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re: Pipeline on farmland

Posted on 12/19/22 at 5:05 pm to
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/19/22 at 5:05 pm to
Yes, limit the easement to one single pipeline.
Some pipeline companies will insist that the easement needs absurd width. They will in turn sell space for other pipelines to be placed at an amount greater than what you were paid. That assignment could will cause a liability issue. Initially the landman will say tell you BS like it (1) is necessary for proper and safe maintenance and operations and (it is the industry standard). You could grant them a temporary workspace for maintenance.

I knew a businessman in Sulphur who insisted that he was to be last to sign an pipeline agreement. He did get top dollar but my family got renewable terms based on CPI as opposed to a perpetual agreement.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/19/22 at 5:09 pm to
Best advise you could receive. Time is on your side for sure. Tell the landman that "His offer is not acceptable, you're sorry that you could not get together, and you are no longer interested."

He will be back.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/19/22 at 5:33 pm to
If you can confirm that they are an Expropriating Authority under Eminent Domain you will want to learn about the pre-requisites that help landowners such as we are before they mention the subject.

Review (Google) LA Revised Statues (R.S 19: and R.S. 19:2)

I am not an attorney but they are not too difficult to understand.
Posted by Merica
Member since Mar 2013
992 posts
Posted on 12/19/22 at 6:28 pm to
If it is FERC regulated then FERC approval is absolutely necessary to begin construction. If they are in the land acquisition portion of the project, then they have not even submitted their FERC application so construction would begin at earliest 2024. FERC approval takes 12-18 months.

If it isn’t FERC related then it’s all a wash and construction could begin much earlier. All they would need is LDNR approval.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/20/22 at 6:01 am to
If the product in the pipe is intended for LNG facilities to be exported it seems to be FERC related which will issue a "Certificate of Public Carrier and Necessity."

Upon my understanding the pipeline company must receive permission from the state government or FERC to survey the property.

A landman might infer that survey permission was granted in the filings with FERC.

"No response" to a survey could be characterized as acceptance rather than opposition.
Posted by ragincajun03
Member since Nov 2007
22520 posts
Posted on 12/20/22 at 9:32 am to

You need to get verification that that the pipeline company does have expropriation authority under Eminent Domain.

Being Trans Canada is a midstream company and not in the extraction business, and being how far this pipeline is from the OP's description, I'd be willing to bet a whole lot of money this is a common carrier line. Therefore, yes, they have a path to condemnation if need-be.

However, even if it means they have to triple their initial offer of $200/rd. to the OP, it'll still be better for them to pay that bit of money than having to spend Legal fees and time gaining its rights via the courts.

Looks like they're already about to double their offer to OP.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/20/22 at 4:12 pm to
Pipeline companies usually do not like to initiate expropriation proceedings since proceedings can be a public relations nightmare that can be avoided as well as the reasons that you mentioned. Usually an agreement is made before the process is initiated.

Texas is beginning to recognize the abuses of eminent domain much quicker than other states. A good read is a recent Texas Supreme Court Decision-Hlavinka vs. HSE Pipeline.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/20/22 at 4:38 pm to
Our more recent deals were for industrial gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. Praxair, Inc. $1200 per rod Matheson Tri-Gas, $1550 per rod, Boardwalk Louisiana Mainstream ethane (a hydrocarbon ) $1200 per rod. These are a matter of public record at the Calcasieu Parish Courthouse.

I can send you a template of more favorable terms for a landowners to negotiate that are not likely on the Trans Canada boilerplate agreement.
Posted by TigerGyp
Member since May 2006
975 posts
Posted on 12/20/22 at 6:39 pm to
That’s more like it! Kinder Morgan paid $650/rod in my area, but that was 12 years ago. $1000 to $1500 sounds about right, in the present market.

I would like to see that template.
Posted by Warfox
B.R. Native (now in MA)
Member since Apr 2017
3240 posts
Posted on 12/20/22 at 6:42 pm to

Our more recent deals were for industrial gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. Praxair, Inc. $1200 per rod Matheson Tri-Gas, $1550 per rod, Boardwalk Louisiana Mainstream ethane (a hydrocarbon ) $1200 per rod. These are a matter of public record at the Calcasieu Parish Courthouse. I can send you a template of more favorable terms for a landowners to negotiate that are not likely on the Trans Canada boilerplate agreement.

The magic of TigerDroppings.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 6:09 am to
I have been blessed by this magic several times.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 6:27 am to
Some farmers and cattlemen south of Carlyss told me that Kinder Morgan was a tough negotiator.

We have a twenty (20) year ROW agreement with a subsidiary of CITGO due to expire in 2023. Payment was $800 per rod in 2003 and is about $1475 in today's dollars. I think our market price might be in the $1600 category. We are not looking to gouge anyone either. They have been a good corporate "partner."

I will be pleased to get you that template with other non-confidential information that I can share. My family has had some expropriation proceedings that I cannot per terms of the settlements.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/21/22 at 6:56 am to
Most of the pipeline companies that my family has agreements with have been good corporate partners. A Right-of-Way and Servitude agreement was written by attorneys for the benefit of the corporation, not the landowner. Most of their attorneys are fair and will agree to reasonable language changes.

Most of the landmen are honest people making a living and several have educated me with terms in the contracts. Many of them can read title better than lawyers. Remember that their job is to get signatures.

Eminent Domain has been extended beyond its intent to benefit only the shareholders of pipeline companies (even foreign-owned ones). I have no problem when it has to be used for the public benefit such as public highways, municipals such as parks and civic centers, hospitals, and airports. It appears that LADOTD might need some of our property for the Calcasieu Bridge replacement. I only recently became aware that the bridge will only be one component to the project.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/22/22 at 8:09 am to

I attempted to copy the servitude template in this space but there were too many words for it to be allowed. If you provide a U.S. mailing address, I will be pleased to get it to you.
Posted by TigerGyp
Member since May 2006
975 posts
Posted on 12/22/22 at 9:09 am to
Appreciate the offer CL, my cell number is 337-278-2810. Call or text.
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 12/23/22 at 4:22 pm to

1. Easement size-permanent and temporary.
2. Size (diameter) of the pipe.
3. Product identification-limit product use. “any other products”
4. Restriction to a single pipeline
5. Prevention of grantee for placing other pipelines in the right-of-way. (easement area)
6. Price per rod should be stated.
7. Include a legal description and plat of the easement.
8. Restrictions of the surface facility.
9. Access to easement area.
10. Construction damages.
11. Indemnification of owners.
12. Definition of what constitutes abandonment.
13. Is there a secrecy agreement?
14. Assessment/transfer language-“Run with the land” is OK but not random transfer without liability.
15. Title warranty-if a pipeline company makes a mistake in the title search, the owner should not suffer.
16. Termination provisions (renewable terms) are desired.

Obviously not the Servitude Template but ROW agreement terms to consider. In my haste I think that I put it into cyberspace. I will be out of pocket for the holidays but I will recover it and get other helpful information to you after I return. Merry Christmas. CL
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 1/4/23 at 5:56 am to
I will try this again incrementally.

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that for and in consideration of the sum of ten ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and full acquittance and discharge granted therefor, the undersigned, hereinafter referred to as “OWNER”, whether one or more, does hereby grant, unto XXXXXXXX, hereafter referred to as “XXX”, a temporary SERVITUDE and easement hereinafter referred to as “SERVITUDE” to construct, maintain, operate, inspect, use, alter, patrol, test, repair and remove a single one NNNNN (N) inch pipeline and appurtenances incident thereto (including, though not by way of limitation, valves, fittings, tie-overs, underground communication cables, cathodic protection equipment and markers), for the transportation of ZZZ products and by-products thereof, together with the right of ingress and egress on, over, across, and through the following described land owned by OWNER in the Parish of Calcasieu, State of Louisiana, to-wit:

[Insert legal description of property here]
North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N/2 SW/4) of Section - , Township - South, Range- West, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

[Insert any drawing or exhibit reference here as well as description of length of SERVITUDE in terms of rods.]
Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 1/4/23 at 6:03 am to
Page 2

OWNER shall have the right to fully use and enjoy the above described premises, except as to the rights herein granted; and OWNER agrees, not to build, create, or construct, nor permit to be built, created, or constructed and obstruction, building, engineering works, or other structures over said SERVITUDE which would interfere with the operation of the pipeline. The SERVITUDE herein granted shall be restricted to the actual width of the pipeline as laid hereunder, except that XXX may use a 30-foot in width strip, being 15 feet on each side of the SERVITUDE, during the temporary periods when it is necessary for XXX to perform maintenance and repair work on the pipeline. After construction, XXX hereby agrees to promptly pay and damages which may arise to growing crops, pasturage, fences or buildings of OWNER for the exercise of the rights herein granted.

The SERVITUDE grant is granted and accepted subject to the following stipulations and restrictions:
1. This grant does not convey any right, title or interest whatsoever in the land or any oil, gas or minerals in, on upon, over, or under the land over which this SERVITUDE extends.
2. That each and every right herein granted is and shall be subordinate and subject to any and all pre-existing or future grants for the construction, maintenance, operation, replacement and/or repair of any roadway, utility or facility for the exploration and development of said land for said minerals and for farming and reaching operations on the surface of said land.
3. The reservations and restrictions contained in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall not be exercised so as to prevent the construction operation and maintenance of the SERVITUDE herein granted.
4. XXX shall at all times during the existence of this grant, and at its own cost and risk, cause the pipeline to be maintained in good order, condition and repair and in accordance with all present and future municipal, parish, state and federal laws, regulations and directives relating to the operation, construction, maintenance, repair and use of such pipeline and appliances.
5. That XXX shall forever save OWNER harmless from and indemnify OWNER against loss or damage of any kind, including costs and attorney’s fees, incident to or resulting in any way from injury to persons or damage to property or other legal consequences growing out of the maintenance, operation, use, patrol, inspection, alteration, repair and replacement of said pipeline and/or the removal thereof, whether the same be with or without XXX’s fault or negligence or that of any contractor or sub-contractor or their respective suppliers, contractors or sub-contractors, agents servants or employees or the manner or conditions under which said operations are conducted or performed or the breach of the terms, covenants, and agreements of this grant and/or all acts of commission or omission of those of its customers and licenses.
6. Nothwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this grant, should the pipeline at any time during the term of this grant, interfere with, restrict or restrain the commercial or industrial development and use of the land on, over or upon which the same extends, upon written request of OWNER, XXX shall relocate and remove said pipeline at its sold cost, risk and expense to such other location on the before referenced land owned by OWNER as OWNER shall designate; no additional charge shall be made by OWNER for such substituted location; such relocation and removal to be made within six (6) months after receipt of such notice by XXX and the designation of the new location, or within such period of time as may be mutually agreeable to the parties.
7. Should XXX, its subsidiaries, affiliates, successors or assigns, cease to operate said pipeline for a continuous period of twelve (12) months, all the rights and SERVITIDES herein granted shall ipso factor terminate unless the cessation of use of the pipeline is caused by fire, strikes, or an act of God. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that operation of the pipelines consists of using them for the transportation of the main product identified in this agreement. Using the pipeline for performing routine maintenance or filling the pipelines with inert water or other substances for the purpose of maintaining the pipe shall not constitute operations. In the case of termination of the SERVITUDE under this Paragraph, XXX shall remove the pipeline and restore the above described premises to as near its former condition as is reasonably practicable within a twelve (12) month period following the date of termination.
8. XXX shall reimburse OWNER for any new or additional tax or other forced contributions of any kind whatsoever levied by any state, parish, or other governmental or municipal authority against the land due to XXX’s pipeline and appurtenances being located on land across which this grant extends.
9. Upon completion of construction of the pipeline laid hereunder, XXX agrees to restore the surface of the land to as near its original condition as is reasonably practicable within a three (3) month period following the date of termination.
10. No other pipelines may be placed in this SERVITUDE by XXX other than the single pipeline that this agreement has described.
11. The OWNER hereby executes this SERVITUDE without warranty of title and shall be held harmless in the event that any errors are made in a title search conducted by XXX or as directed by XXX of the described land.

Posted by CharleyLake
Member since Oct 2006
1342 posts
Posted on 1/4/23 at 6:07 am to
Page 3

The first term of this SERVITUDE shall be for a period of ten (10) years, provided XXX gives written notice to OWNER of its intent to exercise its option on or before MM/DD/YEAR. The mutually agreed upon consideration to the OWNER for an additional ten (10) year option term shall be $C,CCC per rod adjusted upward by the increase, if any, in the consumer price index, all U.S. items prepared by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, using as the base for the computation the average for the full year WWWW (initial year of agreement) and comparing it to the average of the 12 month period ending three months prior to the ending month of the Initial Term to determine the percentage of increase to be applied to the consideration.

Consideration for subsequent ten (10) year option periods will be determined by adjustment upward by the increase, if any, in the consumer price index, all urban consumers, prepared by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, using as a base for the computation the average consumer price index for the year 20, and comparing it with the average of the twelve (12) month period ending three months prior to the ending month of the current ten (10) year option period to determine the percentage increase to be applied to the consideration.

The index figures shall be taken from the publication of the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Department of Labor shall be the sole judge as to the comparability of successive indexes, should there be a change in the form of the consumer price index. If the Department of Labor cannot supply an index comparable to the consumer price index at the time the option is exercised, then another index representative of the changes in the purchasing power of the U.S. Dollar will be used. If either party cannot agree on a substitute method to determine the proper consideration, then the parties shall submit the same to arbitration in accordance with the now existing arbitration law of the State of Louisiana for determination of the price. But in no event will the consideration be less than that paid for the primary term. The second term of the SERVITUDE shall be for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of expiration of the first term. Upon expiration of the first term (without XXX exercising its second term option within a reasonable period of time) or upon expiration of a properly secured second term, the SERVIOTUDE shall revert to OWNER, his successors and assigns, without the necessity of any action on the part of either of the parties hereto; provided, however, XXX is hereby granted the right and option at any time until one (1) year after the expiration of said SERVITUDE to remove the pipeline which XXX may have placed thereon or thereunder. All above ground structures and material shall be removed by XXX from the above described premises with the one (1) year expiration period. In any event, XXX shall restore the above described premises to as near its former condition as is reasonably practicable.

The rights herein granted may not be assigned in whole or in part unless prior approval has been granted to XXX by the OWNER which approval shall not be arbitrarily withheld. Upon the assignment or transfer of the SERVITUDE, any of XXX’s liabilities for this SERVITUDE will remain with XXX unless specifically set out in an assignment or transfer agreement and accepted by the party receiving the assignment or transfer of the SERVITUDE.

The terms and conditions and provisions of this contract shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assign of the parties hereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures in the place and on the date and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter indicated.

Executed on behalf of XXX, herein represented by _______________________________ on the ___ day of _______________.


By: ___________________________________


_______________________________ _______________________________
Printed Name Signature

Printed Name
Title: __________________________


Printed Name


STATE OF _______________________
COUNTRY/PARISH OF______________

This instrument was acknowledged before me on this ______ day of __month_______, __year__ by ________________________________.

Notary Public

My Commission Expires:

Posted by ithad2bme
Houston transplant from B.R.
Member since Sep 2008
3492 posts
Posted on 1/5/23 at 2:52 pm to
Even if not FERC regulated, they still have to comply with NEPA, and typically the US Army Corps is the lead agency if impact any wetlands or waterbodies. The Corps will coordinate with USFWS and the State Historic Preservation Officer before issuing a permit.

If they haven’t asked for survey access yet, then they are still in the routing stages of the project trying to determine who to cross. Talk to your neighbors regularly because they may move to the other side of your fence if it’s possible and then you are still dealing with construction but not getting anything.

A few other things, they can always make minor adjustments to avoid hitting things or to avoid bisecting a field, and they shouldn’t need anything more than a 50 foot permanent right-of-way for maintenance. Anything more than that needed for construction should be temporary workspace. If you can, specify that if the use changes the ROW must be renegotiated, and that if it sits idle for a certain amount of time it’s is considered abandoned and then specify whether they can abandon in place or if they need to remove it.
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