Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:LSU grad
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Registered on:11/30/2016
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re: Bluebonnet closed..Hazmat issue

Posted by beerJeep on 7/26/24 at 2:53 pm
This is how the zombie apocalypse begins ...
I do know that China go against zone has been a go to for 50+ yard receptions :lol: ...
All I know is I’m fricking arse on defense. I can’t make a field goal out past 30 yards. wtf are all of these new controls? Why can’t we go back to NFL blitz style controls and nonstop Hail Marys and full on blitz ? :wah:...
“Speak to a representative” Over and over and over and over and over ...

re: Disney Adults...What an odd group.

Posted by beerJeep on 7/26/24 at 11:13 am
[quote]I also know a married couple in their thirties with 2 kids (youngest 2) who will be taking their 12th trip in their 14 years of marriage. [/quote] I know a poster here who had year passes for like 5 years and spent damn near every holiday and at least 1-2 weekends a month with his wife an...
[quote]I think I know the moment it all went downhill[/quote] When side hoe came up to main girl and told her what was up. ...

re: New Gun Law Signed by Mass Governor

Posted by beerJeep on 7/26/24 at 8:48 am
I’m sure all of the criminals in massoftwoshits will 100% comply with this new law. ...

re: French have f'ed up food service

Posted by beerJeep on 7/25/24 at 8:40 pm
You will have snails and you will like it. ...
[quote]Do the Olympics not have the same luster or are we missing mega star athletes in them?[/quote] It’s very very simple….. it was a massive deal when you had 15 tv channels. It was huge when your average American only had basic cable. It was still cool when people started getting sat...

re: Cfb 25 not working

Posted by beerJeep on 7/25/24 at 3:45 pm
Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in? ...
Damn…. The porta potty money would pay for the kegs…. Bitch has to ruin everything ...
[quote]And I think the worst is seeing grown arse men wearing hats while dining in a restaurant with table service, especially any white table restaurant. If you have a server, take your damn hat off. If you have a white table cloth restaurant, don't even walk in with your hat. There is no excuse for...
Children have become unaffordable for the masses. If you aren’t on government assistance or making 6 figures, you’re getting raw dogged. ...
Marmaduke heads to vail. ...
Taking honors and medals from the dead will totes mcgoats bring inflation down, help reduce crime, and increase the quality of life of millions of Americans. ...
You’d be amazed at how just how few Americans could actually pass the citizenship test if pulled off the street. ...
Bibi saying gays for Gaza is like chickens for kfc made me laugh ...
[quote]you just link a 30 minute Youtube video and expect us to watch it?[/quote] I watched it. Did not disappoint. ...
[quote]seems like mastery should be higher than advanced[/quote] Mastery = you have mastered the content you need to know. Advanced = you have advanced knowledge beyond what you needed to master. ...