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The Philadelphia Eagles saw something in 6’8?, 350-LB rugby player Jordan Mailata, because they traded up in the 7th round to grab him. Here's why...
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Yep and he's never played football.

Filed Under: NFL
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WithaRebelYell82 months
looking at his tape this dude is going to get knocked out. He’s never really lowered his shoulder and takin a head to head hit. If he can handle that the dude might be really good.
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Placebeaux82 months
If he can catch he'd be my TE and Id let the defense know he was getting the ball.
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FaCubeItches82 months
Reminds me of years ago when the NFL was trying to get Jonah Lomu, who was a similarly sized beast. Unfortunately, his health was already starting to break down, so it never happened.
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barry82 months
That's great and all but in the trenches he will be going against guys bigger than him.
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LSU fan 24682 months
How many NFL players are bigger than 6'8" and 350 lbs?
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BDJ82 months
And the dumb arse of the year award goes toooo. 6'8" 350 is more than likely the biggest or close to the biggest guy in the NFL lol.
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STEVED0082 months
That is impressive though seems like TE would be a better fit
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Fightin Okra82 months
After he was selected, they showed video of him trucking dudes. I thought the same thing - he needs to be TE or H-back
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Fightin Okra82 months
After he was selected, they showed video of him trucking dudes. I thought the same thing - he needs to be TE or H-back
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Fightin Okra82 months
After he was selected, they showed video of him trucking dudes. I thought the same thing - he needs to be TE or H-back
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CDawson82 months
To see a guy that big run like that is impressive as heck.
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