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Former NFL RB Ricky Williams was one of the best backs of his era, but also could've been an All-Star if he pursued a career in baseball...

"I wouldn't say I was great, I had a lot of potential," Ricky told us. "I love to get better at things. If I would have devoted my full time to baseball, I would have been an All-Star baseball player."

So, what led him to football instead of baseball?? A pretty understandable reason.

"It's a fantasy, but the reality is I'm kind of the person where 162 games -- that's too much for me.

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Filed Under: NFL
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1912 months
Can't Get Right ain't changed a bit.
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Nix to Twillie12 months
He and Tebow should have a catch.
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FlyinTiger9312 months
Not disciplined enough to grind out a season in any sport. Weed took over his life, and there was no looking back.
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Tiger Ike12 months
Curveball eating his arse up.
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LSUvet7212 months
Outer Space cadet forever and eternity.
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deuce98512 months
Weird dude but was always an amazing athlete. I believe it.
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Honest Tune12 months
Uncle Rico Williams.
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1912 months
You win holy shite
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