Check out this adorable little girl named Zoe reel in a pretty decent-size fish using her little pink fishing rod as dad guides her home...

That took some strength, no?
Filed Under: NCAA Sports
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SamuelClemens116 months
Good father right there
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utstnx116 months
At the end...the other daughter says, "Dad can you put that on my fishing pole?".....Like now its my turn for you to put it on mine.
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rattlebucket116 months
nice thought and all but staged. That bass was exhausted from already being caught.
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Rebel Land Shark116 months
What the frick is a ratchet rod?
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HailFreezusOver116 months
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HailFreezusOver116 months
So he put the fish on his daughters pole and threw it back in and let her real it in? That fish was already wore out it had zero fight.

"Dad can you put that on my fishing pole?" Staged.

It's a shame because I was happy and impressed for her. Hope I'm wrong and it's real.

Hell maybe I'm just jealous
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StrangeBrew116 months
Dad needs videography lessons
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Voorhies7116 months
Better put a foot in that pick if you want to bring it to the OB. Hope that lil girl gets to keep going fishing. Great fish.
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Good Ole Baw116 months
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Agforlife116 months
Damn nice fish
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poochie116 months
0.00% chance that's real.
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Thracken13116 months
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ArmyHogs116 months
"can you put that on my fishing pole?" Lol that's awesome.
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thelsutigers116 months
That's great!!
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lsusteve1116 months
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