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Los Angeles Chargers new head coach Jim Harbaugh recently revealed to USA Today he actually extended an offer to Colin Kaepernick earlier this year to join the Bolts' coaching staff...

"We talked a little bit about it,” Harbaugh admitted. “He's considering it. He was out of the country. He said he was going to get back to me."

So far, Harbaugh says Kap has yet to tell him one way or the other ... but the ole ball coach said he felt the 36-year-old would be "tremendous" in the role if he were to take it.
(TMZ Sports)
Filed Under: NFL
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I'm surprised no companies have snapped him up as their kneepads spokesperson.
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Kapernick is an attention whore and self-serving idiot, but how long are y'all going to hold a grudge and get your blood pressure up everytime you read his name?
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biglego27 days
Omg Kap was offered an NFL job? That’s racist.
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BobABooey27 days
I can’t stand Kap.
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shadyone227 days
Liberal tool.
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ForTheWin8127 days
Outside of how much I dislike Kap, why would anyone want him as a coach? Guys dumb as can be and doesn't have the character of a coach
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OGTiger27 days
Harbaugh is just an attention whore. Kapernick has never coached a day in his life. Jim better hope this gig works out for him ‘cause he ain’t ever going back to college.
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lsusa27 days
I’d imagine at this point, Harbaugh is pretty much set for life financially even if “this gig doesn’t work out”.
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cdav11426 days
also he could get any college job he wanted
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Tiger Ike27 days
Doesn't fit the narrative.
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atltiger648727 days
wow, Jim must have some serious white guilt
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