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TD Music Board Original CopyPasta Thread

Posted on 4/15/14 at 11:46 am
Posted by Spaulding Smails
Milano’s Bar
Member since Jun 2012
18805 posts
Posted on 4/15/14 at 11:46 am
It's Tuesday, and I'm sure like me, y'all are bored as shite.

Since the Dave Matthews White Jeep Story, The PL Family Pinz story, and PL at Red Rocks copypastas are always a hit on here, I figured the MB could come up with their own Music Copypastas and post them here. The funniest author gets a case MD 20/20 at Jazzfest
Posted by CaptainPanic
Member since Sep 2011
25582 posts
Posted on 4/15/14 at 11:48 am to
frick The Disco Biscuits

Posted by CheeseburgerEddie
Crimson Tide Fan Club
Member since Oct 2012
15574 posts
Posted on 4/15/14 at 11:48 am to
I would probably just fail miserably.
Posted by danman6336
Member since Jan 2005
19444 posts
Posted on 4/15/14 at 12:05 pm to
I have like 10 pages of my favorite PT copy pasta in a word document

Yea I know I'm a pretty cool dude
Posted by Burt Reynolds
Monterey, CA
Member since Jul 2008
22443 posts
Posted on 8/11/14 at 2:56 pm to
Posted by CaptainPanic
Member since Sep 2011
25582 posts
Posted on 11/5/14 at 3:16 pm to

Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fricking dickhead. Imagine walking in and finding your mother dead, the women who cared for you and loved you. Or maybe not, since your family probably fricking hate you, deluded reject neckbeard. Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin **** with a non-existant social life. The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fricking comments on an anonymous fricking image board. I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic frick. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shite-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. End your life right now, you fricking lardass social reject.

frick you.
Posted by CaptainPanic
Member since Sep 2011
25582 posts
Posted on 11/16/14 at 7:45 pm to
>Be me
>Parents died when I was young, no grandparents, live with my piece of shite uncle and little sister in parents old mansion
>fricking hate my uncle, literall sucks at everything and only has his job because my father gave him one in his firm out of pity
>After living with him for about 5 years, I'm around 16
>Come home one day
>Hear giggling in my little sisters room
>Guess they're just having a little uncle/niece time
>As I pass her door on my way to mine, I can hear them more clearly
>Something's off
>My little sis' laughter sounds like an 8-year olds should
>My uncle's doesn't sound right at all
>Open the door to peek inside
>He's tickling her
>About to leave when I notice something
>His hand positioning on her isn't right
>Not enough for her to be concerned, she doesn't know
>I immediately recognize it as inappropriate, and I can tell he's hard
>I get fricking furious and kick open the door
>I'm tall for my age, and he's always been scrawny, so I know I'll seem intimidating
>Yell at him "WHAT THE frick DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"
>He stands up and tries to reply, but he's just stuttering
>I run over to him and grab him by the throat, dragging him into the hallway
>Forcing him down the hallway, stopping by the top of the stairs, me and my sisters rooms are on the third floor
>Repeat my question, ask him what the frick he was doing
>He can't reply
>Tell him to get the frick out of my house, of my fathers house
>Swear that I'll make him lose his job, swear I'll tell everyone about him
this wasn't the first time he'd acted suspicious, but only time I caught him in the act by the way
>He fricks off
>I call the police anyways
>Lil sis is scared, asks me what's happening
>I tell her to calm down, big brother will take care of it.
>Tell police about it
>They can't arrest him for it
>I beg them to at least not let him come back
>They tell me I need to file a restraining order or some shite
>I get help to do so, and over the course of a couple of weeks of shite, I'm successful.
>I'm also allowed to live alone in our house, cause our parents were rich when they died, leaving us with a lot of money
>They also judge me responsible enough for the task, as long as we're frequently checked upon
>Fast forward 3 years
>I'm in college in my home town
>Still live at home because big house luxury, and I need to take care of lil sis
>Govt doesn't check up on us any more
>They've realized I'm old and responsible enough for the task
>I'm not.
>Frequent drug user
>Frequent drinker
>Always invited to rich kid filth parties cause I come from money
>Gone almost all weekends
>Often nights in weekdays
>Trying to drown my shitty feelings in drugs, alcohol and one night stands
>Only to be strong for lil sis when I'm home
>Have this one girl in most of my classes
>I can tell she's crushing on me
>Solid 8/10
>I can have 9s and 10s any night I want at this point, so don't really care
>Act distant to everyone, including her
>Also have this outsider guy in the same classes
>Never talks to anyone
>Except the girl who's crushing on me
>Always makes sure to sit behind her in the lectures, always staring at her
>It's creepy as frick
>One day she sits next to me
>I can feel the guys eyes burning a hole in my head from where he's sitting, behind us
>She asks me if she can come to one of the parties I attend
>Ask her if she actually believes she's up for hanging with people like that
>She says yes
>I reluctantly agree, and give her the address
>Hear pencil on paper behind me
>Get to the party before she does, get right to action
>Time to get high
>15 minutes later she comes in, in a dress that puts her at a 9/10 instead of 8
>She looks shocked
>Everyone else including me look so casually dressed
>Can tell by her face that she completely misjudged what kind of crowd these people were
>Rich maybe, but nowhere close to classy
>She still sits down next to me, looking shy
>I offer her drinks
>She accepts
>After having a few, I offer her some more heavy stuff
>She accepts
>She's thouroughly fricked at this point
>Just like everyone else
>She's putting forward every kind of "I'm into you" move on me
>I'm fricked up, so I roll with it
>Fondling her, making out
>Suddenly she leans over and whispers in my ear
>I want you to frick me
>I'm so fricked up, I just nod
>She's taking the lead, dragging me into a bathroom
>Drops her dress instantly
>Tells me she wants to be had like a fricking animal
>Tells me to use her, and every hole she has
>Don't even have time to answer before she gets on her knees and unbutton my pants
>Whips my dick out and starts sucking me off
>My whole head is just a fricking haze at this point
>Close my eyes
>When I open them again I find myself fricking her over the sink
>She's very quiet about her noises
>I look down and see my dick in her arse
>Can tell she's new to it, but I can tell she's enjoying it
>Suddenly the door opens
>No dinosaur
>It's the guy from our classes
>He followed her here, I'm sure he heard me giving her the address at school
>He just looks tired, like he's been searching all over the house for her
>About ready to head back home
>Then I see the realization in his face
>Tiredness turns into shock, anger and grief all at once
>Both me and him yell wtf at each other at the same time
>I tell him to leave us, he shouldn't be here
>He's not thinking straight
>How could he, he just found someone fricking his crush up the arse in a house full of drunks and druggies
>Asks me what the frick I'm doing to her
>Calls me names
>Asking me how I dare
>Then he's interrupted
>The girl speaks up
>Talking to me
>"Why do you fricking care what this shithead says, I'm not gonna let him ruin this, keep fricking me"
>Practically yells it
>People are crowding around outside the door
>The guy just looks dead
>Then he looks dying
>Slowly backs away, dissappears in the crowd, and somewhere I hear a door slam shut
>Look at the girl I'm with
>She's looking at the crowd with a big smile on her face
>I finish up and get the hell out of there
>Walk home totally fricked and disillusioned
>Get home
>Little sister runs down to hug me
>I'm still all sorts of fricked up, but I still take her up to her room and put her to bed
>Go into my own room to sleep off the high
>Next morning I meet up for the normal classes, abit hungover
>The girl I fricked is there
>Is constantly shooting me looks and smiles
>Almost seems like she did it so I'd fall in love with her
>That's not gonna work with my busy schedual
>Suddenly notice the guy from last night isn't there
>He isn't there for the rest of the day
>Get home, help lil sis out with homework
Posted by link
Member since Feb 2009
19867 posts
Posted on 11/19/14 at 1:01 pm to
sorry for starting a music venue that was essentially a hobby and passion project (that plenty of musicians, media and fans really appreciated). What do you do to help any music scene? As a matter of fact what do you period? Since you know me so well you probably realize I am rarely in my hometown of BR and that most of my time is spent in LA/ATL/NOLA (my home base) working on films. So don't lump me in any BR scenester categories. And by promote i guess you mean give free tickets to members of this site that i have been a member of since 2004. So spare me your flame tactics
Posted by Spaulding Smails
Milano’s Bar
Member since Jun 2012
18805 posts
Posted on 11/26/14 at 9:33 am to

This is quite possibly the most ignorant forum

99% of you have no concept of what reality is like because you sit on the computer acting tough all day and IRCing with internet 'friends'

anyways, the ignorance label i'm giving you all stems from the fact that damn near all of you say 'fagg0t' and variations of the "n-word"

could you worthless, pathetic individuals be any more lame? i bet all of you who say 'fagg0t' have never actually met a real homosexual person and as such have no idea of how hateful that word can be and really is.

seriously, lambasting a whole group of people whom you have never had any contact with because of what they do in the privacy of their own homes THAT DOESN'T EVEN AFFECT YOU? wow sounds great! not.

now as for the "n-word," that's even more lame to say because none of you morons can even fathom what that word entails and all the hatred and history behind it. maybe it's just me because i'm from the south, but nevertheless you shouldn't say something just to look 'cool'

how about you all stop making such hateful remarks and just try to not be ignorant for a week!

Posted by link
Member since Feb 2009
19867 posts
Posted on 12/9/14 at 3:08 pm to
First off, frick you for telling any married couple how they should raise their kids and what medical/religious procedures should be performed on them.

Second of all, it's a frickin Jewish custom that was oddly adopted by the WASP-dominant population of the United States during the 20th century. Neither of my parents were Jewish, so why should they adhere to such a practice?

Thirdly, it's never once stopped me from getting laid during my lifetime. Not one...damn...time.

Fourthly, some studies have shown that the retention of foreskin among males actually enhances penial sensitivity and pleasure during intercourse.

Fifthly, frick you and any individual who would willingly inflict pain on a new-born infant just for the sake of adhering to some ridiculous cultural practice that has only gained popularity in the last few generations.

And finally, suck my uncircumcised dick.
Posted by link
Member since Feb 2009
19867 posts
Posted on 12/10/14 at 8:50 am to
Americans, let's face it: We've been a spoiled country for a long time.
Do you know what the number one health risk in America is?
Obesity. They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic.
An epidemic like it is polio. Like we'll be telling our grand kids about it one day.
The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004.
"How'd you get through it grandpa?"
"Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere."

Nobody knows why were getting fatter? Look at our lifestyle.
I'll sit at a drive thru.
I'll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up to make the eight foot walk to the totally empty counter.
Everything is mega meal, super sized. Want biggie fries, super sized, want to go large.
You want to have thirty burgers for a nickel you fat mother fricker. There's room in the bag. Take it!
Want a 55 gallon drum of Coke with that? It's only three more cents.
Posted by lsu2006
Member since Feb 2004
39994 posts
Posted on 12/10/14 at 10:15 am to

You wouldn't enjoy Wanee regardless. It's about 8 hours away from Baton Rouge, which I know it's hard for Louisiana people to leave their homes. Secondly, you spend most of the day in the sun being happy opposed to having to stay in the shade and whine about the rest of the world.

You won't be missed, bruh.

Posted by CaptainPanic
Member since Sep 2011
25582 posts
Posted on 12/26/18 at 4:20 pm to
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