Drew Brees Reveals His Prediction For Saints QB Battle
© Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
With Drew Brees out of the mix this year in New Orleans, he shared his prediction on who will succeed him at the QB position...

“Both guys have such a love for the game… and you can see it in the way they play,” Brees said. “Taysom has an infectious love for the game. There is not a guy who is more respected for that and for what he brings to the team. Jameis was such a joy to be around. He also loves the game and loves to work at it. You can tell that football consumes his thoughts. He wants to be a great player and continue to improve. Whatever happens, in terms of whoever is the starter, I do think there is a scenario where both of them are playing. If Jameis is the starter I think Taysom is seeing a lot of action at quarterback, maybe even moreso than he did with me.”
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Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
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RazzleDazzle38 months
frick all the Drew haters.
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Strannix38 months
No one cares what this loser has to say
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dietcoke738 months
Drew going to be in trouble with his racial overlords. Mentioned the white guy first.
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CajunBullet38 months
Absolutely.... it is against BLM Protocol! Drew "The Knees" arse is in trouble!
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TooFyeToFly38 months
You people are delusional. Nobody thinks like this.
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HonoraryCoonass38 months
I hope Brees sought Malcolm Jenkins’ approval first, before running with such a controversial opinion.
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Lynxrufus201238 months
Went out on a limb there didn't he? LOL
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BobABooey38 months
Hey Drew - Just go away, k? Buh bye.
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Elleshoe38 months
hey Bob, suck my dick.
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LSUrme38 months
So everyone loves the game. Best attribute for a staring QB.
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atltiger648738 months
Drew Brees - still a coward
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