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Registered on:9/26/2009
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[quote]4. Ole Miss[/quote] It's kind of cruel that people want to set y'all up like this. [quote]6. Tennessee[/quote] But it's funny when they do it to these idiots....
Revelations 13:3 - [i]And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.[/i] I think Kirby's haircut raises serious questions. ...
[quote]White gravy truly is some redneck BS creation. Lazy gravy. Won’t take the time to brown the meat properly so the gravy is dark and has more flavor , not will you take the time to brown the flour into a roux so it has more flavor.[/quote] It's white because there's milk in it you frickin...
Isn't benefitting from sexual favors in the workplace a form of sexual harassment?...
[quote]Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2.[/quote] Was it our dear departed Hack that tried to argue that was a pro-lawyer quote?...
[quote]Besides, the New York Times is highly unreliable, anyway.[/quote] NYT is worthless but Reuters ran it first. Reuters could be wrong but they didn't just make it up. It likely came from someone in Obama's orbit....

re: Kamala's VP Pick

Posted by shinerfan on 7/3/24 at 10:02 am
No one with future ambitions is going down with Harris. She might even have to blow a third-stringer to get them on the ticket....
[quote]good parallel would be that most homicide is committed by someone the victim knows so serial killers don’t exist. [/quote] A much better parallel exists between the arrested prostitutes who claim they've been trafficked and the illegals who are coached to demand political asylum....
[quote]There were tv moments after wins when you could see the desperation of Ed orgerons wife trying to remain relevant in his life. You could tell then he had moved on and on so many levels.[/quote] Yeah, I think a better question would be whether he would still have his job if he hadn't go...
[quote]there are potentially 2 open spots[/quote] Thomas and Alito are old but the Wide Latina is only slightly younger and reportedly in very poor health. Kagan is 70 but I'm sure she'll try to hang for the next Dem. So I'm counting a strong three....
[quote]When Trump won last time, even he was surprised and probably unprepared.[/quote] In a hundred years when people ask how Donald J. Trump was elected President they'll need to go back and watch that season of South Park. Those two loons understood what was going on a hell of a lot better t...
[quote]When the enemy is relaxed, make them toil. When full, starve them. [b]When settled, make them move[/b] Sun Tzu[/quote] Would you describe the Dems as "settled" at this particular moment?...

re: Kamala nickname?

Posted by shinerfan on 7/3/24 at 8:34 am
Kamala the Jamaican Shrew...
[quote]I'm pretty sure Bugs Bunny and Sylvester the Cat were polling higher.[/quote] Sylvester is blacker than Harris and a better speaker than RFKjr. Bugs is straight MAGA and anyone who disagrees can name a Sonic....
I drank a lot when I was younger so I've probably done worse but it's thankfully hazy....
That's a $500,000 house? I would absolutely make them tear that ghetto looking shite down....
[quote] A 50% discount seems reasonable[/quote] bullshite. It's her house, although I guess it could be argued that the developer has a right to come in and remove it, which would cost them even more money....

re: The Problem with Individualism

Posted by shinerfan on 7/2/24 at 9:21 am
[quote]The Western concept of freedom has led us to the idea of the supreme independence of the individual, the problem is that this negates and ultimately destroys communal bonds, preventing any kind of collective action. You're an individual, and so whatever happens to other people, isn't your pro...
Roman Polanski comes to mind. There was a time when I wouldn't have considered anal rape of a twelve year old a political division but my how times have changed....