J.J. Watt Took A Pic Of His Old Nasty Thigh Bruise
Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports
Texans DE J.J. Watt's Throwback Thursday came a day early this week when he posted this pic of a nasty old thigh bruise from a game against the Bills in Week 4 of 2014. Thaaaaaaat's gonna leave a mark...
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Rebel Land Shark116 months
Kids this is what happen when you use steroids wrong
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LSUTIGER in TEXAS116 months
Watt is arguably the best at his position by the widest margin. Mettenberger's team just drafted his replacement 2nd overall. Mett better work on his social networking for life after football...
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Dignan116 months
Oh, the irony of him telling Mettenberger to stay off of social media.
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More beer please116 months
Watt's typical "hey guys look at me"
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eldouchebag116 months
Roids is how
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Cmlsu5618116 months
Holy hell. How does that happen?
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Cmlsu5618116 months
Holy hell. How does that happen?
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