that Luther started off as an enemy of Rome. He was made one by the Church, herself, by not addressing the abuses but by attempting to cover them up by silencing him. Nailing the theses to the door (which was essentially the town bulletin board) was his way of starting a debate and discussion about abuses.
This post was edited on 12/21/22 at 1:38 pm
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
41824 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:30 pm to

There is nothing revealed in the Bible that contradicts the teachings of my Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Period.
Oh there are plenty. From works-based salvation to having an alter Christus (another Christ) in the priest (as opposed to the priesthood of the believer). From having another head of the Church (the Pope) who isn't Christ to forbidding priests to marry. From the sacrifice of Christ being presented over and over again (as compared to the once-for-all sacrifice) to indulgences (as opposed to the merits of Christ being received by faith). I could even mention the Marian dogmas that the early church knew nothing about but are now required to assent to for faithful Catholics today. I could go on, but I'll focus on the Eucharist that you wanted to focus on.


Including and especially as it applies to the Holy Eucharist. Right now in Catholic Churches across the globe Jesus Christ (in the form of Living Bread) is reposed in tabernacles. Do you deny the doctrine of transubstantiation? Jesus is with us, He never left us. In your eyes of the unbeliever what is more absurd, God taking on human form, or God taking on the form of 'Living' Bread? Remember Jesus Christ said,"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you". - John 6:53 (King James Bible) Pretty definitive proclamation by Jesus Himself would you say?
I deny the doctrine of transubstantiation. Jesus is with us as the head of the Church, and we are connected to Him as the Church, which is His body. Our union with Christ makes Him present with us.

With all due respect, I honestly don't care what's absurd to the unbeliever. The resurrection of the dead is pretty absurd to them. I care about what scripture teaches.

Jesus used word pictures many times. He said He is a door, yet I don't believe He had hinges. He said that He is a vine, but I don't think He had leaves. He told the woman at the well that He gives water of eternal life, but I don't believe He was offering her literal water that would make her live forever if she drank it. Jesus said He is the light of the world, yet He wasn't personally illuminated all the time (perhaps except for during the transfiguration). He said He is the good shepherd, yet He didn't tend to literal sheep.

On the other hand, Jesus used the picture of the bread and eating of His flesh to the people at that moment because they were only following Him looking for food, as He had just prior performed the miracle of the loaves and fish. Jesus was using a word picture to somewhat cryptically talk about the spiritual nourishment He provides, and the people just wanted to eat from His miracles.


So each Sunday our Catholic Priest (acting Personna Christi) consecrates the bread and distributes the Living Bread (Body of Christ) to the flock. Then the Priest gathers the host from the Ministers of Communion, and with much respect and awe they repose Jesus back into the tabernacle. The presence of that tabernacle in my church always reminds me of Moses and Hebrews traveling for 40 years in the desert. They carried with them the Ark of the Covenant. The Covenant was always at the front of the tribes. At the end of their days journey they set the Ark of the Covenant in the middle of the camp with all the the tents of tribes of Israel arrayed around the Ark. The Ark of the Covenant being a constant reminder of God's presence with and among them.
While that may sound nice to think about and consider, the Old Testament shadows gave way to the light of pure revelation in Jesus Christ; the reality that those types foreshadowed.


We Catholics believe in the 'New Covenant' which is Jesus himself residing with us in His tabernacle. If you ever go in a Catholic Church notice where the tabernacle is located? Right in the front of the congregation, behind the altar of sacrifice, and the center of the main isle. And get this. I can visit Him anytime I want. I can receive Him daily (providing I'm void of any serious 'mortal'sin).
What you described are the Old Testament sacrificial signs that were fulfilled in Christ, but which Rome has revived anew. Christ's sacrifice was once-for-all.

You even brought up "mortal sins", which is a category not expressed in the scriptures. To God, all sins are "mortal sins", because all sin deserves everlasting spiritual death.


Brother in conclusion, the Catholic Church is not your enemy. She is your salvation. She is the Bride of Christ. That we are divided causes me much heartache and to be honest - it's a scandal. So maybe we should pray to the same God, we both worship, for each other. Fair enough?
I appreciate your kind-hearted words, but I believe you to be in error here. The Catholic Church is not my salvation, but Jesus Christ alone is my salvation, and I look to no one else but Him for it. The bride of Christ is the Church, not the organization based in Rome. The Church is both visible (professing Christians joined to a local body of Christ) and invisible (all the elect saints, living, dead, and yet to be born), and I am joined to Christ by faith, which makes me part of His body even though I may be separated from Rome.

I will pray for you, that the Lord would draw you out of error and into truth. I will pray that you will be led to the one true shepherd of our souls, the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone saves us (not merely makes it possible for us to be saved).

You seem to be a nice and respectful person and I don't mean any of this to be taken as a personal attack on you, or meant with any sort of animus. I have what might be described as a righteous anger at those who have led people astray to follow after traditions of men above the very commands of God. I will pray for you.
This post was edited on 12/21/22 at 1:43 pm
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
41824 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:34 pm to


the reformers were attempting to remove the man-made error from Catholicism to get back to what the scriptures taught,
Which man-made error?
Many. It started with the erroneous teachings on indulgences that got Luther going, but the primary issues were reclaiming the scriptures as the final authority for Christians, and the teaching that faith alone in Christ alone by grace alone is the basis for our salvation.
Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:11
Member since Jul 2020
8803 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 1:46 pm to

The selling of indulgences was an abuse not endorsed by the Catholic Church.

100% lie.

The RCC certainly did sell indulgences. Claimed dominion over provincial Kings. Created the un-Biblical, impossible "Papal Infallibility" which convenient made clergy judge & jury "Gods" and "Vicar of Christ."


However, Luther didn't reform anything


The entire power structure of The Roman EMPIRE (dubbed "Holy" by obedient Historians) was turned on its head. No longer was a heretic Vatican and it's church tentacles throttling the Gospel message across the continent. True Christianity was being allowed the flourish -- AND yes, along with the serfs actually being allowed to own an actual Bible. It took King James (NOT the Vatican) to have Good Book translated into English, published, and the Gospel message back INTO THE HANDS OF COMMON FOLKS.)

Martin Luther's legacy was in exposing the RCC as a vicious, criminal enterprise; freeing millions of people from Vatican overlording, liberating them from their slave-chains. Yes, he also indeed "reformed" the definition of "Freedom" for all of Europe -- (for starters.)


he [Luther] caused a revolution which led to the deaths of millions of Europeans over the next century and a half.

Anytime the slaves & serfs rebel, the result IS millions of deaths. EXCEPT, the Vatican masters were responsible for 95% of them. This was the result of The Vatican / Roman Empire ("un-"Holy") trying to resuscitate their former strangulation of power by persecuting, assassinating, and otherwise coercing BY FORCE Luther's "protestant-of-tyranny 'rebellion'" (and strongarmed attempt to stuff the vassals and serfs back onto The Plantation genie-bottle.)

Martin Luther liberated their collective hearts, minds, body AND soul. (Btw, there IS NO "United States of America" OR Founders without Luther.
Posted by LatinTiger30
New Orleans
Member since Oct 2007
4431 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 2:40 pm to
If the Vatican is evil, then you’re saying God is evil. Simone Peter is the first pope anointed by God himself.

Facts are facts. Me personally, my faith is in Jesus and I accept his will whatever it maybe regarding the Catholic Church.

Posted by Zarkinletch416
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Member since Jan 2020
8421 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 3:05 pm to
I knew my post would generate many responses and differences of opinion. I welcome that.

Across salvation history we see God reaching out to all humanity. Especially the children of Abraham. God even went in search of Hagar and Ishmael when Sarah convinced Abraham to banish her in the desert. Don't get me started on the damage done to the goodwill established between early Crusaders and the Ottoman Empire by the later legions of Crusaders.

Martin Luther may have been a brilliant theologian but he still had issues. Including issues with his father. From reading his bio I came to see how maybe the clash with his father contributed to his clash with the Holy Father. Like Luther had a problem with authority? It happens. Including at some point admitting to his desire to inflict bodily harm to the Holy Father. Like they say every action has a reaction. Maybe explains why some of Luther's followers hate the Catholic Church so much.

I'm devout Catholic and I sure don't hate Protestants, including Evangelicals. I read the venomous messages on this board directed at Catholics. THAT my friend is not from God. At the very least we should do what Our Lord Jesus said - love your enemies. Our Lord Jesus even went so far as to say,"but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:39) Only a person imbued with great love for God can do that. As people who called themselves Christian (followers of a crucified King) shouldn't that be our goal? To love God with all our mind, all our heart, and our neighbor as ourselves. Forgive, Forgive, and Forgive some more. Honestly, only God can lead us out of the mess we're in.

Anyway, when you drift off to sleep tonight, whisper a prayer for this weary voyager. I'll do the same for you.

Fair enough?

This post was edited on 12/22/22 at 8:28 am
Posted by JJJimmyJimJames
Southern States
Member since May 2020
18496 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 3:06 pm to

Do I think the arguments for the legitimacy of the largest religion in the world that’s over 2000 years old will hold up to scrutiny? Look at my name. Of course I do!
large and old do not translate to absolute and legit.

"Beginning by asking questions" is a well known distraction technique.
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
41824 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 3:08 pm to

If the Vatican is evil, then you’re saying God is evil.
Is the Vatican God? I know the Pope fancies himself to be the head of the Church which is a designation for Christ alone, but I don't think the two are comparable.


Simone Peter is the first pope anointed by God himself.
But he wasn't. Nothing in the Bible describes Peter acting like the modern perception of the Pope. He wasn't even the final word in the Jerusalem Council in Acts, and Paul opposed Peter directly. The first few hundred years of church history knew nothing of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome. That was a development that occurred after a lot of change in the Church. To imply that what we see today in Catholicism is one long, continuous succession that goes all the way back to Peter is simply historically inaccurate.
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