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re: Crackpot ASOIAF Theories SPOILERS

Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:09 pm to
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110010 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:09 pm to

If you 'like' the Petyr Baelish Facebook page, there's a ton of season 4 pictures, and one was Brienne and Pod filming together. So I'm guessing Brienne leaves King's Landing not too long after arriving with Jaime in the S3 finale.

They have to wait til after the Purple Wedding though, unless Jaime sends her after Arya instead, and unless Tywin realizes that Arya slipped through his fingers, I don't see why any of the Lannisters would know of her survival.
Posted by sgallo3
Member since Sep 2008
24747 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:12 pm to

Tywin realizes that Arya slipped through his fingers

that will be tough from the grave
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110010 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:15 pm to
Yeah, just saw the image. Looks like Brienne's arc is being moved forward, which I'm actually happy about.
Posted by ladytiger118
Member since Aug 2009
20922 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:18 pm to
I'm curious as to how Jaime going back to KL before the Purple Wedding is going to play out since he doesn't arrive until after it in ASoS.

I definitely think the writers are going to make a lot of changes regarding AFFC. Dorne and the Iron Islands are going to be condensed, as well as Brienne. I think Sansa's time in the Eyrie is going to have more scenes than in AFFC. Episode 9 or 10 in season 4 will have the Lysa death from ASoS scene but season 5 will probably have extra Sansa Littlefinger scenes that weren't in AFFC.

I think that season 5 will be heavier on ADWD than AFFC. Plus both book's events happen at the same time but I think AFFC will be heavily condensed because most of the main POV's are in ADWD.
This post was edited on 8/19/13 at 9:19 pm
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110010 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:33 pm to

I'm curious as to how Jaime going back to KL before the Purple Wedding is going to play out since he doesn't arrive until after it in ASoS.

They're probably going to mostly sideline Jaime for a season like they did Tyrion in the last. He'll still be around alot, but the only real thing of importance he'll do is release Tyrion in the end to kill Tywin. Tyrion really only did one big thing last season by marrying Sansa.

I'd say Tywin is going to have a total falling out with all three of his children before his death. I could see an added scene where Tywin is remorseless towards Cersei for Joffrey's death and say something on the lines of the realm being better off with Tommen as King.

With Jaime, he'll be treating him worse than Tyrion on his return, since Jaime will refuse his father's command to renounce the White Cloak and be Lord of the Rock. He'll also see him as a cripple and nothing more.


I definitely think the writers are going to make a lot of changes regarding AFFC. Dorne and the Iron Islands are going to be condensed, as well as Brienne. I think Sansa's time in the Eyrie is going to have more scenes than in AFFC. Episode 9 or 10 in season 4 will have the Lysa death from ASoS scene but season 5 will probably have extra Sansa Littlefinger scenes that weren't in AFFC.

I just think they're going to point blank skip Dorne and just give us an overview on what is happening down there. I don't think we'll see Arianne until Season 6, but we'll see Quentyn in Season 5.

The Iron Born is a bit more tricky since out of all the arcs, I thought for sure they'd move the Queensmoot to Season 4 and end part of season 3 with Balon being killed. But with Asha, I'm not sure where they're going with it. We'll have to see Euron and Victarion soon, since they will certainly have a roll to play in Season 5.

Sansa in the Vale I think this season will go mostly the same as it did in the book. They'll probably add a scene or two on their way from Baelish Keep the the Eyrie. They'll certainly add some scenes in Season 5 with her though.


I think that season 5 will be heavier on ADWD than AFFC. Plus both book's events happen at the same time but I think AFFC will be heavily condensed because most of the main POV's are in ADWD.

They're obviously going to start some of AFFC this season. I'm thinking Tyrion kills Tywin in Episode 9 (maybe 8), and they'll end the season with Tywin's funeral and the Burning of the Tower of the Hand. Then the next season will start off with Cersei demanding Kevan be Hand of the King.

I think they'll rap up ADWD and AFFC in Season 5 for the most part, and then go onto the first half of WoW.
This post was edited on 8/19/13 at 9:35 pm
Posted by Cosmo
glassman's guest house
Member since Oct 2003
120756 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:36 pm to
Would you buy this shirt?

Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110010 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:37 pm to

Would you buy this shirt?

I'd love that shirt, but people who had no idea what the shirt was talking about would think I was a pretty big weirdo.
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110010 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 9:46 pm to
So next season I predict we'll gain these members for the main cast:
The Red Viper
Ramsay Bolton
Asha Greyjoy

And next season we'll lose the following characters of the main cast:
Tywin Lannister
Joffrey Baratheon
The Red Viper
The Hound (at least for Season 5)
Bronn (at least for Season 5)
Varys (iffy, since you could easily restructure Varys' story to go with Tyrion)

So Season 5 I think they'd add to the main cast:
Daario Naharis (he's basically going to replace Brown Ben Plumm)
Barristan Selmy
Loras Tyrell
Posted by ffishstik
Baton Rouge
Member since Dec 2007
4129 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 11:11 pm to

They have to wait til after the Purple Wedding though, unless Jaime sends her after Arya instead, and unless Tywin realizes that Arya slipped through his fingers, I don't see why any of the Lannisters would know of her survival.

Not that it is of huge importance to the show's writers, but Brienne would also need to get the sword from Jaime, and that can't really happen until after the wedding or at least just before it (since there are two swords). My guess on next season will go through:

On another note, After rereading bits and pieces, I decided to just start again from the beginning. I couldn't find my copy of GoT (it's been a while), so I just bought the Kindle version, which I'm liking. If I wasn't completely convinced of R+L=J (I was), Robert telling Ned that all Targ children were nothing but dragonspawn and that they all needed to die, and Ned's thoughts on that, pretty much sealed it for me. Plus, when he asks Ned about "that common girl of his, the one that he got his bastard on" and wouldn't talk about, on reread it comes off as a fishing expedition. Robert doesn't have a clue about this woman other than what he has heard. Having both of these things come up in the same conversation is interesting and telling.

Posted by ladytiger118
Member since Aug 2009
20922 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 11:18 pm to
I wouldn't mind buying that shirt but outside of the book readers no one would get it.

As for your main cast decisions:
-Brienne isn't in the main cast still? Damn, the Wench has been on the show since season 2.
-Ramsay the sausage eater should be in the main cast as well. He's going to be around for a while. Same with Asha.
-The Red Viper should be billed as a main character to make his death shocking with the Hodors, like when Sean Bean received top billing in S1.


And next season we'll lose the following characters of the main cast:
Tywin Lannister
Joffrey Baratheon
The Red Viper
The Hound (at least for Season 5)
Bronn (at least for Season 5)
Varys (iffy, since you could easily restructure Varys' story to go with Tyrion)

Don't forget Lysa Arryn . I know she's not in the main cast but she dies as well .

Varys doesn't reappear until he kills Pycelle and Kevan, but I'm thinking for continuity's sake that he'll appear every now and then.

As for Bronn, no idea what to do with him since Lollys isn't in the show. That would've been so funny to watch that plot though.

I'm also starting to wonder if Gendry will be MIA for a season or two, unless they show him at that inn that was in that one Brienne chapter.

Now that I think about it, a lotttt of characters die in the last portion of ASoS. The Hodors shouldn't be mad at GRRM and the showrunners for introducing new characters to take the place of the deceased characters, but who knows. I recently started re-watching Season 1 and while watching it, I thought "Damn, most of these characters are are dead and have been dead for a while."


So Season 5 I think they'd add to the main cast:
Daario Naharis (he's basically going to replace Brown Ben Plumm)
Barristan Selmy
Loras Tyrell

Agree with all of that. I think Arianne will be introduced in season 5, but probably not as a main character. And YES, Val needs to be in Season 5. No wait, she needs to be introduced in Season 4, since Stannis is going to let Jon decide if he wants to be the Lord of Winterfell. Have Val and Dalla even been mentioned on the show?? I have a poor memory.

Also, are there going to be any Sansa Littlefinger creepy scenes in Season 3 leading up to the forced makeout in the snow? Some of those scenes, mostly in AFFC, were . I think it was the last Alayne chapter when he kisses her full onthe mouth, tells her about her betrothal, and begs for some kisses that aren't 'dutiful'.

ETA: In season 5, will Aurane Waters and the other council members that Cersei selects be introduced?
This post was edited on 8/19/13 at 11:23 pm
Posted by ffishstik
Baton Rouge
Member since Dec 2007
4129 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 11:33 pm to
Sorry, the above post wasn't what I had actually come on for. On the reread, I found something that I had completely forgotten, probably because I was focused on Old Nan's mention of the ice spiders and wondering what the hell, but she tells Bran a story of the "Last Hero"...

"Now these were the days before the Andals came, and long before the women fled across the narrow sea from the cities of the the cold and death filled the earth, the last hero determined to seek out the children of the forest, in hopes that their ancient magic could win back what the armies of men had lost. He set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog and a dozen companions. One by one, his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled hot blood in him, and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds-"

...and the story is interrupted. Name that hero.
Posted by Boudin
Member since Oct 2006
10133 posts
Posted on 8/19/13 at 11:48 pm to
It was a Stark, right?
Posted by ffishstik
Baton Rouge
Member since Dec 2007
4129 posts
Posted on 8/20/13 at 12:01 am to

Have Val and Dalla even been mentioned on the show?? I have a poor memory.

I think so, briefly, when Jon meets Mance after he kills the Halfhand. Even if they haven't, they'll have plenty of opportunities with the Mance/Dalla/Val/Gilly storyline.


Also, are there going to be any Sansa Littlefinger creepy scenes in Season 3 leading up to the forced makeout in the snow?

There would pretty much have to be, it's why Lysa flips out, which leads to the Moon Door scene.

There really is enough in just the remainder of ASoS to fill up season three. I think that they will carry Dany's story past her taking Mereen, Jorah's betrayal and exile and may get us as far as Drogon eating small children.

I don't see them getting beyond Stannis' offer to Jon to become Lord of Winterfell.

I think the Red Viper and Tywin both die in episode 9.

I think Arya only sticks around Westeros for the first few episodes and then it's off to Braavos. I would say that they could bring her all of the way to the Blind Girl, but she would have had to kill Dareon, which means that Samwell's story would have to be much farther along, and I'm not sure they get there.

Bran should make it all the way to the cave. His story isn't as intertwined with the other storylines at this point, so they could drive on.
This post was edited on 8/20/13 at 12:07 am
Posted by ffishstik
Baton Rouge
Member since Dec 2007
4129 posts
Posted on 8/20/13 at 12:04 am to
I honestly don't know. Azor Ahai ended the long night, but this sounds like someone else. Maybe Coldhands? They did say that he had died long ago.
Posted by shinerfan
Member since Sep 2009
22710 posts
Posted on 8/20/13 at 3:49 am to

Drogon eating small children.

Does everyone accept this as fact or could it have been a ploy to confine the dragons? The grieving father was convincing but he could have been from an acting troupe.
Posted by sgallo3
Member since Sep 2008
24747 posts
Posted on 8/20/13 at 5:27 am to
If tyrion really wanted to find out where whores go dude should just follow his sister
Posted by ladytiger118
Member since Aug 2009
20922 posts
Posted on 8/20/13 at 7:34 am to

ETA: Hugo's thread on the OT is hilarious.
This post was edited on 8/20/13 at 8:07 am
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110010 posts
Posted on 8/20/13 at 8:32 am to

As for Bronn, no idea what to do with him since Lollys isn't in the show. That would've been so funny to watch that plot though.

I imagine Cersei will still give him a similar offer with a minor lady. It doesn't really matter if we meet Bron's wife or not.


I'm also starting to wonder if Gendry will be MIA for a season or two, unless they show him at that inn that was in that one Brienne chapter.

Yeah, forgot they made Gendry into a main character. I have no idea what they're going to do with him, but I don't expect him to return next season.


ETA: In season 5, will Aurane Waters and the other council members that Cersei selects be introduced?

They'll be introduced, but I doubt they'll be main characters.
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110010 posts
Posted on 8/20/13 at 8:36 am to

There would pretty much have to be, it's why Lysa flips out, which leads to the Moon Door scene.

Definitely. Plus Sophie turns 18 during filming, so I'd imagine it would be one of the last scenes they shoot just because of that. Then again (SPOILERS for Kick-arse 2), a 22 year old actor hooks up with a 15 year old in Kick-arse, so it wouldn't shock me.


I don't see them getting beyond Stannis' offer to Jon to become Lord of Winterfell.



I think the Red Viper and Tywin both die in episode 9.

Nah, I feel pretty confident that the Red Viper's death will be the cliffhanger for the 8th episode and they kill Tywin in the 9th. Not every single big event needs to happen in the 9th episode.


I think Arya only sticks around Westeros for the first few episodes and then it's off to Braavos. I would say that they could bring her all of the way to the Blind Girl, but she would have had to kill Dareon, which means that Samwell's story would have to be much farther along, and I'm not sure they get there.

Something tells me they're going to use Arya's arc next season to build up the Mountain. Have them run into him early on in the season and be on the run from him, the Boltons, and the Freys throughout the season. Episode 8 will be the duel at the Inn at the Crossroads, Episode 9 is where Arya will leave the Hound for dead, and Episode 10 is where she finds passage to Braavos. Braavos will be a pretty elaborate set that I think they'll save for the next season, plus there's no telling how much money they're going to be blowing on the Battle for Castle Black. And no way Sam goes to Braavos next season.


Bran should make it all the way to the cave. His story isn't as intertwined with the other storylines at this point, so they could drive on.

They should use Bran next season to mostly build up the history and lore of Westeros, particularly in regards to Rhaegar and Lyanna.
This post was edited on 8/20/13 at 8:45 am
Posted by ladytiger118
Member since Aug 2009
20922 posts
Posted on 8/20/13 at 9:32 am to

They should use Bran next season to mostly build up the history and lore of Westeros, particularly in regards to Rhaegar and Lyanna.

THIS x 10000000000000000. I think that Jojen and Meera should tell the Knight of the Laughing Tree story as well.
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