Fans in Mexico City play by a different set of rules. During the 2nd and 3rd quarter of Monday night's Houston Texans vs. Oakland Raiders game in Mexico City, a fan was using a laser pointer on numerous occasions to distract Texans QB Brock Osweiler as well as RB Akeem Hunt...
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Filed Under: NFL
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TOSOV93 months
All the crap around this game there hopefully teaches the NFL to keep games in the US. What ever happened to the ref families that were kidnapped anyway??
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Placebeaux94 months
Those lasers won't be strong enough to go through the wall.
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6pack94 months
Mexican fans do this all the time at all games at the Azteca.
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airportwhiskey94 months
Whether in Mexico or not, this is par for the course for Raiders fans.
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PhilipMarlowe94 months
frick mexico.
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crewdepoo94 months
Mexico 1, Texas 0
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