Viewers got a close look at Sean Payton's play sheet last Thursday night. So, how does the Denver Broncos head coach feel about it?...

"I saw it," Payton said. "I don’t worry about it. When everyone sent that to me, it was like, this game is so spontaneous and fast. The language teams can look at — everything is on tape."
Jump tp the 9:24 mark...

(The Spun)
Filed Under: NFL
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6R1211 months
He talks diff now it seems. Denver changing him?
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jmorr3411 months
you talk like a fig, and your shite's all retarded
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Luckydog11 months
No Fox makeup
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Timeoday11 months
How many SB's has he won? If less than 2, why have him in a conversation?
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RazzleDazzle11 months
Winning one is quite an accomplishment.
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JackieTreehorn11 months
Especially with a traditional doormat like the Aints. Thats like winning an NC at Vandy.
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Timeoday11 months
The NFL is a business of many teams. The NFL decides who wins what!!
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CanebreakCajun11 months
I am not sure anyone likes this guy.
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CallmeSteveo11 months
It’s just fumble or 3 and out or interception just a bunch of different color codes for different players.
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ThatTahoeOverThere11 months
Drew Brees ain't walking through that door podnaaa.
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nismosao11 months
Sean looking old AF.
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Tigers4Lyfe11 months
Just how old is frick?
user avatar
Timeoday11 months
Will be 60 on December 29, 2023.
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