During the Cincinnati Bengals vs Oakland Raiders on Sunday DB Adam "Pac-Man" Jones took rookie WR Amari Cooper’s tho the ground, ripped off his helmet, the slammed his head against it..


Fine is a comin'.
Filed Under: NFL
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SamuelClemens108 months
Who is the jackass next to him standing over cooper watching it happen. He should be fines as well.
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mikelbr108 months
@Roses of Crimson None of the LSU fans I associate with(most are alumni) said anything like that. The tornado comments I heard(and made) were directed at just the stadium, not any people, and only in jest. Tuscaloosa is a fine town and great away game trip for the real LSU fans.
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jeaLouSU108 months
Blueboy u need to go hang out wit ya boy pac man…the fact that you can somehow bring in the state of where amari played college in and not look at the facts…one word…wow
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blueboy108 months
LOL at the Bama fan who dares to say a thing about another fan base. Your state is world famous for being the most backward, redneck hell imaginable. Even Top Gear did an episode about how much you suck.
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mglsu21108 months
To Roses of Crimson...99.99% of LSU fans would never say or agree with the comments about the tornado or a Marshall type accident. There are bad fans in every group, and it's usually the worst ones that speak the loudest. However Bama fans don't need to throw stones. That's like me associating every Bama fan as Harvey Updyke.
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Roses of Crimson108 months
The MadeMan's comments are not surprising at all considering he's an LSU fan. This is the same fanbase who had some idiots openly saying they hoped the tornado killed off the campus and wished Bama would have a "marshall type" accident.

Not surprised anything I hear from this fanbase.
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DoubleDown108 months
@TheMadeMan - you seem like a classy guy. Cooper is a class act kid. I suggest you grow up.
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TheMadeMan108 months
I'm okay with these actions since it's a bama player
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TOKEN108 months
He should be out the league. That's some BS
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panzer108 months
I agree press charges
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Captain Lafitte108 months
That guy is a piece of shite.
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Hawgeye108 months
Coop should press charges...seriously
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crimsonsaint108 months
fricking thug.
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GWfool108 months
How the hell is this guy still in the league?
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