Johnny Manziel Selling His Ohio Golf Course Home After One Year
Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports
Even though he's been released by the Browns for a while now, Johnny Manziel is officially getting out of Ohio. His 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath golf course home is listed for $489,000...
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NorthGwinnettTiger100 months
Lot of longhorn orange in there.
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LSUvegasbombed100 months
BR is more expensive it looks like
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DrSteveBrule100 months
Johnny's neighbors celebrate as their property value increases
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LSULyle00690100 months
I figured Jonny Football would have a house worth way more than a half a mill
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timbo100 months
I'm trying to think of how many surfaces in there Johnny Manziel banged some bar skank on.
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tigerfootball10100 months
How much was your first offer Larry?
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Morecowbell100 months
Where's the cocaine room? Just kidding, that's every room.
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BabyTac100 months
I couldn't think of one reason to live in Cleveland if I'm not playing for the Browns. Good move, Larry.
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WithaRebelYell100 months
At least they aren't Detroit?
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crazycubes100 months
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Rickety Cricket100 months
That's as generic as generic gets.
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DrunkerThanThou100 months
The Borwns? Cmon Larry
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