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re: In your own words, describe your understanding of Islam.

Posted on 12/1/16 at 6:49 pm to
Posted by Roger Klarvin
Member since Nov 2012
46631 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 6:49 pm to

Most adherents are cultural and aren't radical.

Across all religions, we see a strong correlation between economic status/level of education and depth of religious belief and practice.

As a VERY broad and general rule, the more educated and more wealthy you are the less likely you are to be a devout follower of any religion. Both Christianity and Islam are practiced by the poor and uneducated with the most conviction.

The difference is that Christianity exists by and large in societies where social norms restrict what is acceptable religious practice, and is not as inherently opposed to other groups. The Quran promotes a very "us vs them" mentality which can be dangerous in the hands of adherents with relatively little to lose.
Posted by Tchefuncte Tiger
Bat'n Rudge
Member since Oct 2004
58535 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 6:59 pm to
The first time I ever heard of the Muslim/Moslem religion was when they started the riot on North Boulevard when I was in the 5th grade.
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 7:55 pm to

What core values do you understand that followers of Islam believe in?

Sharia, which is Islamic totalitarian law, i.e., the “will of Allah”, controls every single aspect of a Muslim’s life down to the minutest of details. As all Muslim must strictly adhere to the tenets of Sharia, and the penalty for failure is an automatic death penalty. As all Muslims in the world are the loyal servants of Allah and the few who defect, are non-Muslim apostates subject to execution. As Islam, in stark contrast to all other religions, is uniquely both a religion and a supremacist totalitarian ideology all rolled up into one that seeks world domination as its sole fundamental purpose.


How are Muslims saved? Is there a path or belief to salvation? Who is their savior if one is needed in Islam?

Muslims are saved by always strictly adhering to the tenets of Sharia, i.e., by always being Allah’s loyal servants, and the penalty for not doing so is an automatic death penalty. For instance, ALL MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD are also jihadists in one form or another. Otherwise, they are non-Muslim apostates that according to the doctrines of Islam are supposed to be summarily executed.

In other words, all Muslims in the world are the eternal mortal enemies of all non-Muslim infidels in the world. As the sole fundamental purpose of Islam it to make itself and its followers supreme throughout the world by conquering all non-Muslim infidels in the world via a jihad, which is a civilizational religious holy war waged preemptively by ALL MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD without provocation and via any and all means, both violent and non-violent, at their disposal, and the eventual imposition of Sharia, which is the infamous “will of Allah’.


What is the foundation of their core beliefs?

The words contained in the holy Koran are considered by Muslims to be the direct verbatim holy divine words of omnipotent almighty Allah (God) as delivered to Muhammad, who is Allah’s final messenger, by the archangel Gabriel, and as such those words are absolutely perfect and completely infallible.

Therefore, the words contained in the holy Koran are not only immutable for all times, since they were delivered via the archangel Gabriel to Allah’s final messenger Muhammad, but those holy divine words also abrogate, i.e., supersede and replace, the words contained in all of the other holy books throughout the world, and at the same time, Allah’s religion Islam abrogates, i.e., supersedes and replaces, all the other religions in the world.

Hence, the sole fundamental purpose of Islam is to make itself and its followers supreme throughout the world by conquering all non-Muslim infidels in the world via an ongoing continuous global jihad waged perpetually against all non-Muslim infidels in the world until such time as Allah’s religion and its followers have been made supreme throughout the world via the eventual imposition of Sharia.

-continued below-

Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 7:56 pm to
-continued from above-

The fantasy-based UNIVERSAL PREVAILING POLITICALLY CORRECT NARRATIVE that morally equates Islam to all other religions without even one iota of evidence, as if it is a so-called RELIGION OF PEACE, is irrefutably false. It’s a political correct myth. Since an estimated 270 million non-Muslim people have been brutally murdered in cold-blood by Muslims in the preceding 1400 years, which is far more than three times the number of people killed by Muslims, than all the people killed in all of WWI and WWII combined, in a jihad driven perpetually by the ideological force of Islam and all those that follow that ideological force of Islam, i.e. ALL MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD.

In other words, the notion that we are at war with only a tiny subset of RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS that allegedly misunderstand the beautiful RELIGION OF PEACE, as all our political elites on both sides of the political aisles want us to naively believe, is a political correct myth. The truth is we are in the midst of a “clash of civilizations”, between their Islamic Totalitarian Civilization, on the hand, and our Western Christian-Judeo Civilization, on the other hand, and it’s a fight to the finish. When all is said and done, only one of our two fully incompatible civilizations will prevail.

Moreover, the West is utterly obsessed with only stopping Islamic terrorist attacks. However, Islamic terrorist attacks are only one tactic of jihad employed by the Islamic totalitarian world to conquer unsuspecting non-Muslim infidels out of many different tactics of jihad that the Islamic totalitarian world employs to conquer non-Muslim infidels.

In fact, the vast overwhelming amount of jihad is waged deliberately non-violently via stealth and deception, astronomically far more relative to Islamic terrorist attacks. As the Islamic totalitarian world employs Islamic terrorist attacks only very sparingly, because if they employ that violent tactic of jihad too overly aggressively, it could possibly result in the mass expulsion of all Muslims from the West, and if that ever happened to them it would be a very devastating blow because it could possibly setback their perpetual global jihad for hundreds of years.

Meanwhile, MIGRATION JIHAD, i.e., mass Muslim immigration with all of its excess baggage, via Muslims pretending to be nice, peaceful, and friendly people to invade and infiltrate in mass our non-Muslim infidel societies, institutions, governments, and God knows what else, to among other things facilitate mass casualty Islamic terrorists attacks and at the same time to subvert, sabotage, and Islamize our non-Muslim infidel societies from within for eventual demographic conquest, has been the most prevalent tactic of jihad employed by the Islamic totalitarian world to conquer unsuspecting clueless non-Muslim infidels from within for the past 1400 years.


Which scriptures in the Quran are consistent with the New Testament teachings? (if any)

None of them, as Islam, in stark contrast to all other religions, again is uniquely both a religion and a supremacist totalitarian ideology all rolled up into one that seeks world domination as its sole fundamental purpose.

Indeed, all the earlier issued peaceful verses of the Koran, per the doctrine of abrogation, have been abrogated, i.e., superseded and replaced, by the infamous sword verses of the Koran, which commands ALL MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD to wage jihad perpetually against all non-Muslim infidels in the world until such time as Allah’s religion and its followers has been made supreme throughout the world via the eventual imposition of Sharia.


All this coverage in the media about Islamophobia has me a little stirred...

The word Islamophobia was coined and created by Muslim stealth jihadists to exploit political correctness and the ignorance’s of the West by duping clueless infidels into giving Muslims an exalted protective status. Indeed, in many places in Western Europe, for instance, exposing the reality of Islam to the light of day as I am doing right now amounts to hate speech, which is a prosecutable and punishable offense.


Why doesn't the media ever ask Muslim Americans what their beliefs are? It seems ISLAM's beliefs or doctrine is skipped over...and always labeled "peaceful"...There is never conversation about the religion's beliefs or the Quran. Why is that?

Because the fantasy-based UNIVERSAL PREVAILING POLITICALLY CORRECT NARRATIVE that morally equates Islam to all other religions as if it is a so-called RELIGION OF PEACE prevails even though there isn’t one iota of evidence to substantiate that immense insanity.

In fact, all people in our own federal government that do not always adhere to that fantasy-based UNIVERSAL PREVAILING POLITICALLY CORRECT NARRATIVE are all automatically purged out of our federal government.

Therefore, because our federal government is completely blind with respect to Islam, all of us today here in America in effect are utterly defenseless from the scourge of Islam, which isn’t even viewed by our federal government as being a scourge, but instead as being a beautiful RELIGION OF PEACE.

Which is why we have already spent more than $6 trillion dollars in the Islamic totalitarian world pursuing a silly fantasy-based WAR ON TERROR that is preordained to miserably fail no matter what, because we are not at war with so-called RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, nor have we ever been war with so-called RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, since we are at war with the ideological force of Islam and all those that follow that ideological force of Islam, i.e., ALL MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD.

Indeed, pursuing a silly fantasy-based WAR ON TEROR, at the same time our political elites are importing enemy Muslim invaders into our respective non-Muslim infidel countries as fast as they possibly can like traitors to kill and conquer us from within is an absolute recipe for our inevitable defeat.

Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 7:57 pm to

Across all religions, we see a strong correlation between economic status/level of education and depth of religious belief and practice.

As a VERY broad and general rule, the more educated and more wealthy you are the less likely you are to be a devout follower of any religion. Both Christianity and Islam are practiced by the poor and uneducated with the most conviction.

The difference is that Christianity exists by and large in societies where social norms restrict what is acceptable religious practice, and is not as inherently opposed to other groups. The Quran promotes a very "us vs them" mentality which can be dangerous in the hands of adherents with relatively little to lose.

You couldn't be any more oblivious.
Posted by BuzzSaw 12
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Member since Dec 2010
5601 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 7:59 pm to
Convert or die

Obama is one.

This country is retarded for ever putting that a-hole in any position of power. Fox in the hen house.
Posted by Roger Klarvin
Member since Nov 2012
46631 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 8:00 pm to
Posted by Mr. Misanthrope
Cloud 8
Member since Nov 2012
5740 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 8:30 pm to

A cult of moon worshippers.

You've done your research. I would only add Mesopotamian to your description.
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 8:33 pm to

Wow this thread is disturbing. I am Muslim and do agree that certain parts of the globe do have issues with Islamic ideology being used in oppressive forms. But here are the countries where most Muslims live:

Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco

Most of these places are harmless.

You are about as Muslim and the man in the moon is a Muslim. In fact, you are just another leftwing loon fantasizing that you are a Muslim.

Indeed, if Islam is really a RELIGION OF PEACE morally equivalent to all other religions, then by all means put your money where your mouth is and present your evidence that makes you believe that nonsense.

In every single one of those countries that you stupidly cited above, non-Muslim infidels are routinely brutally murdered in cold-blood by Muslims and their places of worship are also routinely burned down to ground.

Indeed, how utterly oblivious of the world can you be? No wonder you leftwing loons are so utterly oblivious, you are so ignorant that you will literally believe virtually any garbage your elites sells you without even batting an eye.

In fact, in every non-Muslim infidel country in the world, mass Muslim immigration with all of its excess baggage like clockwork and without fail has turned into a total unmitigated disaster for every host non-Muslim infidel country involved, because mass Muslim immigration with all of its excess baggage is really MIGRATION JIHAD, which has been the primary form of jihad employed by the Islamic totalitarian world to conquer unsuspecting clueless non-Muslim infidels just like you.

Indeed, I challenge you to cite just one group of Muslim immigrants either over here in North America or over there in Europe that have actually assimilated, integrated, and matriculated into contributing and productive members of our respective non-Muslim infidel societies. Good luck since assimilating, integrating, and morphing into what in essence is an infidel in Islam is an automatic death penalty. Hence, you will need all the good luck you can get because you will inevitably still fail.
Posted by Manzielathon
Death Valley
Member since Sep 2013
8951 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 8:33 pm to

Kill. All. Infidels.
And that interpretation is what a TRUE Muslim believes. Any person who follows Islam and doesn't support jihad either doesn't know their own faith or isn't true to its principles.

You're a fricking moron.

As someone who has actually been to the Middle East, studies the religion of Islam and the Arabic language, stop proliferating this nonsense.
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 8:57 pm to

This country is retarded for ever putting that a-hole in any position of power. Fox in the hen house.

It is, but GWB was just as big a fox and just as incompetent as Obama.
Posted by ChexMix
Taste the Deliciousness
Member since Apr 2014
25494 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 8:58 pm to

Convert or die.
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 9:04 pm to

You're a fricking moron.

As someone who has actually been to the Middle East, studies the religion of Islam and the Arabic language, stop proliferating this nonsen

If anyone is proliferating nonsense you genius it's you, as you are utterly oblivious. Indeed, if you believe that Islam is a so-called RELIGION OF PEACE morally equivalent to all other religions, per the UNIVERSAL PREVAILING POLITICALLY CORRECT NARRATIVE, then cite your evidence that leads you to believe that garbage.
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 9:18 pm to

It's a religion. Most adherents are cultural and aren't radical. The radicals are dangerous, but our foriegn policy feeds their growth.

In other words, per the fantasy-based UNIVERSAL PREVAILING POLITICALLY CORRECT NARRATIVE that morally equates Islam to all other religions as if Islam is really a so-called RELIGION OF PEACE without even one iota of evidence to substantiate that insanity, you believe it is true that Islam by and large is a peaceful religion and therefore most Muslims, in stark contrast to the so-called RADICALS, are peaceful and moderate people. Okay if that is what you naively believe then state your evidence that leads you to believe that idiotic nonsense. Indeed, you must have something to base your beliefs on even if it insane. What is it?
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 9:23 pm to

why I say that Islam is a violent political movement more than it is a religion.

You mean sort of like Islam, in stark contrast to all other religions, is uniquely both a religion and a supremacist totalitarian ideology all rolled up into one that seeks world domination as its sole fundamental purpose?
Posted by crazycubes
Member since Jan 2016
5256 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 9:24 pm to
There are too many secs uncontrolled . I don't know who's who.
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 9:31 pm to
How do they compare to Protestants and Catholics?

Islam, in stark contrast to Protestants, Catholics, and all other religions, is uniquely both a religion and a supremacist totalitarian ideology all rolled up into one that seeks world domination as its sole fundamental purpose.
Posted by AUstar
Member since Dec 2012
17694 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 9:33 pm to
Islam, like all religions, is idiotic. It comes from primitive human societies that have no understanding of science. It is essentially tribalism -- my tribe believes in this God, yours believes in another God, therefore we are enemies. It may have served its purpose in prehistoric times as a means of group survival, but it's outdated in modern society.

So in that sense Islam is like every other religion. However, it's a bit worse than most others because it is (and always has been) a religion that revolves around conquest. The Muslims have been invading and conquering other nations since the inception of the religion in the 7th century.
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 9:36 pm to

Radical Islam wants to kill you.

Moderate Islam wants Radical Islam to kill you.

That's pretty much correct, except there are no such things as radicals and moderates. As ALL MUSLIM IN THE WORLD are jihadists in one form or another, either violent jihadists (only a tiny minute subset of Muslims), or non-violent stealth jihadists (the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims). Otherwise, they are non-Muslim apostates that according to the doctrines of Islam should be summarily executed.
Posted by Space Cowboy
Member since Oct 2016
4079 posts
Posted on 12/1/16 at 9:41 pm to

Not that I'm aware. The application of their text in a literal fashion would surely justify it though.

Islam is always and only interpreted in its most literal sense possible, as the text contained in the holy Koran is the direct verbatim holy divine text as delivered to Muhammad via the archangel Gabriel and as such it is absolutely perfect and completely flawless. It is also immutable for all time.
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