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re: NY Times: Pentagon’s UFO Program - aerospace/esoteric/quantum mechanics/future

Posted on 10/26/18 at 11:09 pm to
Posted by CoonassatTEXAS
Austin, TX
Member since Nov 2005
1047 posts
Posted on 10/26/18 at 11:09 pm to
Why the frick are you trying to “q” up my old school Mulder ufo conspiracy
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11089 posts
Posted on 10/30/18 at 8:14 am to
The next series of posts are going to get into my speculation on exotic tech (through the eyes of this thread)

Be warned, it is going to get fringe at times...

Directed Energy Weapons:

A tweet from the FBI records vault came over during the 2016 election to:

PBS write up:


A Weapon to End War


Tesla inherited from his father a deep hatred of war. Throughout his life, he sought a technological way to end warfare. He thought that war could be converted into, "a mere spectacle of machines."

In 1931 Tesla announced to reporters at a press conference that he was on the verge of discovering an entirely new source of energy. Asked to explain the nature of the power, he replied, "The idea first came upon me as a tremendous shock... I can only say at this time that it will come from an entirely new and unsuspected source." War clouds were again darkening Europe. On 11 July 1934 the headline on the front page of the New York Times read, "TESLA, AT 78, BARES NEW 'DEATH BEAM.'" The article reported that the new invention "will send concentrated beams of particles through the free air, of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 250 miles..."

Tesla stated that the death beam would make war impossible by offering every country an "invisible Chinese wall." The idea generated considerable interest and controversy. Tesla went immediately to J. P. Morgan, Jr. in search of financing to build a prototype of his invention. Morgan was unconvinced. Tesla also attempted to deal directly with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain. But when Chamberlain resigned upon discovering that he had been out-maneuvered by Hitler at Munich, interest in Tesla's anti-war weapon eventually collapsed.

By 1937 it was clear that war would soon break out in Europe. Frustrated in his attempts to generate interest and financing for his "peace beam," he sent an elaborate technical paper, including diagrams, to a number of Allied nations including the United States, Canada, England, France, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia. Titled "New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy Through Natural Media," the paper provided the first technical description of what is today called a charged particle beam weapon.

What set Tesla's proposal apart from the usual run of fantasy "death rays" was a unique vacuum chamber with one end open to the atmosphere. Tesla devised a unique vacuum seal by directing a high-velocity air stream at the tip of his gun to maintain "high vacua." The necessary pumping action would be accomplished with a large Tesla turbine. Of all the countries to receive Tesla's proposal, the greatest interest came from the Soviet Union. In 1937 Tesla presented a plan to the Amtorg Trading Corporation, an alleged Soviet arms front in New York City. Two years later, in 1939, one stage of the plan was tested in the USSR and Tesla received a check for $25,000.

Tesla hoped that his invention would be used for purely defensive purposes, and thus would become an anti-war machine. His system required a series of power plants located along a country's coast that would scan the skies in search of enemy aircraft. Since the beam was projected in a straight line, it was only effective for about 200 miles — the distance of the curvature of the earth.

Tesla also contemplated peacetime applications for his particle beam, one being to transmit power without wires over long distances. Another radical notion he proposed was to heat up portions of the upper atmosphere to light the sky at night — a man-made aurora borealis.

Whether Tesla's idea was ever taken seriously is still a mater of conjecture. Most experts today consider his idea infeasible. Though, his death beam bears an uncanny resemblance to the charged-particle beam weapon developed by both the United States and the Soviet Union during the cold war.

Nonetheless, Tesla's dream for a technological means to end war seems as impossible now as it did when he proposed the idea in the 1930s.

I will note that many of his grand ideas are feasible and became reality (international cellphone use)

Tesla is slowly being written out of history...

We will all look back at the logo above as a massive distraction...
Highjacking memes will be a thing in this thread moving forward (will recur)
This post was edited on 10/30/18 at 8:26 am
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11089 posts
Posted on 10/30/18 at 8:20 am to
The Tesla Trump connection:


Donald Trump’s Nuclear Uncle
By Amy Davidson Sorkin
April 8, 2016


In September, 1936, a reporter for the Associated Press watched the unveiling of a new kind of X-ray machine, said to be able to generate a million volts of power. The scientist operating the device was John G. Trump, a professor of engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Trump was working the controls and explaining how high-speed electrons ran along a porcelain tube to a “water-cooled gold target,” when suddenly “two of the high-voltage sparks hit him squarely on the nose.” And yet, according to the A.P. account, the direct strike caused him only “slight discomfort.” Professor Trump told the reporter, “That’s an advantage of this machine. It’s completely grounded and those sparks can’t kill you.”

If only the same could be said of the Presidential campaign run by Professor Trump’s nephew, Donald J. Trump. He is still uncomfortably close to victory, which is why there have been, lately, more serious attempts to figure out what he might do if, say, he had access to nuclear weapons. In his answers, he seldom sounds as ungrounded as when he invokes Professor Trump, the younger brother of his father, Fred. “My uncle used to tell me about nuclear before nuclear was nuclear,” Trump said in one interview, “before nuclear” referring, perhaps, to the development of hydrogen bombs, rather than basic atomic bombs (which occurred when Donald was about six years old), or perhaps just to that netherworld where things wait until Trump judges them to be fashionable or flashy enough to exist. He mentions his uncle so often, and in such extravagant terms—“brilliant,” “one of the top, top professors at M.I.T.”—that it seems worth asking what the professor and his arcane knowledge mean to him. There are two different sets of answers, which might be put into the category of foreign and domestic.


Trump was involved in radar research for the Allies in the Second World War, and in 1943 the F.B.I. had enough faith in his technical ability and his discretion to call him in when Nikola Tesla died in his room at the New Yorker Hotel, in Manhattan, raising the question of whether enemy agents might have had a chance to learn some of his secrets before the body was found. (One fear was that Tesla was working on a “death ray.”) As Margaret Cheney and Robert Uth recount in “Tesla, Master of Lightning,” Professor Trump examined Tesla’s papers and equipment, and, in a written report, told the F.B.I. not to worry: Tesla’s “thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character,” but “did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.” Professor Trump may have neglected to make that sort of distinction clear to his nephew.


What is strange is that Donald Trump couples tales of how he received early, secret word from his uncle that nuclear weapons were dangerous and getting more so—“He would tell me, ‘There are things that are happening that could be potentially so bad for the world in terms of weaponry,” he told the Boston Globe

Again, notice the use of the word unlock. This is not by chance.
This post was edited on 10/30/18 at 8:22 am
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11089 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 9:00 am to
We are going to take a quick detour into the world of the esoteric (it relates to above in a complex way):



Although the novel and film were developed simultaneously, the novel follows early drafts of the film, from which the final version of the film deviated.[7] These changes were often for practical reasons relating to what could be filmed economically, and a few were due to differences of opinion between Kubrick and Clarke. The most notable differences are a change in the destination planet from Saturn to Jupiter, and the nature of the sequence of events leading to Hal's demise. Stylistic differences may be more important than content differences. Of lesser importance are the appearance of the monolith, the age of Hal, and the novel giving names to various spacecraft, prehistoric apes, and Hal's inventor.


A mission, Discovery One, is dispatched to Saturn. En route, Dr. David Bowman and Dr. Frank Poole are the only conscious humans aboard; their three colleagues are in suspended animation, to be awakened near Saturn. The HAL 9000, an artificially intelligent computer, addressed as "Hal", maintains the ship. While Poole is receiving a birthday message from his family on Earth, Hal tells Bowman that the AE-35 communication unit of the ship is going to malfunction.

Esoteric improtance of Saturn

Fringe warning:


Saturn Worship
You might not know it, but the entire world has been worshiping Saturn for thousands of years. The cult has never stopped and its rites are still present to this day. Saturn, dubbed the “Lord of the Rings”, is the reason why we exchange rings at weddings or put halos on the heads of godly people. This article exposes the attributes of the god Saturn and the perpetuation of his cult through in pop culture.


The cult has been perpetuated through numerous gods during Antiquity:

“Chronos, or Saturn, Dionysos, Hyperion, Atlas, Hercules, were all connected with ‘a great Saturnian continent;’ they were kings that ruled over countries on the western shores of the Mediterranean, Africa and Spain. ”
Baldwin, Prehistoric Nations

In Egyptian mythology Isis is considered Saturn’s eldest daughter:

“I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods”


Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El”. The supreme deity was represented by a black cube. We can find instances of the cube across the world.

Santa Anna





Saturn has also been associated with Satan and this, for numerous reasons. First, many authors argue that the word Satan is derived from the word Saturn. Second, Saturn is associated with the color black as well as Satan.

Third, Ancients considered Saturn to be the farthest planet from the sun , the latter being associated with the principle of Good. (Note that Pluto never was considered a planet). Saturn is consequently the celestial body that is the less exposed to the sun’s divine light and thus associated with the coldness of the principle of Evil.

Finally, the “great god Pan”, the horned deity, represented Saturn in ancient paganism. This half-man half-goat creature is considered the ancestor of our modern depictions of Satan.


Despite acknowledging its association with Evil, secret societies find the veneration of Saturn necessary to obtain illumination. It is the necessary counterpart of the principle of Good. Masonic authors clearly associate Saturn with Satan:

“Saturn is the opposite to Jupiter; his symbol is the cross above the sign of Luna ( ). He is the Satan, the Tempter, or rather the Tester. His function is to chastise and tame the unruly passions in the primitive man.”
-J.S. Ward, Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods

Probably the most extreme example of a secret society worshiping Saturn’s Evil principle is the “Fraternitas Saturni”. This occult organization is based in Germany and openly embodies the hidden side of Saturn worship.

“The Fraternitas Saturni (FS), the Brotherhood of Saturn, has become known to English readers through fragmentary descriptions which emphasize the sensational, sex-magical aspects of this lodge’s work or else its darker, more Satanic, side.This is understandable in light of the fact that the FS is (or was) the most unabashedly Luciferian organization in the modern Western occult revival, and its practice of sexual occultism perhaps the most elaborately detailed of any such lodge. The FS represents a unique blend of astrological cosmology, neo-Gnostic daemonology, sexual occultism, and Freemasonic organizational principles. This grand synthesis was originally the vision of one man, the long-time Grand Master of the FS, Gregor A. Gregorius.”

-Stephen E. Flowers, Fire & Ice: The History, Structure, and Rituals of Germany’s Most Influential Modern Magical Order: The Brotherhood of Saturn

Indulge me...

Maintaining pure bloodlines through incest
Sexual occultism
Witches/ sex magik/sacrifices
Mind control zombies
Ruling the world
Dismissing, not believing a tale they were told all their lives about evil (winter is coming...)

Kubrick may have felt it would have been a little too on the nose to travel to Satan

Saturn is later reverenced in what can be thought of as a companion film to 2001, Interstellar...

Guiding monkeys/man to a brave new world via ideological subversion /fundamental change (with emphasis on Saturn)...

The server on Silicon Valley is named Anton (by Guilfoye who is a Satanist on the show...)

Fire. Skull and Bones...
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11089 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 9:02 am to
NY Times write up about Kubrick...

TL:DR: Kubrick knew...
Construction of the North Tower began the same year (1968) 2001 was released...


Ideas & Trends; Of Tragedy and the Movie Monolith
DEC. 30, 2001


FORGET Nostradamus, this was the year of Stanley Kubrick's movie ''2001: A Space Odyssey.'' It has more than fulfilled its terrifying prophecy of climactic events at the millennium. An entire generation of baby boomers grew up with the film as emblematic of the anticipation and apprehension of the year 2001 -- which technically began the millennium as opposed to the fanfare of the previous year's celebrations. The 1968 movie presented a darkly pessimistic view of humanity wrapped up in extraordinary imagery. Kubrick's insights into the destructive nature of mankind, a constant in all his films, has kept his message, and the movie, alive these past 30 years.


In one of many eerie parallels to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the image of the black monolith has reappeared -- literally -- at ground zero, in the form of proportionally similar black glass slab buildings that rise above the ruins of the twin towers


Kubrick's ''2001,'' based on a story by the science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, is a morality tale of the evolution of man and the double-edged sword of technology, a tool for both creation and destruction. The film ends with the ambiguous promise of the next evolution of man and the future of peace, perhaps influenced by otherworldly forces, variously interpreted as aliens or religion. In the film's enigmatic beginning -- almost an anthropological Discovery Channel documentary about the evolution of man -- apes are seen foraging on the African savannah, when there appears a mysterious technological object: a tall rectangular black monolith. Soon after, perhaps somehow due to the monolith, these apes discover the use of an animal bone as a tool, and the leader of the previously peaceful creatures commits the first murder of their brethren, using the bone as a weapon. The implication is that this discovery of the tool as weapon is essential to the evolution of ape into man. In a scene compressing eons of time, the triumphant ape/man throws the bone into the air. It transforms, immediately, from distant past to future, into a similarly shaped spacecraft to the moon. The identity of form, and congruence of the first weapon with the idea of technology and flight connects the film ''2001'' with the current year 2001.

In a frightening inversion of film and reality, the terrorists used the two aircraft in a similar manner, turning the planes into tools of mass destruction, and like primitive man, hurled them like huge bones into the two towers, causing death multiplied by the thousands.


Now, the smoking ruins of the towers are surrounded by architectural sentinels that, in color and proportion, recall the black monolith of ''2001,'' witnesses to the primal scene of devastation. All the tallest buildings adjacent to ground zero are black monolithic slabs: 1 Liberty Plaza, a 700-foot-tall rectangular structure; Deutsche Bank, whose gashed facade stands witness to the collapse of the towers; and the aptly named Millennium Hotel, a black glass-sheathed building.

This year, in Kubrick's posthumous film ''A.I.: Artificial Intelligence,'' which the director had worked on for many years, he returns to the setting of an ominous future with its uncomfortable melding of robots and humans. In the climactic scene, a robot child is flown in a helicopter to confront his replicants, at the site of the ''Forbidden Zone.'' That location is none other than Lower Manhattan, in ruins -- the remains of the city after World War III. There, half sunken below the water, is the World Trade Center.


THE movie came out in June, the terrorists struck in September. Even beyond the grave, Kubrick remains sadly ahead of the curve.


At this point, perhaps the glimmer of hope at the end of ''2001,'' where the elderly astronaut is transformed by the black monolith into an embryonic star child gazing at the earth, is a metaphor for the restoration and rebirth of humanity -- and New York.



This post was edited on 10/31/18 at 9:07 am
Posted by Deege
Member since Dec 2007
843 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 9:46 am to

So, someone is trying to tell us something and at the same trying not to tell us something.

Posted by notsince98
Member since Oct 2012
17973 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 9:59 am to
I believe Saturn has a history as a good thing if you go back to before the evil ones coopted it for their own use.

Like the swastika. It is a good rabbit hole to see how convoluted they make dark and light so the truth is impossible to find.
Posted by TX Tiger
at home
Member since Jan 2004
35632 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 10:17 am to

The Tesla Trump connection:

Trump is clearly establishment.

How do you feel about your Q thread being derailed by Trumptards and Q crazies?
Posted by wfallstiger
Wichita Falls, Texas
Member since Jun 2006
11371 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 10:21 am to
Of course he is but of a far different stripe.
Posted by notsince98
Member since Oct 2012
17973 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 10:57 am to

Trump is clearly establishment.

How do you feel about your Q thread being derailed by Trumptards and Q crazies?

It is as annoying as you attempting to derail this thread.
Posted by beerJeep
Member since Nov 2016
34996 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 11:01 am to
I always find this thread right after I smoke a bowl.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11089 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 3:29 pm to

Trump is clearly establishment.

Not sure, but there is something about Trump (above info and below)


NBC: Donald Trump Interviewed by Tom Brokaw on the Today Show - August 21, 1980


Trying to scrape up a down payment for a little fixer-upper in your neighborhood? Take a look at my next guest. There is a report around Wall Street that this is what he has in mind. This is Donald Trump, 33 years old, and some people think that he wants to buy the World Trade Center -- the hundred and ten story Manhattan skyscraper that anyone can pick up if they've got the coins.

For those questioning why I am taking the discussion in the direction of the Twin Towers, it is due to the prior posts in this thread from Skinwalker Ranch (below). Weird stuff (occult/paranormal):

To be clear:

I am not a 9/11 truther in the traditional sense
The info from this thread (the NY Times article and missing money angle ) have led me to look into certain things further

I am not an expert on 9/11 (some of what I post is certainly open to criticism), but I approached it from an exotic technology angle.

I was able to find a group that did the same (posts to follow). They were ridiculed/debunked by experts mainly on the grounds that their explanations defied conventional physics. This thread has led me to reconsider their claims.

Warning: very, very weird...
Posted by Honest Tune
Member since Dec 2011
15556 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 3:35 pm to
What's in that gif? Hard to decipher.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11089 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 4:12 pm to
The arguement is that exotic tech was used during 9/11


9/11 Breakthrough Energy Technology | Dr Judy Wood





Published on Aug 21, 2013

Title: Evidence of breakthrough energy technology on 9/11

GlobalBEM 2012

Want to see more than 50 other presentations, get educated and share

If you have any questions about the videos, please contact us at

The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing

They argue that an exotic process akin to cold fusion was used (but they admit that they do not know the "how"). They note the finding of tritium at the site. The video also describes " The Hutchinson Effect" causing transmutation of metals (similar to the goals of alchemy...)

They note that the same person who promoted the idea of thermite (which this group feels is a distraction):

Was also the person who helped to debunk the promising research into cold fusion:

They argue that the amount of debris was less than expected

Peter Jenning and George Stephanopolous also felt the same way


Peter Jennings on 9/11: "Where Did All The Rubble Go?"


“Where did all the rubble go?” The ABC anchor asked Stephanopoulos, who was reporting from on scene that day.

“The reason that there is so little rubble is that all of it simply fell down into the ground and was pulverized — evaporated,” Stephanopoulos said.

He may have been partly right...

They argue for a process called "dustification". They were ridiculed for "making up a phenomenon"...

The process of dustification has been recently further embedded into the collective unconscious (psychosphere):


Avengers Infinity War HD Post Credit Scene || End credit scene

In the clip notice:

-The dissolving into dust and floating up...

-The nod to Nick Fury dissolving in NYC (final scene)

-The helicopter impacting a building and exploding outside the facade of the building...

For those who really pay attention, you may also note that Thor's new hammer is a variant of:


Fasces, insignia of official authority in ancient Rome. The name derives from the plural form of the Latin fascis (“bundle”).

The fasces was carried by the lictors, or attendants, and was characterized by an ax head projecting from a bundle of elm or birch rods about 5 feet (1.5 metres) long and tied together with a red strap; it symbolized penal power. When carried inside Rome, the ax was removed (unless the magistrate was a dictator or general celebrating a triumph) as recognition of the right of a Roman citizen to appeal a magistrate’s ruling.


Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Party of Italy was named for the fasces, which the members adopted in 1919 as their emblem. The Winged Liberty dime, minted in the United States from 1916 to 1945, depicts the fasces on its reverse side.

Words matter...


May 1, 2018, 10:54am
Thanos' 'Avengers: Infinity War' Master Plan Doesn't Make Very Much Sense

Paul Tassi
Senior Contributor


Thanos’ Plan

Thanos, unlike most supervillains, doesn’t particularly care about ruling the universe. Rather, he wants to save it. His master plan is to eliminate half of all life in the universe, something he can achieve with the snap of his fingers once he assembles all six Infinity Stones in his gauntlet.


The idea is that it will save the universe from overpopulation, because there will be more than enough food and resources to go around once the population is cut in half.


Interesting allegory playing with facism and occult elite "tech"...
This post was edited on 10/31/18 at 4:16 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11089 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 4:15 pm to

What's in that gif? Hard to decipher.

Images captured at Skinwalker ranch
2 towers...

Discussed earlier in the thread
Posted by TX Tiger
at home
Member since Jan 2004
35632 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 5:17 pm to

The arguement is that exotic tech was used during 9/11
This is why it is futile to argue how the buildings were brought down. They have technology that I'm told is at least 40 years advanced to what we (the general public) know about.

It would be like fighting with a caveman trying to explain how fire burned his loin cloth.

It's much easier to see we were lied to if you just follow the money trail, which is why this is never done. Not in the media. Not in public discourse. Never.
Posted by Bunk Moreland
Member since Dec 2010
53194 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 5:28 pm to
I know we're not supposed to turn this into a 9/11 thread, but I'll say I agree with you on one point. You can't ever win the physical evidence arguments because it comes down to a battle of which experts you believe, not unlike a courtoom. And, .gov controls the narrative on that in a lot of respects. See JFK.

With 9/11, I think you have to focus on non-physical stuff like wargames going on that day and all of the things Sibel Edmonds tried to report about some really evil folks having their tentacles in our defense and intelligence systems. I will say as someone too stupid to understand the physical evidence arguments, the Steven Jones material seemed compelling, but when you get into Judy Wood, well, it smacks of disinfo.
This post was edited on 10/31/18 at 5:46 pm
Posted by IceTiger
Really hot place
Member since Oct 2007
26584 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 7:17 pm to

Q thread


Q crazies?

Kinda what it's for...
Posted by Lynyrd
Under the Tilt-a-Whirl
Member since Jun 2010
13173 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 7:50 pm to

Skinwalker ranch

Thought there were nefarious Indian spirits or demons there. That gif is odd though.

Eta: Based on it though that was from 2004, per the timestamp, if correct.
This post was edited on 10/31/18 at 7:52 pm
Posted by Deege
Member since Dec 2007
843 posts
Posted on 10/31/18 at 9:40 pm to

battle of which experts you believe, not unlike a courtoom.

just want to inject, I believe Orleans Civil District Court is corrupt, it is not about believing experts
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