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re: Why do civilians own "assault weapons"?

Posted on 7/21/12 at 11:43 am to
Posted by Cadello
Member since Dec 2007
47876 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 11:43 am to


If war ever breaks out I hope you are a Human Shield.

Posted by Helo
Member since Nov 2004
4611 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 11:44 am to
Are you wondering about just "assault weapons" or just guns in particular? And if why just "assault weapons", why not ask about the others?
Posted by Athanatos
Baton Rouge
Member since Sep 2010
8155 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 11:46 am to


I own many automatic weapons

Do you believe that this is an accurate statement? What trollish comment did I make?
Posted by FelicianaTigerfan
Comanche County
Member since Aug 2009
26059 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 11:48 am to
Ignore the immature, defensive, idiotic responses.

I do not own an "assualt" type rifle but could see the appeal of owning one. Some get them for recreational shooting, some have them for self/home defense, some like the power trip it gives them. They are very popular and there are more out there than you would think. You won't find one law abiding citizen using them for illegal activity. That's the greatest part.

Controling these weapons is punishing the good majority for actions of a small percentage of the bad.
Posted by Grassy1
Member since Oct 2009
6433 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 11:49 am to
I don't mind the dude's question, no matter his agenda.

If you don't think civilians need guns, you don't realize how young our country is, or how unstable it is, (as all governments are)...

damn, just look how many nations have fallen, revolted against, etc just in the last 50 years.

Why do we think we're immune from this? We're just naive.
Posted by MSWebfoot
Member since Oct 2011
3263 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 11:53 am to
There is basically no difference in the 2 rifles below. Both are semi-automatic, have magazines that can hold multiple rounds. The have different uses but they are essentially the same, Like the forks below. all the same, but different uses.

By the way all items pictured could be used to assault someone.
I say outlaw forks!

Posted by WoodCrafter
Member since Jan 2010
692 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 11:59 am to

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...

That is why, and it is the sole reason for the second amendment.

If you truely didn't know that then you have a serious problem. You should read and understand the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Posted by choupiquesushi
yaton rouge
Member since Jun 2006
31268 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:12 pm to

Why do civilians own "assault weapons"?
I own a black rifle/assult weapon/gun

It is not Automatic.

It is semi automatic.

I own hunting rifles that are greatly more powerful that are also semi automatic.

I have what a non gun enthuiest would call a huge arsenal. But I hunt and collect.

None of my guns have ever been used to shoot or kill people.

I chuckle every time the media calls a ak or 223 round powerful......

Match with all of the above except for the last one......

January 1986 loaned a gun to a friend and he used it to commit suicide
Posted by HeadSlash
Member since Aug 2006
51068 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:13 pm to

Why do civilians own "assault weapons"?

Because Bill Clinton and a Democratic Congress told me I couldn't. So now I own 6 Ar's 2 M1A's and 2 AK's.

Why don't you blame the assclown that pulled the trigger?
Posted by SilverSpurs13
New Orleans, LA
Member since Aug 2011
1043 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:16 pm to

Are you wondering about just "assault weapons" or just guns in particular? And if why just "assault weapons", why not ask about the others?

Mainly automatic weapons because I understand people owning a handgun for protection or a shotgun/rifle for hunting/protection. I just wanted to know if there were any other reasons besides collecting them as to why someone would buy an automatic weapon. I never fired an automatic weapon but I imagine it is really awesome.
Posted by SilverSpurs13
New Orleans, LA
Member since Aug 2011
1043 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:18 pm to

Why don't you blame the assclown that pulled the trigger?

I do. I'm not here to shite on the second amendment or support an agenda. I'm asking a question.
Posted by Athanatos
Baton Rouge
Member since Sep 2010
8155 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:19 pm to

I just wanted to know if there were any other reasons besides collecting them as to why someone would buy an automatic weapon.

Those are not easy to acquire legally. They are also very expensive.
Posted by Tino
Member since Dec 2004
86225 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:24 pm to
there are very few civilians who own automatic weapons
Posted by jtiger123
Member since Nov 2007
341 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:28 pm to
You need to clarify your use of "automatic" because in gun talk it commonly refers to semiautomatic, which is what most of the "assault weapons" you are thinking of actually are. Fully automatic , meaning more than one round fire per trigger pull, is what you are thinking. Fully automatic weapons are a much much smaller market because of the registration process and the ridiculous pricing compared to semiautomatic weapons.

P.S. many handguns used for self defense are "automatic"
Posted by Tigah in the ATL
Member since Feb 2005
27539 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:29 pm to
some people think they will need them to fight off their oppressors or for the apocalypse.

some people just think they're fun as hell (this would be my stance)
Posted by KingRanch
The Ranch
Member since Mar 2012
61640 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:29 pm to

many handguns used for self defense are "automatic"

yep, 8 rounds single stack .45
This post was edited on 7/21/12 at 12:30 pm
Posted by SilverSpurs13
New Orleans, LA
Member since Aug 2011
1043 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:29 pm to
sigh. SEMI-automatic weapons. Why are message boards so counter-productive?
Posted by SilverSpurs13
New Orleans, LA
Member since Aug 2011
1043 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:31 pm to

You need to clarify your use of "automatic" because in gun talk it commonly refers to semiautomatic, which is what most of the "assault weapons" you are thinking of actually are. Fully automatic , meaning more than one round fire per trigger pull, is what you are thinking. Fully automatic weapons are a much much smaller market because of the registration process and the ridiculous pricing compared to semiautomatic weapons.

P.S. many handguns used for self defense are "automatic"

I was thinking more along the lines of AR-15s or AK-47s. Whatever category these guns fall under.
Posted by KingRanch
The Ranch
Member since Mar 2012
61640 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:32 pm to

AR-15s or AK-47s

semi auto
Posted by HeadSlash
Member since Aug 2006
51068 posts
Posted on 7/21/12 at 12:33 pm to

Why don't you blame the assclown that pulled the trigger?

I do. I'm not here to shite on the second amendment or support an agenda. I'm asking a question.

The trigger don't pull itself. Why do you blame an inanimate object? A human being loaded those weapons and pulled the trigger.
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