Jameis Winston Was In Publix Buying Crab Legs After Saints Game
Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
The Saints beat the Buccaneers 24-17 on Sunday. To forget the loss, Tampa Bay QB Jameis Winston hit up a Publix and got some crab legs...
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This is a little different from when he stole them while at Florida State.
Filed Under: NFL
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stinkdawg110 months
Why is Jamis dressed like Eddie Murphy in 48 Hours?
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eddieray110 months
Yes, his agent should be parlaying this into an endorsement deal
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Cheese Grits110 months
Of course he was

While at Free Shoes U he could steal without fear from the Po Po

Now he is away from FSU, law enforcement may no longer look the other way.
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Murray110 months
Right on the nose Larry. Right on the nose.
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PeteRose110 months
How Joe's Crab Shack is not signing this guy is beyond me.
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wilceaux110 months
I hope they charged him double.
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HideChaKidz110 months
Winston needs to hit up a lauberge buffet on crab night.
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TexasTiger89110 months
I want to see a receipt.
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Flashback110 months
This story had a happy ending, Larry.
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