Oakland Raiders RB Marshawn Lynch sat during the national anthem at Saturday's preseason game against the Arizona Cardinals...
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According to, Raiders head coach Jack Del Rio says he didn’t know about Lynch’s plans ahead of the game...

“On Marshawn, talked to Marshawn trying to make sure we’re on the same page,” the coach said. "He said, ‘This is something I’ve done for 11 years. It’s not a form of anything other than me being myself.’ I said, ‘So you understand how I feel, I very strongly believe in standing for the national anthem. But I’m going to respect you as a man, you do your thing. We’ll do ours.’ It’s a non-issue for me.”
Filed Under: NFL
user avatar
jeff7012189 months
Don't know the length of his contract or the terms, however hope it's only a one year deal with no guaranteed money, etc. Cut his arse loose if so!
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km89 months
colin II
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ready4something89 months
With the alt right movement and other nationalist groups marching through towns with Nazi flags without the condemnation of the president. Why should they?
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Tiger in Texas89 months
Did anyone tell you that you are a dumb arse? If not, I am surprised, but now you have!!
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biglego89 months
Oh yeah man, the Nazis are just taking over towns all over the country. Nazis are what's causing this country to deteriorate. Committing crime and leeching off the public dole. Nazis. Everywhere.
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Mike da Tigah89 months
When you reward them for bad behavior it does nothing to curb the bad behavior. Typical mealy mouth Americans putting up with this shite.
user avatar
FaCubeItches89 months
Judging by NFL ratings over the last year, there are an awful lot of people who aren't putting up with it.
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sparkyj1589 months
blah blah blah. Man has a right to sit if he chooses. Open your eyes man!
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lsusteve189 months
Stop giving it attn & they'll stop. It's all this is about.
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Amazing Moves89 months
I'm only here so I can ride the pine.
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rrboy89 months
frick him too
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eelsuee89 months
He can't put that banana down for 1 minute to observe the national anthem.
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sparkyj1589 months
The anthem wasn't written for him, so why should he stand! Do your research on it!
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JohnnyRebel89 months
Idk about anyone else, but I've stoped giving any shits about this shite. Doesn't affect my life. Why should I give a shite?
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1989 months
Lynch: Kang in Candycornia.
user avatar
Smalls89 months
If I was the owner, I'd cut him.
user avatar
wizziko89 months
user avatar
Smalls89 months
Because I could.
user avatar
jcaz89 months
Lynch kneels and has a job. Why? Because he's good enough. This outta put the rest the Kaepernick drama but it won't.
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Crimson1st89 months
Well if you completely set aside all the other stuff Kaepernick as well as his GF have said/done in addition to his "silent protest" you might have a more valid comparison.
user avatar
WilliamTaylor2189 months
Cmon now... Kapernick is a lot better than most backups in the NFL, definitely better than all of the 3rd string guys. The reason he doesn't have a job is because his personality is cancerous.
user avatar
jayboy50489 months
So you tell me why tf Ryan Fitzpatrick still has a job in the league... please tell me. Gtfoh with that bs
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