Looks Like Johnny Manziel Had A Fun Christmas
Timothy T. Ludwig-USA TODAY Sports
It looks like eCleveland Browns QB Johnny Manziel had a Merry Christmas, rapping, dabbing and drinking some sort of beverage...

A Merry Manziel Christmas.

Filed Under: NFL
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FishFearMe109 months
Browns should trade him to the Cowboys.
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Roses of Crimson109 months
It's not that he leads this lifestyle. It's that he's so in your face about it. Like here ya go, I said I'm gonna change but not really, if you don't like it Cleveland I don't care, hey I'm supposed to act stupid at my age.
It's widely known that Elway, Marino and Aikman like to have a good time when they were playing, they just didn't get arrested, get into fights or publicly act stupid. Johnny shows me what kind of program Sumlin runs if he stayed eligible.
user avatar
Even for someone with so much money -- what a fricking loser.
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Stacked109 months
Larry Leo is creepy.
user avatar
Mouth109 months
I see no prescription bottle in that video.
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Jefferson Dawg109 months
"Dirty shorty in the styrofoam..
Reel a birdie gettin wild dough.
dress it up, whoa natural...
What a mile zone.
somethin, somethin...."
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lsuhunt555109 months
Guess the stint in rehab didnt do much for him.
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Havoc109 months
...waiting for translation.
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eddieray109 months
Shame on Johnny for sipping on some sort of beverage.
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Feelthebarn109 months
Four loko is gross
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AustinKnight109 months
The African language is very hard to understand as I get older
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musick109 months
That's not a rx bottle. It clearly has a huge red logo on it. It almost looks like Tanqueray.
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UnAnon109 months
A four Loko doesn't come in a prescription bottle bro.
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BadTyreke109 months
That's my quarterback man.
user avatar
peaster68109 months
Looks like Four Lokos they're drinking
user avatar
UnAnon109 months
That dude is sippin on a bottle of lean hahahaaha
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vuvuzela109 months
I didn't catch a single word of any of that
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