Johnny Manziell & Friends Accused Of Trashing West Hollywood Mansion
Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports
Days after his agent cut ties with him, Johnny Manziel and his friends have been accused of trashing a West Hollywood mansion they rented. According to Emily Smith of Page Six, a real estate broker said Manziel partied for two days straight at the Los Angeles property last week, leaving evidence of alcohol and drug use and causing $32,000 in damage...

They were supposed to check out at noon. Manziel was passed out. ... There was cocaine all over the kitchen table, and mushrooms were still out on the table in front of him. There was booze everywhere...broken glasses over the floor and a champagne glass in a tree. If they don't respond to our demand for compensation, we will sue.
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This is just comical at this point.

Filed Under: NFL
user avatar
Havoc102 months
Manziel is an uber douche, but the places hardly looks "trashed" more like just left a bunch of stuff around. Don't see any damage or anything.
user avatar
DoubleDown102 months
He'll be dead in 3 years. Book it. At this point, I don't even feel sorry for him anymore, just his parents.
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atltiger6487102 months
it's going to end very badly for Johnny, unless he straightens up.
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GeeOH102 months
It has already ended. Now, for some odd reason, we have to come here and see stories everyday about this retarded drug addict Who hasn't run out of money yet......yet! Quit posting stories on this EX player. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of EX players that are on drugs. QUIT putting this shite here
user avatar
Beaver Bandit102 months
It's obvious that Manziel has decided to give up on being an athlete and live off oil money being a party boy. All future stories of him belong in the OT assuming anyone gives a shite.
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MasterKnight102 months
Who would rent their place to Manziel to begin with? Do they not know who he is?
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DrSteveBrule102 months
Manziel's face is mishappen as frick
user avatar
justausedcarguy102 months
Not sure what I was expecting, but those pictures look harmless, definitely not trashed. Maybe sloppy.
user avatar
GeeOH102 months
You know how I know you don't own multi million dollar assets?
user avatar
Foolish cock102 months
Wish they would come leave some coke on my kitchen table
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Doug Masters102 months
Hey JFF, either get help or just ahead and OD. Tired of your sh!t.
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earl keese102 months
Doug Masters, I wish I had more than one upvote to give you. You're 100% right!
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pellietigersaint102 months
dude makes ryan leaf look like Joe Montana
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auzach91102 months
Sounds like they did the owner a favor and left some party favors
user avatar
auzach91102 months
That's considered trashing a place?
user avatar
chalupa102 months
From those pics, it doesn't even look close to trashed. Who the frick leaves lines of coke on the table? I don't believe this story. I am not a manziel defender by any means, but this seems like a bogus story.
user avatar
Woverw102 months
This is tragic! JUST TRAGIC!!! whut's fer lunch?
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